
  • sweet,
    <br>how're you? I don't have much uncomfort ar.. except easier to be hungry.. and easier to be full as well..... and need to sleep more... nausea sometimes but not often lar.... u nei??
    <br>want to see the baby by ultrasound again~ feel more real by seeing it :)

  • 我都進入第7週了, 同你們的情況差不多, 個胃成日頂住, 但又易餓, 都幾煩! 還有, 就是個肚每天都有間中肚痛, 如去街去耐d肚痛的情況還會嚴重d, 休息後, 又會冇咁痛.
    <br>見到有個話18週都打算不要個bb Topic. 聽到都令人覺得不舒服. 既然是不能有bb, 為何不做好安全措施.

  • 我都進入第7週了, 同你們的情況差不多, 個胃成日頂住, 但又易餓, 都幾煩! 還有, 就是個肚每天都有間中肚痛, 如去街去耐d肚痛的情況還會嚴重d, 休息後, 又會冇咁痛.
    <br>見到有個話18週都打算不要個bb Topic. 聽到都令人覺得不舒服. 既然是不能有bb, 為何不做好安全措施.

  • blue2,
    <br>if I walk and stand for too long, my lower part would feel uncomfortable, too.. so, I can't go shopping for too long.. and after work, I just want to go home as quick as I can...
    <br>oh.. if you feel "暈" .. you might need more calcium ar... maybe you don't have enough blood with the pregnancy, be careful.
    <br>I read books that recommends us to break the 3 main meals into some small meals... so, eat less for each meal, but eat more often.... I found if I don't eat too full (just 70% full) for each meal, 胃won't be so 頂住.. try try lar
    <br>And, my sister-in-law reminds me to have some biscuts, water, "white flower oil", and some sour snack all the time in my bag.. just in case mar~

  • tianma & sweet,
    <br>I've not told my boss either.. Originally, I was thinking to wait till it's 3 months.. but I will go for a 2nd prenatal checkup on the 20th... now, I might ask for medical letter from the doctor and let my boss know after that lar.

  • oh.. by the 20th, it should be my 10th week... I"m currently in my 8th week :)

  • siubak
    <br>我都會好容易肚餓,一肚餓就要即刻食野,怕餓親bb ma!! hahaa...
    <br>我過了今個星期六,做完第一次醫院產檢,下星期就會比信公司了,因之後去檢查又要請假,都幾煩! 到時都11週,應該ok既...我估! 哈哈.....

  • I"m currently in my 6th week, but last week my baby was gone

  • Siubak,
    <br>thank you very much, 我個人本身係比較虛既, 所以真係要補返下,我都唔記得左要補充鈣添, 我第一胎都有食鈣片。
    <br>我個醫生叫我要將一餐既份量分成四五餐食, 我仲笑佢話會餓c我, 因為好易肚餓, 但依家真係覺得好��, 不過咁樣一來咪要由朝食到晚, 一個鐘食一次, hehe

  • Tianma,
    <br>yes ar.. I drink milk twice a day now ar ... I haven't start eating 鈣片 ar... will check with my doctor to see if I need later lar. but I eat spanish 1 ~ 2 times / week, too.. more natural mar.
    <br>aiya... just finished a task that made me so nervous ar... don't know if that will affect BB nei??

  • oh.. I meant spinach 菠菜 not spanish :P
    <br>haha.. yes lar.. if I'm hungry now, I need to eat something immediately.. not like before, I can hold myself for awhile ... now, just can't lor.
    <br>I am seeing C+ doctor.. so, I am trying to make my checkup appointment on Sat lar... then,my husband can go with me, too mar

  • Hi all,
    <br>你地除左覺得好易肚餓之外, 仲有冇覺得好易醒呀. 我平時可以一日訓天光, 不過依家一晚醒幾次. 好辛苦.
    <br>我開始有作悶既感覺喇, 雖然未至於嘔. 不過都係好唔舒服. 特別係朝早返工個段時間. 幾驚係條街到頂唔順要暈.
    <br>其實好多人都講過要少食多餐. 不過返寫字樓好難成日食野架. 比人見到都唔好啦.

  • 我第一胎無問醫生自己買鈣片來食, 不過其實有飲奶都應該唔會唔夠鈣既。
    <br>我就鐘意約醫生平日, 因為唔使等咁耐,次次星期六都要等約一小時,我老公因為係自己工所以都隨時可以陪我去睇,但因為依家bb都仲係細細點所以我都叫佢唔使陪住。
    <br>我又係朝早返工勁辛苦呀, 每次都以為自己就來暈咁。哩兩日開始作嘔作悶但就頂住嘔唔出, 竟辛苦。
    <br>yy, 我都有好易醒既情況呀, 仲要最少一晚醒兩次添, 所以�埜o好差, 個人就�リW加��, 好想請假在家休息,但哩輪公司又唔俾請假。
    <br>不過只要捱過初初哩三個月, 之後會好舒服, 好開心, 大家加油啦。

  • yy,
    <br>same as me ar.. I would woke up 2 times each nite now ar... very often, I need to pee, too.. which I never have to before I was pregnant gar!
    <br>hm... I would put some biscut just nearby my desk lor... and break it into small pieces.. so.. I can finished bit by bit but all in just one bite.. then won't be so noticeable ar mar. if not "少食多餐".. I think after lunch, I would throw up ar... so, really can't be "多食少餐' ar.
    <br>if you have 作悶 / 作嘔.. I suggest you try to '嘔" first .. or at least let the 'gas' out before you go to work lar.. always I found if I 'urh" the gas out (not really 嘔).. i would feel much better gar.

  • Tianma,
    <br>really will feel better after 3 months gar? hm.. how soon will our tummy be visible nei?? after 4 months??
    <br>actually, my tummy is bigger than before now, the doctor said it's because of the "腸"...?? is it just because I didn't go 'big' daily??

  • Hi all,
    <br>我都係每晚最少醒一至兩次,有時試過三次,每次都係"人有三急"急醒了! 係咪生完至會好呢? 大家知唔知啊?
    <br>另外,係咪一定要食鈣片啊? 幾時開始食呢? 我現在每日早上都有飲奶,足夠嗎?

    <br>我第一胎都係到三個零月就開始無作嘔作悶, 但我都聽過有d人嘔到七八個月, 不過哩d係極少數人。
    <br>第一胎最少要四個月先見肚, 第二胎就會快d, 我依家個肚都似兩三個月, 主要都係食得多之故。
    <br>我覺得飲奶同均衡飲食都有足夠鈣, 記得適量咁接觸陽光幫助吸收鈣。

  • 我預產期都係12月,現在week 10, 仍然有好多唔舒服,因為之前已quit左份工,可以在家休息,但由week 6嘔到而家,無胃口,胃氣勁到似青蛙叫, 仲成日要罰,呼吸有時好辛苦,只得90多磅, 驚bb唔健康! 希望快d到下個月, 可以舒服d.

  • 我因是偏食主義者, 魚和奶都接受唔到, 所以醫生就開了孕婦維他命比我, 咁我之前有吃開鈣片和葉酸, 帶給醫生看後, 話一齊吃都沒問題.

  • 我又係每晚都會醒幾次, 通常2個多小時就會"人有三急"急醒了, 好在之後都訓得返.

  • blue 2,
    <br>o個鐘! 我想問鈣片係咪一定要食啊? 醫生比定自己出去買啊?

  • blue2
    <br>Hi,睇左之前你的message,你都努力了一年多就bingo, 我都努力左9個月,但仍失敗.請問你有冇方法可容易bingo分亨下. 睇到咁多人都bingo,我勁羨慕...幾時先到我.........

  • 我今日去廣華做完第一次檢查, ultrasound見到個bb, 而家重記得....但係因為我有個瘤唔可以入助產士小組有點失望..

  • Tianma,
    <br>我未夠2個月, 已經見肚喇. 因為勁食羅. hahaha~~~ 我奶奶急不及待要煲雞湯比我. 而我自己又易肚餓. 2-3個鐘就要食一次. 想唔見肚都幾難.
    <br>我尋晚去左睇c+醫生照u/s. bb 太細喇. 淨係見到閃閃下既心跳. 雖然係咁, 見佢一切正常都安心d.

  • Hi all,
    <br>好耐無上黎喇!! 因為屋企發生咗一D事,最近心情才稍稍平復.
    <br>先報告一下近況: 到了C+醫生處照ultrasound, bb 現在1.6cm長, 看到佢的心閃下閃下, 好感動呀!!
    <br>提醒一下大家, 醫生說如胃部感到不適, 不要服用含鐵質的supplement, 因為鐵質會加劇胃的不適感. 她說其實頭3個月只要食folic acid丸便足夠. 所以現在我每天只食她開的folic acid丸(5mg), 胃比之前服Materna舒服好多.

  • 12月媽咪!
    <br>Fion - Dec 17, 2006 威爾斯
    <br>siubak - Dec 16, 2006
    <br>yy - 29 Dec 2006 威爾斯
    <br>sweet - 6 Dec 2006/瑪嘉烈
    <br>step - 9 Dec 2006 瑪麗

  • Fion,
    <br>welcome back ar.. good to see you online again ar... hope your family matter is okay now, don't let it affect you and bb~ :) stay happy and relax~~
    <br>keke.. yes ar.. I felt so happy when I first saw bb through ultrasound, too ~ I will go for my 2nd checkup next Sat ar.. I just can't wait to see BB through ultrasound again :)

  • Fion,
    <br>你會在那裡生啊? 快d update個 list 啦!

  • blue2 & Tinama,
    <br>請問你地會在那裡生呢? 幾時預產期啊? update O下丫! Thanks!!

  • siubak,
    <br>Thanks ar.
    <br>My next check-up will be on 7thJun at PWH for OSCAR. Need to wait for 1 month to see BB again.
    <br>Will your husband go with you on sat? Tell us about BB's condition after the checkup ar.

  • 12月媽咪!
    <br>Fion - Dec 17, 2006 威爾斯
    <br>siubak - Dec 16, 2006
    <br>yy - 29 Dec 2006 威爾斯
    <br>sweet - 6 Dec 2006/瑪嘉烈
    <br>tianma - 24 Dec 2006(tbc) 私家/廣華(tbc)
    <br>step - 9 Dec 2006 瑪麗

  • Sweet,
    <br>Thanks too. I'll try to keep my 心情好D.
    <br>How's ur BB? How big is he/she? My BB is 8weeks, 1.6cm. So small.

  • Fion,
    <br>見你回來這個topic, 真的很開心.
    <br>吃鈣片係因為我不飲奶所以要食, 我吃的是GNC, 不是醫生開的, 是我帶給醫生看後, 話吃都沒問題.
    <br>只是中間日子隔日做, 之後墊高屁股約20分鐘, 其餘的就看運氣.

  • Sweet,
    <br>我e生仲未同我講確實既預產期呀,自己計就係12月24日,但上次e生就話應該遲幾日, 唔知會唔會遲成個星期同我女女同一日預產期12月31日呢,係就真係搞笑。
    <br>我又仲未決定係私家定政府生呀,因為要睇最後決定係開刀定順產, 開刀就一定要係私家啦,我傾向想開刀多d, 因為可以擇日, 同埋第一胎實在好痛。

  • Tianma,
    <br>多謝你! 到時知道確實日期先再update囉!!
    <br> 如果同大女同日咪仲好! hehee...
    <br>我現在已10weeks,仲未知有幾多cm啊! 因上次照u/s係3星期前了,明天就會去醫院做第一次產檢,希望有得照啦!
    <br>thanks! 我到時問醫生我需唔需要食啦!

  • Fion,
    <br>thanks~ keke.. yes ar.. my husband will go with me on Sat lar. it's better to experience this together gei~
    <br>I've not decided where to deliver my baby ar... but most likely private hospital lar.. coz' I didn't registered in public hospital ar. when I have decided, I will update the list lar~~ :)

  • sweet,
    <br>10 weeks... feeling any different nei?? can see the tummy yet?? by the time I visit the doc (next Sat), I will be on my 9-10th week lar... hopefully , I will know the size of BB then~~ :) when are you going to have your next checkup nei??

  • Tianma,
    <br>wow... if two babies born on the same date, that would be good bor.. haha... can celebrate the birthday together mar~~ :)
    <br>Yesterday, I was super tired ar... just didn't want to move at all after work .. and first time after pregnant that I didn't wake up in the middle of nite ar....

  • siubak,
    <br>明早去pmh醫院check,到23號先去c+ check啊!

  • sweet,
    <br>pmh醫院 check will overlap with c+ mar? public hospital's doctor ok ng ok nei? female or male nei? same doctor everytime or different gar??
    <br>have you eat something around 4-5pm ar? 胃痛.. hm.. quite serious bor. if you feel hungry / before you feel very hungry, you should grab something to eat first ar. If you 胃 is not good, better ask doctor before taking "鈣片".. coz' that is too much for the 胃. you drink milk everyday mar?

  • siubak,
    <br>我明天先去check啊,check完回來再講你聽丫! ....詳細我不知啊!
    <br>4-5pm.....我有食野架! 有時食個"飽"o潻! 但都頂唔順! 到時我都會問o下醫生怎辦好!
    <br>另外我每朝都有飲鮮奶架! 所以我都唔知食唔食 "鈣片"好!!

  • sweet,
    <br>dim ar?? how's the checkup?? did you have ultrasound again?? can see BB??? kekeke
    <br>hm... 鮮奶 everyday should be enough lar.. unless you are 貧血, otherwise, I think no need to take extra "鈣片" la~

  • all,
    <br>我有輕型地貧, 醫生係叫我食葉酸食到生架.
    <br>我又係呀....已經重左3lbs, 肥哂係自己度, 食親野都只維持到2-3個鐘. 跟住又肚餓. 最慘係臨訓時肚餓. 食流質野又要半野去廁所, 食固體野又肥. 又頂住個胃. 都唔知點好.

  • siubak,
    <br>我星期六去了醫院做第一次產檢啦!其實都沒有什麼野做. 第1 check小便,第2 check血壓&脈搏,第3見護士(問詳細病歷資料),第4抽血,第5聽講座, 之後就走得了. 因星期六係無醫生返, 所以今個星期四先回去見醫生&睇報告等.
    <br>至於照u/s, 我問了護士她說唔係次次都有得照, 佢話要見醫生幾次及看看bb週數才決定有冇得照, 所以如果醫院冇得照我就會去c+照了, 照o左看到bb都開心d!

  • sweet,
    <br>did the nurse tell you what to check for the "抽血"? I haven't check 血 yet.. but I did that on a pre-pregnancy chkup before lor... what is the "講座" about nei? Since I'm visiting private doctor only, I thik i need to register some 講座 at the private hospital, too~

  • 大家最近又覺得點呀? 我哩兩日開始超辛苦呀, 放假時由朝到晚攤係梳發or床, 無時無刻想作嘔咩, 只鐘意吃酸野。
    <br>今日返工真係好辛苦呀 又想�啎S無力, 又間中作嘔, 中午好辛苦先吃到些少野, 慘。

  • Tianma,
    <br>I am so tired these couple of weeks as well~~ I feel so sleepy every afternoon at work.. and usually during the weekends, I need to take afternoon nap.
    <br>hm.. eating still okay. I bought d-glucose candies ... seems wake me up a bit sometimes lar.

  • why I'm not feel 作嘔, when are you starting 作嘔?

  • 召集07年1月準媽媽

  • siubak and tianma,
    <br>I'm also very tired everyday ar... same as tianma, 放假時由朝到晚攤係梳發.
    <br>Now I can only eat a little bit each time. Just 1/4 to 1/3 bowl of rice and 1/3 bowl of dishes. Then half of an orange. Have a feeling of 'full' all the time.
    <br>Sometimes i want to 作嘔 on the bus or in a crowded place. When will these 'sickness' disappear?

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