有無人學緊日文架? 入來傾下啦...

  • 難, 係啦, 好在我都有野做既~

  • 全部日本網都上唔到

  • 皆 さ ん ∼ 順 子(じ ゅ ん こ )と 申 し ま す 。
    <br>は じ め ま し て よ ろ し く お 願 い し ま す ∼
    <br>sugee 是sugoi (す ご い )的口語
    <br>す げ ぇ ~

  • 好肚餓丫...

  • おはよう∼

  • 順 子, hihi, thanks~

  • おはよう∼

  • miho,

  • 難, hihi, 呢幾日上唔到網, 好悶呢~

  • miho,
    <br>係啦...不過好彩我公司勉強都仲可以上到網, 所以睇下新聞囉! 返到屋企就悶啦, 因為屋企用netvigator...乜都上唔到, 只係上到呢度咋

  • 難, 係囉, 除左呢度, 都無咩網可以上~>.<~

  • miho,

  • 難, 嘻嘻, 咩事要知我幾歲呢?

  • 我都好悶...終於有人講下野啦...

  • haha, 無呀八啩囉, haha
    <br>梅姐聽日死忌, 唉...話咁快就三年啦

  • 難, ic, 女仔既年齡係秘密嘛~p

  • 難, 係囉, 轉下眼又3年~

  • calbee, hihi, 係啦, 好悶呀, 又唔多想做野~

  • hey I think the best way to learn japanese or another language is to go to that country for a few years to learn it. Well, it depends if you can afford it, otherwise even if you're in the highest level in hk, it is nothing compare to the chinese people who learn in Japan! My sister learnt japanese before in university for a few years, then she like it very much and decided to go to japan, once she went to japan, her level was just beginner level, and the japanese school doesn't let her to enter even in the middle level ! Then she have to start all over again from hiragana (her japanese course in uni was up to highest level ga la), and now she is 100% fluent in japanese after being there for 5 years and she is still there now! Also good that you should have a japanese partner or friends, and not only understand the language level they speak , but also to understand why the japanese grammar is sometimes spoke differently in different situations. Because they have a few different language levels like humble form and friend's form, if you talk in friend's form to a person older than you, then you're consider to be rude!

  • hey i think if you're financially affordable, then go to japan to learn it , it's the fastest and good way to learn japanese, because even if u're in the highest level of jap in hk, is just nothing compare to other people who learn japanese in japan. My sister who was studying japanese and completed the highest level in university and she decided to continue japanese and she went over to japanese a few years ago, and she was only in the beginner level in japan jar! She had to learn all the way from the start in japan, and now after 5 years, she is very fluent in japanese and also she have a japanese bf is such a great help and practise! To learn jap, not only to learn the way to speak, but also to know when to speak in which form, because japanese have humble form or friend's form, if u just speak in friend's form to a person older than you, then you're consider to be rude!

  • hey i think if you're financially affordable, then go to japan to learn it , it's the fastest and good way to learn japanese, because even if u're in the highest level of jap in hk, is just nothing compare to other people who learn japanese in japan. My sister who was studying japanese and completed the highest level in university and she decided to continue japanese and she went over to japanese a few years ago, and she was only in the beginner level in japan jar! She had to learn all the way from the start in japan, and now after 5 years, she is very fluent in japanese and also she have a japanese bf is such a great help and practise! To learn jap, not only to learn the way to speak, but also to know when to speak in which form, because japanese have humble form or friend's form, if u just speak in friend's form to a person older than you, then you're consider to be rude!

  • hey i think if you're financially affordable, then go to japan to learn it , it's the fastest and good way to learn japanese, because even if u're in the highest level of jap in hk, is just nothing compare to other people who learn japanese in japan. My sister who was studying japanese and completed the highest level in university and she decided to continue japanese and she went over to japanese a few years ago, and she was only in the beginner level in japan jar! She had to learn all the way from the start in japan, and now after 5 years, she is very fluent in japanese and also she have a japanese bf is such a great help and practise!

  • hey i think if you're financially affordable, then go to japan to learn it , it's the fastest and good way to learn japanese, because even if u're in the highest level of jap in hk, is just nothing compare to other people who learn japanese in japan. My sister who was studying japanese and completed the highest level in university and she decided to continue japanese and she went over to japanese a few years ago, and she was only in the beginner level in japan jar! She had to learn all the way from the start in japan, and now after 5 years, she is very fluent in japanese and also she have a japanese bf is such a great help and practise! To learn jap, not only to learn the way to speak, but also to know when to speak in which form, because japanese have humble form or friend's form, if u just speak in friend's form to a person older than you, then you're consider to be rude!

  • hey i think if you're financially affordable, then go to japan to learn it , it's the fastest and good way to learn japanese, because even if u're in the highest level of jap in hk, is just nothing compare to other people who learn japanese in japan. My sister who was studying japanese and completed the highest level in university and she decided to continue japanese and she went over to japanese a few years ago, and she was only in the beginner level in japan jar! She had to learn all the way from the start in japan, and now after 5 years, she is very fluent in japanese and also she have a japanese bf is such a great help and practise! To learn jap, not only to learn the way to speak, but also to know when to speak in which form, because japanese have humble form or friend's form, if u just speak in friend's form to a person older than you, then you're consider to be rude!

  • hey i think if you're financially affordable, then go to japan to learn it , it's the fastest and good way to learn japanese, because even if u're in the highest level of jap in hk, is just nothing compare to other people who learn japanese in japan. My sister who was studying japanese and completed the highest level in university and she decided to continue japanese and she went over to japanese a few years ago, and she was only in the beginner level in japan jar! She had to learn all the way from the start in japan, and now after 5 years, she is very fluent in japanese and also she have a japanese bf is such a great help and practise! To learn jap, not only to learn the way to speak, but also to know when to speak in which form, because japanese have humble form or friend's form, if u just speak in friend's form to a person older than you, then you're consider to be rude!

  • hey i think if you're financially affordable, then go to japan to learn it , it's the fastest and good way to learn japanese, because even if u're in the highest level of jap in hk, is just nothing compare to other people who learn japanese in japan. My sister who was studying japanese and completed the highest level in university and she decided to continue japanese and she went over to japanese a few years ago, and she was only in the beginner level in japan jar! She had to learn all the way from the start in japan, and now after 5 years, she is very fluent in japanese and also she have a japanese bf is such a great help and practise! To learn jap, not only to learn the way to speak, but also to know when to speak in which form, because japanese have humble form or friend's form, if u just speak in friend's form to a person older than you, then you're consider to be rude!

  • hey i think if you're financially affordable, then go to japan to learn it , it's the fastest and good way to learn japanese, because even if u're in the highest level of jap in hk, is just nothing compare to other people who learn japanese in japan. My sister who was studying japanese and completed the highest level in university and she decided to continue japanese and she went over to japanese a few years ago, and she was only in the beginner level in japan jar! She had to learn all the way from the start in japan, and now after 5 years, she is very fluent in japanese and also she have a japanese bf is such a great help and practise! To learn jap, not only to learn the way to speak, but also to know when to speak in which form, because japanese have humble form or friend's form, if u just speak in friend's form to a person older than you, then you're consider to be rude!

  • calbee, miho
    <br>我有講野呀, 不過呢幾日又真係幾無mood返工, 可能放完假啩
    <br>hihi, 我都知去日本讀會容易學識, 不過唔係個個都可以好似你sister有錢去讀...
    <br>何況仲要離開香港五年, 我寧願係香港努力多d讀算...

  • 難, 我都同意你既idea, 如果可以既, 梗係最好去日本讀啦~

  • hey i think if you're financially affordable, then go to japan to learn it , it's the fastest and good way to learn japanese, because even if u're in the highest level of jap in hk, is just nothing compare to other people who learn japanese in japan. My sister who was studying japanese and completed the highest level in university and she decided to continue japanese and she went over to japanese a few years ago, and she was only in the beginner level in japan jar! She had to learn all the way from the start in japan, and now after 5 years, she is very fluent in japanese and also she have a japanese bf is such a great help and practise! To learn jap, not only to learn the way to speak, but also to know when to speak in which form, because japanese have humble form or friend's form, if u just speak in friend's form to a person older than you, then you're consider to be rude!

  • miho,
    <br>尋晚先同屋企人傾, 問佢地如果我去日本讀日文好唔好, 佢地都唔想我離開香港, 加上其實我都唔想所以真係無點唸過去日本讀, 如果有心邊度都一樣既, 不過可能要付出多少少時間囉!

  • sorry, i accidentally post so many posts! yeah, my mum didn't give much money to my sister to learn over in japan, my sister need to find a part time job over there to support herself ga, she is quite tough! Maybe because of her bf la! but I think it's totally worth the experience lor! how old are you guys? Ever thinking about going to japan to study?

  • for school fees , it's 80 man yen per year (she just enter into normal japanese school, no need to enter to expensive one is totally enough), for living and food is 14 man yen each month!.... do u think is expensive? we were thinking just enter into not so expensive school is enough!(most important is near where u live, because transport is expensive over there) School fees can pay instalments.

  • 如果有心邊度都一樣既 ----- is totally wrong! To learn a language better, it is better to learn it in that country, tell u what? I learn jap before, and once i am out of the classroom, all the stuffs gave back to the teacher, because you're not living in a japanese environment. 如果有心邊度都一樣既 is a common mistakes by hk people! Learning japanese in hk for 6 years is only equal to half a year of beginning class in japan.... think about it!

  • 94man yen = hkd?

  • 突然又好忙...哈哈...
    <br>另一個讀左好耐日文...係ex bf既亞哥...

  • 難...而家約$60000度

  • calbee,
    <br>好似我呢d仲讀緊初班既人黎講如果去日本真係會變左個廢人, 唔識聽,唔識睇,唔識講!可能到時變左去日本拍AV 咯! haha
    <br>咁如果$60000又唔係貴喎, 但點解你個fd要成廿萬既? 如果一年要廿萬我寧願去澳洲讀英文

  • yeah it's quite a lot of money, so think carefully before you go and see if you really need to go to learn japanese. Becuase not many places uses japanese language, if you think you'll need it later, then go for it! Or else dont think about it! And dont even spend money to learn it in hk! Because you won't remember the language for your lifetime!

  • actually i am living in sydney, and living costs in here is very high compare to japan... is not cheap! Actually food is more expensive in here than in jap! So it comes down to the language u want to really learn!

  • 難...
    <br>14 man yen each month

  • calbee

  • 頭先你係問...
    <br>94man yen = hkd?

  • 哈,我誤會了

  • calbee, ic, 我都同你一樣咁諗~

  • miho...

  • load得好q慢丫...想死咁濟...

  • calbee, 嘿嘿, 都係架~p

  • おはよう∼

  • おはよう∼

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