
  • 有. 而家好似就係咁

  • 最慘是我宜家完全唔想擁有任何人...只想換番我今後既自由.但我已經係人地5年既女友

  • 某某然分手咩?

  • 可以短暫分開一排既

  • One foot steps on two boats lah (find a new bf while keeping the old one) and you will know at that time who you really love...............

  • 你吾好咁膚淺啦版主,可以突然改變既就吾係愛啦,吾了解就重新學習啦....

  • Federic.
    <br> i hv tried it b4..the results is two guys i dun like too

  • why you don't like your current bf?
    <br>1/ Still poor after 5 years?
    <br>2/ Still useless (no career) after 5 years?
    <br>3/ Cannot keep promises after 5 years
    <br>4/ Cannot fulfill your materialistic needs after 5 years?
    <br>5/ No good in sex
    <br>6/ Getting ugly and fat
    <br>7/ Bad temper, bad habits, no hope to change?

  • 我曾經以為我好中意我ex,於是嘗試重投他身邊,但後來我始終因為他唔夠錫我,我發覺自己可以慢慢唔再見他.
    <br> 自己現任..他對我好好,但我對他無曬感覺.

  • Barbie,
    <br>You need a bad bf like me:-) Someone who treats you like dirt sometimes..

  • <font color="#666666">Barbie~ replied @ 2009-06-06 2:38 pm<br /><br /></font>
    <br><div style="OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 600px">我曾經以為我好中意我ex,於是嘗試重投他身邊,但後來我始終因為他唔夠錫我,我發覺自己可以慢慢唔再見他. <br />自己現任..他對我好好,但我對他無曬感覺.</div>
    <br><br />你都吾知乜野係愛,咁你點駛指意掌握到.....<br />慢慢衰多幾次,兜多幾個圈先啦......

  • Federic,
    <br> no ..all relatives said he is gd .
    <br>and he is really gd guys honestly .actually he doesn't hv above 5 problems...but the main pt is my feeling changes to be like to be single~he still treats me really gd and considerate .he never change his gd attutide for me on these five yrs

  • 十方,
    <br>I don't think you understand what is love either.... You also 慢慢衰多幾次,兜多幾個圈先啦......

  • barbie,
    <br>You need a bad guy to stimulate your sex life and spice up your personal life. Good considerate guys are no fun in bed....

  • i hv a gd sex partner already

  • <strong><font color="#7d2500">Federic</font></strong><font color="#666666"> <img src="http://community.she.com/messageboard/images/icon_nickname.gif" align="absBottom" alt="" /> replied @ 2009-06-06 2:41 pm<br /><br /></font>
    <br><div style="OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 600px">十方, <br /><br />I don't think you understand what is love either.... You also 慢慢衰多幾次,兜多幾個圈先啦......</div>
    <br><br /><br />你低能架?同我比較係重點呀?

  • barbie,
    <br>You don't need a bf. You can have multiple partners like me and enjoy life.

  • hahahaha..dun agrued la ,u 2

  • @@

  • i dun hv to get too much partner..i hv no such more need on sex ar

  • I have many gfs, some mainly for sex, some mainly for fun, some I can enjoy time with them without sex.....
    <br>Multiple partners =/= multiple sex partners

  • huh you have a bf AND a sex partner? two separate persons?

  • actually ,i can hv so many guys if i want,but i dun want to get it ..i only like to be frds with them and enjoy the life with them ~for sharing...for playing..for eating ~no committment is comfort

  • Many girls are like that now...

  • 我知道如果我同現任結婚.將來一定好幸福.但我無法找回對他的感覺.我嘗試所有男性朋友都唔見一排..但我竟然發現我最掛住只係一個大我8年的sex partner ..您話點算

  • 但掛住亦都唔需要他的承諾..我只想自己一個人,靜靜的

  • Nothing wrong. You are just not ready to settle down yet because you still have plenty of fun with different men.
    <br>I also have gfs/sex partners who have husbands or steady bfs. Really no big deal.

  • sex partner...

  • what's so funny? I also have a pretty sex partner who said she loved me more than her bf because I gave her more freedom; but on the other hand she did not want me to be her steady bf because I have too many gfs/sps.

  • Kort,
    <br> 又唔可以講完全係sp.他脾氣好好,我們感情都好好.我們都會彼此關心.不過他都好叻同有才華

  • Federic replied @ 2009-06-06 3:10 pm
    <br>Fed 我諗你會係社會上比較unique同extreme既一群黎
    <br>好多人都想好似你咁, 但期望同你過同一樣生活既, 對好多人黎講都唔realistic

  • Federic
    <br>I also have a pretty sex partner who said she loved me more than her bf because I gave her more freedom---->甘都信,因為她驚您煩住她先甘講

  • Barbie~ replied @ 2009-06-06 3:11 pm
    <br>講到尾, 都係一個sp黎.
    <br>你不如同你男友分左手佢擺啦, 再拖害左你&佢

  • Kort, agreed with your assessment of me:-) I am very lucky.
    <br>Barbie, I have no time to 煩住她. She always wants to see me more. if you like your 好叻同有才華 sp, why don't you stay with him? because he is married or he has many gfs?

  • federic,
    <br> i told u the truth that if the gal is being any guy's sp ..the gal will not mind how many sp the guys hv ..honestly ,the gal understand how the guy starts the relationship with her ,and he also can starts with others at the same moment.but if the gal really want to love u long time,the gal will live with u and will not hv any sp anymore.

  • Barbie,
    <br>I think you are confused.
    <br>Most girls I met admitted that they married guys who they did not love that much. They married them for stability (financial or emotional).
    <br>You want to find a bf you love (and you can control) but at the same time you admire --> you must be dreaming and being unrealistic.

  • Federic,
    <br> i tried to be his gf b4 8 months after i hv sex with him..but i know he likes his freedom so much .and i still can't settle down my bf in the past ..so he and me seperate within a short period.and finally i and he still keep sp relationship till now.we understand each others ,and only seen abt twice or three times a month ..such as eating and enjoying sex

  • To be honest, you love you sp but you fear he will not give you stability (financial or emotional).
    <br>Similarly, for men, all men want their gfs/sps to be virgins and have good sex at the same time, you will only get that in your wet dream...

  • perhaps ,i really like my sp .but the fact that he can't give me the security and he likes to sex with me not meaning he really like me...all the things i know..so i never request him to do any things .and i do feel comfort at this status

  • Federic,
    <br> y u hv no time to stay with yr sp?because u ar so many ?hahaha...then do u know which one u like most?

  • barbie,
    <br>I think your smart and talented sp loves you. On the other hand, it's your personality that prevents you from loving him because you know he will not be happy to JUST have sex with you ALONE. If you marry him, you cannot expect to change him and he will continue to sex with other pretty girls and you can only SHARE his body.
    <br>In short, you cannot love him because subconsiously you will only love someone you can "control" to give you a sense of security. You can "control" your current bf because he is not smart, talented, good in bed compared with your sp.

  • I have two regular gfs and 4 sps now. They keep me busy on top of my busy business schedule:-) I only see my sps once a month, and my regular gfs once a week.

  • Like your sp, I am not willing to give up my whole forest for just ONE TREE:-)

  • Federic,
    <br> Honestly ,my bf is very smart on working ,and treats me very well ..so . that why i still stay with him these many yrs.the pt is my feeling is getting away from time to time.
    <br> on the other side,u ar not my sp ..thats why we all can't know he loves me or not.but his personaility i really know and is almost as same as what u distrib.but i can like him in my heart ,and i can control not to being hurt .cos i do understand what this guy he is.

  • hahaha,u ar so dirty ..remember to wear dom dom ..haha
    <br>on the other hands ,u ar so clever and can make yr time table probably ..i...three guys already make me die ....hahaha.esp when sex with all within one week.really want to die.

  • Barbie,
    <br>sorry to tell you the truth: you don't know how to love because you are scared of getting hurt. Love is irrational, emotional and unpredictable and you cannot avoid hurting each other if you are crazily in love:-)
    <br>I keep hurting girls and getting hurt and I enjoy such feeling and I enjoy love, that's why I'll be better off staying single because marriage with any girls for me will be doomed due to my personality.

  • Barbie, guess you and I think similarly except our sexual genders are different. You frustration comes from the fact that social norm expects a normal woman to get married by certain age, if not, you are a social outcast. For a dirty man like me, I have no such peer pressure and social pressure:-)

  • that's why I'll be better off staying single because marriage with any girls for me will be doomed due to my personality----->i do like this sentence.
    <br> i only think i like him in my heart and treature all time when i and he stay with each others is enough already ..i will not know anything abt future ,,and no one knows,but i will not get my sp hurt .

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