我老公想我生BB, 但礙於身體問題, 我不想, 但他竟然想找大陸女人生, 我的心傷透了, 他晚晚便和那女人通電話, 我此否和他分開

  • 咁點得呀...太過份...

  • Hi OHNO,
    <br>Yes, it's true. I told him that I didn't want to take risk as I don't want to have an unhealthy baby. He even said that if he knew earlier, he wouldn't get married with me. My heart was broken

  • 咁講野都得既?

  • so you think he should agree with you and have no son/daugther in the future?

  • 我都係咁話呀...唉....

  • 咁收養LOR....你比佢咁做...第時一定冇好日子過...一係就分開..

  • then what should he do if he really want to have a son/daugther to 傳宗接代 or you think it is ok for him and his family to 絕子絕孫? why dun you tell him that you do not want to hv baby before marriage so that both of you can consider?

  • i think it is his fault if you have told him that you wont hv baby before getting married.
    <br>but if you did not mention that to him and after marriage you let him know that he is going to have no baby..then you cannot blame him

  • he could have still have his offsprings without real sex/emotional involvement. It's just an excuse.

  • Actually, I also wanted to have a baby at the beginning. However, my friend who is a Chinese doctor, sbe told me that I am not suitable to give birth to a baby. Also, I find that he can't give me enough finance support if I have a baby. Therefore, I lost confidence and didn't want to a baby. Then he told me that his family gave him a lot of pressure as he is the only one boy who is married. As he's getting older, he said he could not wait any more.

  • worry.
    <br>man always find execuse to sex around..

  • 佢罷到明係係度包二奶啦, 依家只係找個借口, 同個二奶光大係你面, 等你無聲出.

  • worry,
    <br>jsut divorce when u r young,,,

  • he thinks his wife is a tool of baby-birth?

  • 佢罷到明係係度包二奶啦, 依家只係找個借口, 同個二奶光大係你面, 等你無聲出.
    <br>by Y - 12/11/06 17:24
    <br>寫漏野, 係同個二奶光明正大梗係你面前, 等你無聲出.

  • 咁佢一早就已經知你地唔會有小朋友, 佢仲同你結婚即係唔會介意啦, 咁為咩到今時今日先至反口? 實在太過份.

  • HI Adele,
    <br>Actually, I also want to have a baby at first and planned to have it after the first year However, I didn't have any baby after the first year. Then I told my Chinese doctor that I wanted to have one baby. As I visited her many times, she knew my body and health. Therefore, she suggested me not having one. Then, in the second year, I found that we have some problems and therefore I changed my mind

  • The point is that he didn't have one in Shenzhen. He met this one woman online. However, he sometimes need to go to work on mainland China. I knew that the first time he met this woman when he went to work on mainland China last month. After he came back to HK, he kept on talking with that woman online and on the phone almost every night. After I argued with him last night, he even told me that he had no affair with the woman, just chatting. However, I know that he met the woman and took some photos.

  • Worry,
    <br>Just bunch of BS... no affair at all?? talking long distance with that biatch every night??? excuse! I wouldn't believe it! If he really wants to have a baby with another woman... just let him do it and divorce... if he's going to do it, I don't see any future on your side....

  • 你唔生得, 到底係一個醫生講, 定係經過好多個醫生既意見? 我覺得, 如果你係好想生既話, 你會好認真同不斷去搵解決方法, 而唔係聽一個醫生講完就算數. 反而, 你對你老公欠缺安全感又或者唔想幫佢生先係主因.

  • if a couple can't agree in this major problem : having baby or not.
    <br>divorce is the best way out.

  • 你老公正xx..

  • Hi all,
    <br>Thanks for all yr reply. an concern. Actually, only my friend who is a Chinese doctor suggested me not having a baby as she said that my ingestion is not too good. The baby may not have nutrient. However, I think my health is ok. I have period regularly every month. If I really want to have a baby, I will consult more than one doctor seriously. But the point is that I have lost faith. You know, I trust him from the beginning but he could do such a thing to justify his affair with another woman. My heart was really broken.

  • I think you are also held resonsible for the problem.. when yr husband asked for a bady.. did you go check seriosuly? and discuss it seriously with him before thing gets worse? It is yr health issue or you didnt have the faith with him at the very begining? Eventually.. you man find another woman.
    <br>I m not justifying his affair with the other woman.. but jz a thought.....anyways.

  • we had a talk yesterday. We knew that we had made mistakes and then I asked if we could start it over again and he won't see the woman again. He said he needed to think about it. Should I really give up?

  • 我覺得起碼要同你討論過有乜方法先, 而唔係自己找方法.. 仲要是hurt個女人.

  • Worry,
    <br>"Actually, only my friend who is a Chinese doctor suggested me not having a baby as she said that my ingestion is not too good. The baby may not have nutrient. "
    <br>Man!!! What is this??? You better go to see more doctors for consultation.

  • 離開佢啦..咁都得~

  • 等麼?

  • worry replied @ 2006-12-11 11:09 am
    <br>Hi OHNO,
    <br>Yes, it's true. I told him that I didn't want to take risk as I don't want to have an unhealthy baby. He even said that if he knew earlier, he wouldn't get married with me. My heart was broken
    <br>this is the basics, and both should check for healthy reproductive functions before marriage
    <br>you should tell your husband-to-be before marriage, no matter who they are, whenever you married for how many times

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