Just out of curiosity, ladies, what's your favourite position with our Mr Benefit

  • Out of question, must be <font size="4"><strong>Standing Position</strong></font> with some <font size="4"><strong>variant , the Dancer<br /></strong></font><br /><a href="http://www.sexual-health-resource.org/sex_positions/standing_position_the_dancer.html">http://www.sexual-health-resource.org/sex_positions/standing_position_the_dancer.html</a><br /><br /><br /><font color="#ff0000" size="5"><strong>WHY?<br /><br /><br /></strong><font color="#000000" size="3">Unlike the traditional Standing Position in which the man upholds the lady's </font><font color="#000000" size="3">thighs, the Dancer is less energy consuming  so more suitable for our petite baby Mr Benefit.<br /><br />With a Garden Biscuit Box (嘉頓餅干罐), it can serve contraception purpose too.<br /><br /><strong><font color="#ff0000" size="5">WHY?</font></strong><br /><br />Mr Benefit must stand on the 嘉頓餅干罐 to make up for the height disability.<br /><br />After <strong><font color="#ff0000">1 minute</font></strong>, when our petite baby Mr Benefit gasps for air saying, " I'm coming....I'm coming"<br /><br />Your reaction time must be no longer than <strong><font color="#ff0000">0.02 second</font></strong> before kicking off the 嘉頓餅干罐.<br /><br />The mechanism of contraception is c</font><font color="#000000"><font size="3"><span class="mw-headline">oitus interruptus<br /></span><br />Get a clue !!!!<br /></font></font></font>

  • what da?????
    <br>You keep mentioning 嘉頓餅干罐.... makes me hungry and want a batch of cookies tim!
    <br>I like 朱古力 flavor 夾心餅, Lemon is my second flavor tim!
    <br>To help with digestion, it be a great idea to eat 朱古力夾心餅 in a standing position.
    <br>Feeling so GUUD!

  • luckily there's two McDonald's near me are open 24/7
    <br>I can go to eat now :)

  • 唔係藍罐咩?

  • 藍罐 cookie, another one of my favorite.
    <br>Love the butter flavor cookie, always hate the "sugar one" and the "raisin one".

  • 可惜Benefit己經去會周公, 咩罐都要等明天先知啦

  • 香港ge藍罐係冇外國ge Danish今好味, Danish ge 牛油味重di同香di. 奇實Danish同藍罐係唔係同一間公司?

  • 其實版主個message想表達セ野呢?
    <br>I read few times and this is what I figure out:
    <br>Baby Benefit likes to stand on 嘉頓餅干罐 for 1 minute and 0.02 kicking off the 嘉頓餅干罐....

  • My favouire position with Benefit is doggy, but he got to standing on a high chair 嘉頓餅干罐 not tall enough.

  • I think the Poster tried to insinuate that Benefit is short and he needs a box of biscuits to gain some height. By kicking off the box at that particular timing is to prevent his ejaculation of the sperms into the woman' womb which will work as some kind of contraception..... this is what I think this thread meant, is it?

  • CS,
    <br>how about scottish short bread?

  • Too heavy butter flavour and not crunchy enough

  • female,
    <br>that's true..too buttery

  • moffy replied @ 2009-02-26 2:28 am
    <br>I think the Poster tried to insinuate that Benefit is short and he needs a box of biscuits to gain some height. By kicking off the box at that particular timing is to prevent his ejaculation of the sperms into the woman' womb which will work as some kind of contraception..... this is what I think this thread meant, is it?
    <br>hahaha, thanks for translating. I guess that's what it means then. who knows.....
    <br>Just want to eat some cookies now.

  • Tim:
    <br>I like buttered cookies, short bread works the same wonders.
    <br>I like Pepperridge Farm's Milano cookies. That are really good.

  • Why people so curious about Federic and Benefit.

  • My favorite Pepperidge Farm cookies are Orange Milano and Geneva. I like 嘉頓檸檬夾心 too.

  • I wonder whether it will be easier for the girl to play 69 if the guy is shorter.

  • How can anyone enjoy doing 69? I just find it too much to handle in every way.

  • if the guy is short......the gal might reach his foots when 69. @@

  • i like green tea cookie! in specific it should be green tea biscuit!

  • i like green tea cookie! in specific it should be green tea biscuit!

  • That's me , just the thread didn't show my name
    <br>all I wanna say is
    <br>同BENEFIT BABY 做, 連套都慳返!!!何樂而不為?

  • kakakakakakaka
    <br>同BENEFIT BABY 做, 連套都慳返!!!何樂而不為

  • laugh die me. LOL

  • 嘉頓餅干罐 is taller than 藍罐

  • Matthew replied @ 2009-02-26 11:39 pm
    <br>嘉頓餅干罐 is taller than 藍罐
    <br>Yup, at least 2-3 times taller

  • Matthew,
    <br>In order to obtain the contraceptive purpose, u must taken not only Benefit's height but also the length of his erected cock into account bor but i guess 嘉頓餅干罐 should be enough unless he is much shorter than the girl or he has a very long dick.... keke

  • 我無睇錯呀嘛

  • natalie115 replied @ 2009-02-27 12:59 am
    <br>Who is he ?? i have no idea at all ..... someone who like eating 嘉頓餅干 very much ??

  • 我睇錯野 呵呵

  • Ron
    <br>should be someone need 嘉頓餅干罐 very much. :D

  • CS_She replied @ 2009-02-26 2:12 am
    <br>藍罐 cookie, another one of my favorite.
    <br>Love the butter flavor cookie, always hate the "sugar one" and the "raisin one".
    <br>CS u can leave all the sugar ones & Raisins to me, send it over on USPS.
    <br>The danish Kejeldsen ( spelling ) are very good had them since i was a kid, once in a while I would buy a small can & go crazy. At the moment I bought some Turtle shell hard cookies, came from Korea, taste more like thickened up Fortune cookies we get after a meal in traditional China town rest. When I was young they sold these similar Turtle Shell cookie in Daimaru Dept store on Causeway bay. Daimaru had since gone for few yrs now. Have a elder Aunt lives around there, whwnever i had to visit her I always walk by there to look at windows.
    <br>Come over the Wanchai ferry terminal walk up there.
    <br>Benny u get roast far too often in she. Have to bestow u with the Rodney Dangerfield award of 09. " I get no respect"

  • for safety reason, i would not recommend using the whatever cracker or cookie can for it will very likey collapse under the live (or is it dead??) of the participants 5 seconds into the dance routine.

  • 我究竟講得清唔清楚?

  • ppl says he is the indian kid in the new movie. lol

  • Can't be, that kid in the movie is way taller and better looking than benefit. LOL

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