
  • Dear All,

    Hello! 我叫做Senses, 係一間美容中心。老闆係醫謢人員, 自細已經好鬼注重皮膚保養, 所以投資o係美容護膚既時間同金錢既數目都唔少。佢試過無數護膚及化�菻~牌, 亦親身體驗過很多以不同方式經營的大小spa場及美容院, 但冇一間合佢心意。

    開Senses o既目的唔係想賺錢"禁"簡單!!! 老闆希望香港有美容院真係可以用"心"來做"好"美容! 我知道賺錢好辛苦, 所以使錢更加要使得物有所值!!! 無錯, 係價錢上我可能未係最平! 但我絕對有信心......不論環境、 創意、 衛生、安全、產品及服務, 老闆都會用佢既專業知識及時代觸覺, 再加上一班經過佢精挑細選, 而且真係會用"心"來做"好"美容o既美容師提供專業意見及服務。 我希望妳/你o地所使o既血汗錢係會使得值、使得happy! 因為你地得到既將會係the highest quality, valuable and safe既services! 全因為......您同我都係消費者!!!

    我相信妳/你o地o黎到、試過都會愛上Senses, 因為妳/你o地都會"sense"到我o既"心意!

    一切從 www.sensesbeaute.com 開始......


    ps - 連個homepage都係老闆自己做o家!!! 希望妳/你o地會鐘意!!!

  • 祝大家牛年身體建康, 心想事成!


  • Dear all,

    Someone asking and want to know something more about Senses.

    Um......for me, Senses is not only a beaute salon. That's a place for me to share what I've smelt, heard, tasted, felt and seen. That's why she call......Senses.

    Honestly, we haven't got 免費試做facial / $1蚊試做facial. I know that it's very hard to tell you how 用"心" we are. I just want to say......I believe my beauticians and we've got the same faith. From the begining, our strongest selling point is......用"心"做"好"美容!!!

    Once again, I'm apologrize that I can't reply your inquiry at immediately. But I'll try as fast as I can!!!

    A song want to share with you - What a wonderful world

    Good luck!!!

    With Hugs



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