
  • 我在英國留學,和幾個同學租了一間屋,最近有個同學退學了,換了一個英國人同學來住,我一直暗戀他,星期六還和他一起去街,但星期六他沒回來睡,星期日帶了女孩一起睡,我在他樓下的房,一直都聽到微弱的一男一女對話聲音,睡了一會被床震聲弄醒,他和那女孩正在做愛!我很不開心,那感覺很恐怖,很心寒,我又怕別人聽到我哭,一直在被窩中飲泣,早上聽到腳步聲,他們一起吃早餐,一起出門,那女孩一定是同學校的!>.<

  • Kitty你都好hurt喎! 你有無見到個女仔咩樣呀? 有無打招呼?

  • 初戀?

  • 3P lor

  • 我不敢出去和他們打招呼,我只是在他們出門時在窗偷望,那女孩有長長的金髮,正面也看不到>.<

  • 華女愛鬼仔, 民族死症.
    <br>明知係鬼仔, 就預左性生活多姿多彩, 英國仔妃大部分未成年就玩過曬 多P SM 車床 換伴野戰等. 愛得既就要包容, 仲應該投其所好. 英國仔只係同一件就手既菜正正常常搞野, 你喊嘜?
    <br>鬼仔通常上過華女之後, 都會愛不惜手, 東方女性既幼嫩, 全世界無嘜鬼婆唔認輸.

  • so you are in uk now ?

  • Kitty唔好唔開心,你地幾多歲?

  • seems u are preparing to go to uni
    <br>my email is [email protected]
    <br>if you like to make a new friend, kindly send me your msn
    <br>add oil, take care.

  • 我都同英國男仔交往過,但我覺得佢地O係外國人之中比教保守小小(可能佢有宗教信仰關係),講真,O係香港,都大把大學生帶男仔女仔番宿舍鬼混

  • sex is part of life.
    <br>some people are more experience, some are less experience, some are comfortable, some are less so. some have restrictions due to different reasons, upbringing and background, some are very liberal.
    <br>if you are in uk, do learn more about other people's culture. cherish the opportunity to study, take the good points of uk, dreaming about white guys will not get you anywhere.

  • 咁埋仲好,死咗條心...

  • 放張字條入他屋內,請他自律,不要夜欄人靜時擾人清夢

  • benefit replied @ 2009-02-24 12:22 am
    <br>sex is part of life.
    <br>some people are more experience, some are less experience, some are comfortable, some are less so. some have restrictions due to different reasons, upbringing and background, some are very liberal.
    <br>if you are in uk, do learn more about other people's culture. cherish the opportunity to study, take the good points of uk, dreaming about white guys will not get you anywhere.
    <br>benefit u are indian
    <br>whyp retend to be chninese?

  • 我20歲,在LSE讀Economics,他和我同年。我也知道白人性開放,只是因為我暗戀他,才特別難受>.<他一直給我的印像都不是這樣花花公子,我也不知道那女孩是他女友還是誰,我也不敢多問他>.<

  • LSE of course is top top school for economics.. u probably have more than 3 As at A level to get in la..
    <br>i graded from uk lu.
    <br>let's chat at msn la if you are ok to make a new friend.

  • benefit replied @ 2009-02-24 12:46 am
    <br>LSE of course is top top school for economics.. u probably have more than 3 As at A level to get in la..
    <br>i graded from uk lu.
    <br>let's chat at msn la if you are ok to make a new friend.
    <br>be careful beneift is a n indian guy
    <br>and ask for sex

  • benefit replied @ 2009-02-24 12:15 am
    <br>seems u are preparing to go to uni
    <br>my email is [email protected]
    <br>if you like to make a new friend, kindly send me your msn
    <br>add oil, take care.
    <br>benefit has nothing to do but following the gals thread here
    <br>he can post his reply one min ater the host open the thread
    <br>too bad la

  • kitty are u still here?

  • haha
    <br>if you have something constructive to say, then say it. you probably need thicker glasses to see i am not indian.
    <br>if you have the courage, kindly post your pic or use your nick.
    <br>otherwise, stop wrecking other people's conversations.
    <br>but then, this is public chat so feel free to say whatever, unfortunately she.com doesn't have admin and this alias thing can be easily abused by people.

  • where have u been daddy.. i want your big big warm tool =)=)

  • benefit replied @ 2009-02-24 12:52 am
    <br>if you have something constructive to say, then say it. you probably need thicker glasses to see i am not indian.
    <br>if you have the courage, kindly post your pic or use your nick.
    <br>otherwise, stop wrecking other people's conversations.
    <br>but then, this is public chat so feel free to say whatever, unfortunately she.com doesn't have admin and this alias thing can be easily abused by people.
    <br>oh u post a yellow guy nhere and say it is u?
    <br>and the yellow guy must be u?
    <br>what is the logic?

  • all ppls here know u use alias matthew to support urself
    <br>u need me to launch another war on u?

  • 14 year old replied @ 2009-02-24 12:53 am
    <br>where have u been daddy.. i want your big big warm tool =)=)
    <br>hey u wh at are u pretending?

  • daddy... haha is bad boy ? i want too =)=)

  • 14 year old replied @ 2009-02-24 12:56 am
    <br>daddy... haha is bad boy ? i want too =)=)
    <br>what are u pretending again?

  • benefit replied @ 2009-02-24 12:52 am
    <br>if you have something constructive to say, then say it. you probably need thicker glasses to see i am not indian.
    <br>if you have the courage, kindly post your pic or use your nick.
    <br>otherwise, stop wrecking other people's conversations.
    <br>but then, this is public chat so feel free to say whatever, unfortunately she.com doesn't have admin and this alias thing can be easily abused by people.
    <br>how to prove the bald is u? so funny
    <br>u not say u are bald like the pic ga wor

  • Daddy will Die because he had sex with a 14 years old HAHAHAHA.. Daddy will Die...

  • <br>花花公子?
    <br>男人18歲, 女人35歲, 有至強既性需要.
    <br>你20歲女, 唔享受性愛, 甚至根本未做過, 都好正常.
    <br>男人既需要, 你無法體會, 但都唔應該用教(呃)細路個種宗教口吻去指責別人花心既. 唔通你一日唔嫁比佢, 佢一日都唔準有性生活咩? (雖然我都無性生活兼好討厭咁多女人湊鬼)
    <br>你愛得鬼仔, 就預左大龍鳳, 拍到拖, 結到婚, 甚至抱埋孫...
    <br>文化又唔同, 語言又唔算好通, 人地唔玩你既心, 淨係玩你身體, 已經係你既福氣. 愛一個人之前, 要識得三思.

  • Daddy i sleep lor.. i like thick and warm ar.. =(

  • haha replied @ 2009-02-24 1:04 am
    <br>Daddy will Die because he had sex with a 14 years old HAHAHAHA.. Daddy will Die...
    <br>this is not me

  • 14 year old replied @ 2009-02-24 1:08 am
    <br>Daddy i sleep lor.. i like thick and warm ar.. =(
    <br>what are u pretending?

  • haha replied @ 2009-02-24 1:02 am
    <br>benefit replied @ 2009-02-24 12:52 am
    <br>if you have something constructive to say, then say it. you probably need thicker glasses to see i am not indian.
    <br>if you have the courage, kindly post your pic or use your nick.
    <br>otherwise, stop wrecking other people's conversations.
    <br>but then, this is public chat so feel free to say whatever, unfortunately she.com doesn't have admin and this alias thing can be easily abused by people.
    <br>how to prove the bald is u? so funny
    <br>u not say u are bald like the pic ga wor
    <br>this is not me

  • haha replied @ 2009-02-24 1:11 am
    <br>haha replied @ 2009-02-24 1:02 am
    <br>benefit replied @ 2009-02-24 12:52 am
    <br>if you have something constructive to say, then say it. you probably need thicker glasses to see i am not indian.
    <br>if you have the courage, kindly post your pic or use your nick.
    <br>otherwise, stop wrecking other people's conversations.
    <br>but then, this is public chat so feel free to say whatever, unfortunately she.com doesn't have admin and this alias thing can be easily abused by people.
    <br>how to prove the bald is u? so funny
    <br>u not say u are bald like the pic ga wor
    <br>this is not me
    <br>this is not me
    <br>this is benefit
    <br>i sleep la beneift u indian h aha

  • haha replied @ 2009-02-24 1:12 am
    <br>haha replied @ 2009-02-24 1:11 am
    <br>haha replied @ 2009-02-24 1:02 am
    <br>benefit replied @ 2009-02-24 12:52 am
    <br>if you have something constructive to say, then say it. you probably need thicker glasses to see i am not indian.
    <br>if you have the courage, kindly post your pic or use your nick.
    <br>otherwise, stop wrecking other people's conversations.
    <br>but then, this is public chat so feel free to say whatever, unfortunately she.com doesn't have admin and this alias thing can be easily abused by people.
    <br>how to prove the bald is u? so funny
    <br>u not say u are bald like the pic ga wor
    <br>this is not me
    <br>this is not me
    <br>this is benefit
    <br>i sleep la beneift u indian h aha
    <br>this is me HAHAHA... benefit u indian

  • 鬼仔好多都係"玩"字行頭架la.
    <br>好多大家唔係bf/gf都low埋一舊. 又或者自已有gf但又同個"friend"訓埋一齊.
    <br>尤其大學, 仲普遍過食生菜.
    <br>分分鍾你flirt 下佢, 今晚就輪到你......
    <br>最緊要係, 自已對感情認真既, 就唔好同d casual 既人"low"埋一齊. 否則自己disappointed.

  • 我係妳老豆就真係嘔血......辛辛苦苦供妳去讀書.....妳就掛住湊鬼!!!......

  • carpediem replied @ 2009-02-24 11:18 am

  • 點解樓下可聽到樓上D聲?

  • batmanhongkong replied @ 2009-02-24 11:29 am
    <br>外國d屋係"木屋"黎, 好鬼應聲.
    <br>我讀大學時租住apartment, 共2層, 我住下層, 一個禮拜聽足樓上3,4晚床震加男女大呻吟. 每次吟足半小時起碼! 搞到當時血氣方剛既我心亂如麻...... hahaha

  • 咁咪會影響學業? 所以話求學時期唔好談戀愛係有道理�鴱

  • 板主,

  • batmanhongkong replied @ 2009-02-24 11:57 am
    <br>咁咪會影響學業? 所以話求學時期唔好談戀愛係有道理鮋
    <br>d血氣方剛既(鬼)男仔做小晚谷住就真係唔慌影響學業la! hahaha.....

  • 有辦法,可以般去鬼仔樓上住,再搵個bf做愛, 嘈返個鬼仔

  • <br>咁都好過啲小朋友谷上腦呀~

  • 「床震」對於外國人可能很普通,咁都唔代表佢係花花公子

  • CS_She replied @ 2009-02-24 11:53 am
    <br>我讀大學時租住apartment, 共2層, 我住下層, 一個禮拜聽足樓上3,4晚床震加男女大呻吟. 每次吟足半小時起碼! 搞到當時血氣方剛既我心亂如麻...... hahaha
    <br>我唔信 你無試過 搞到你樓下條友 心亂如麻...... hahaha

  • 怎麼上面幾個人吵起來?可能真是有色狼吧!

  • which tube station are you living nearby ?

  • CS_She

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