有誰可以告訴我好用的乳暈美白產品啊? 女人我最大有介紹嗎? 趕快和我們分享吧!!!

  • <p align="center"><strong><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" color="#ff00ff" size="4">乳暈美白產品啊? 女人我最大有介紹嗎?<br /></font></strong><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff99" color="#ff00ff" size="4">水水們有人用過乳暈美白產品有效果的嗎?<br />我聽說有人用過乳暈變粉紅色?<br />是真的嗎?有人知道嗎?<br /><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cc99ff" color="#ff0000"><em>趕快和我們分享吧!!!<br /></em></font></font></p>

  • 想知道!!!

  • 有朋友知道嗎?

  • ..

  • 好似之前咪有隻咩粉紅素定唔跳咩名咁既野嫁,,

  • 有支叫嫩紅素,好多人都話ok.

  • 愛美是人的天性,現代女性除了臉部美麗,胸部大小外,連乳暈的大小顏色也開始關心了起來,有不少女性朋友就因為感覺自己的乳暈顏色太深,而向專業醫師求助要求營造粉紅乳暈∼

  • 各位.. 法國LD暗瘡精華免費送體驗版啊.. 有JETSO... 有暗瘡d來看看.....
    <br>而家呢間公司做推廣送比我地試窩...百幾蚊一瓶都送比我地...家下市道感吾好..還感豪....試完博我地買咯...哈哈哈哈...我呢兩日就中左蕉啦..買左支..好拿貴...開始聽有條網友講話幾好...開始以條友吹水...點知試完又真系幾得...開始見免費就登記左..幾日後收到郵寄來的體驗裝.....一試就撲街....事關用完都覺得好左好多..d 好耐的瘡印都真系比瓶野去到..不過要幾日先清到d印咯...又沒呢只牌子d廣告講到感跨..一日搞點.....因為我自己算系超多瘡果種....但系有d人話好得..又有d人話去到瘡印就去得比交慢..但我本人認為都值得一試用..系好過以前d暗瘡牌子野...一分錢原來真系一分貨....你地捨得就不妨用下....不過沒咩所謂..人地而家搞送野.....如果.大家有瘡的去整反支來試下...自己去登記啦.......我比個網站你地自己去登記拿...我登記左就幾日就郵寄到我度啦. http://www.ld.com.hk/ContactUs.html

  • ...廣告>>>>>

  • 謝謝你們的介紹

  • 咁嫩紅素邊到有得買?

  • Hi Lin, its me, princess ah !!
    <br>I have been using something like that to reduce the pigmentation of my areola for 3 years la. To be honest, I don't think these things help much at all. My areola has never been too dark. I guess the cream I have used has just helped to maintain the color or my areola and avoid it get darker !! But it won't help to make it lighter.
    <br>i think the brand I'm using is called Synergy, or something like that. Also, maybe you should try scrub the dead skin around your nipple every night. If you scrub it lightly, you can see there's small flakes of dead skins around our nipples also ga.
    <br>U can get that from Sasa or Mannings.

  • 嫩紅素Sasa有得買~

  • 謝謝你的建議^^
    <br>我依家用緊HABA去塗, 因為這可以用eye的精華, 我用了一星期, 有左效果, 我下星再報告^^

  • ^^

  • .

  • linlinchan123, I think you are actually doing a lot of tricks here on she.com to sell your 'water' HABA products. I have noticed that long time ago from a few of your threads.
    <br>First, you asked if anyone is using HABA. Secondly, you have another thread to compare cleansing oils from different brand. Thirdly, your other thread is telling people that you have lots of HABA water products to sell out. Now, you started a thread to ask if anyone know the best way to reduce color on areola, AND THEN on this same thread you are telling people you are using HABA's oil on your areola. I bet when you come back to this thread after a week as you said, you're going to tell people that the HABA oil works very well on aroela and you'll then continue to sell your water products.
    <br>There're a lot of threads posted by you that are all mentioning about HABA.

  • sammi :情人節快樂! 因為我覺得好用所以post law, 這裡可發表個人意見的地方, 我想這裡是自由的, 所以你可以在這裡寫你的意見, 最緊要係有意見大家可參詳, 然後大家再選, 你都有個人偏好的呢! 不妨去發表自己喜愛的product, 好似有d朋友說嫩紅素, 我一樣有去問人, 然後去試, 我個人有7個threads, 你可介紹我去看你的threads, 亦謝謝你的意見

  • ^^

  • ^^

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