
  • 我覺得好難同佢相處, 講句說話都驚佢亂諗野。<br />佢話佢好容易感到有壓力, 一句說話已經令佢成日好掛心擔憂etc。<br />而人地對佢講既批評, 佢一定覺得人地係針對佢, 講野頂撞佢, 令佢唔開心。<br />好簡單好似頭先咁, 我見佢著左條我未見過佢闔既褲, 但問心真係唔太好睇, 問佢幾時, 邊度買, 買左幾多錢, 佢竟然話要500蚊!! 我咪話麻麻地咋喎! 500蚊咁貴! 佢就嬲啦!! 話我踩佢!<br />我真係唔知點同佢相處.....

  • 終於有D另類話題, 可惜我幫吾到你

  • 好另類咩

  • 我諗有D人係吾太能夠接受負面既詞彙,會亂諗好多野,可能係佢本身冇乜security同自信心. 試下多d用正面既字眼:例如如果吾係好突出好好睇,就求其講句"OK丫",就算吾係幾順眼都無謂講真話,免得佢upset. 但如果佢真係著得好睇,就讚多D,enourage佢多作此類打扮,著重正面訊息多於負面... 但其實呢D都只係治標既方法,真係要佢對自己有信心,先至吾會對人有咁多疑心...

  • 母女當然都算relationship一部分.
    <br>可是呢度很少講, 全都是男歡女愛...近來更是低俗版本

  • 其實件衫好唔好睇都無所謂既, 佢鍾意就得啦!
    <br>可能佢比較敏感, 咁講野既時候盡量溫和D囉.

  • Hi

  • 其實我都算幾溫和, 但佢都未聽完我講就已經面露不悅, 因為佢知道我係想話佢條褲唔靚。我都知佢鐘意所以先買, 但係我角度睇真係唔適合佢嘛! 咁如果俾人背後講佢/笑佢, 不如我話左俾佢知先啦!
    <br>但係我都明既, 佢鐘意先買, 我都唔應該講話唔好睇啦! 唔買都買左, 我只係唔想佢著出黎俾人笑。
    <br>不過佢成日覺得人地針對佢呢樣我真係好難去就佢, 有時只係一句好普通既閒話家常佢都可以嬲! 更何況講笑! 真係絕對唔講得笑。

  • 女人更年期會係咁, 你有心就帶佢睇睇醫生

  • 唔好話女同媽有咁既相處問題
    <br>男女朋友, 夫妻相處耐左, 都好多時會變成咁
    <br>女性要時刻保持靈活的頭腦,青春少艾的心境,自信的外表,IQ,EQ,AQ, 才可以遠離囉嗦長氣的宿命
    <br>有人話吸煙的女人會比較易相處,冇咁囉嗦, 因為她們把憂愁透個煙圈一縷一縷的揮發走了, 少些說無謂的話
    <br>我不怕死, 只怕老

  • One of my friend taught me that the best way to get along with your mom is, no matter what she says, you just answer "good" or "yes" or "OK". You do not need to listen to her or follow her by the end, but NO MATTER WHAT, even she yells or shouts or teases you, you just answer her, yes yes yes.
    <br>My mom is like that too. She only likes to hear what she want to hear. They don't need our opinion, they just need our 贊同, doesn't matter if it is true or not.
    <br>Try it. It works to my case. My mom feels more relaxed and confident to talk to me because she knows she will get all positive comments.

  • Really? but when she finds out you didn't do what you promised as you say "yes"...what will she do to u?

  • pp girl, 小心妳媽媽可能有抑鬱症初期, or 焦慮症.

  • >> 抑鬱症初期, or 焦慮症.
    <br>that's what I think too. Any experience for a cure?

  • 點難相處都係阿媽呀, 我估你年紀都唔大,

  • 最近一年老友ge女朋友, 成日同老友嗌交, 物都嗌.
    <br>最後老友係網上 search 哂所有detail.
    <br>And then, 去左睇醫生.
    <br>經過一輪冶療之後, 情況有好轉.

  • J Plus replied @ 2009-01-18 7:51 pm
    <br>One of my friend taught me that the best way to get along with your mom is, no matter what she says, you just answer "good" or "yes" or "OK". You do not need to listen to her or follow her by the end, but NO MATTER WHAT, even she yells or shouts or teases you, you just answer her, yes yes yes.
    <br>My mom is like that too. She only likes to hear what she want to hear. They don't need our opinion, they just need our 贊同, doesn't matter if it is true or not.
    <br>Try it. It works to my case. My mom feels more relaxed and confident to talk to me because she knows she will get all positive comments.
    <br>I think it's workable to gf/wife more than 2 yrs too

  • 問題係..點樣勸服阿媽去睇精神科醫生...你老友有咩計?

  • '有時只係一句好普通既閒話家常佢都可以嬲! 更何況講笑! 真係絕對唔講得笑。'
    <br>it happens to my family too. my mum is getting paranoid and hysterical very easily no matter what i say or do. whenever i simply question about the things she says in a mild way, she gets worked up and yelled at me saying '點解你咁鍾意駁我架啫? 我都費事同你講..'
    <br>every time she says that i just feel so innocent

  • oh replied @ 2009-01-18 5:07 pm
    <br>我諗有D人係吾太能夠接受負面既詞彙,會亂諗好多野,可能係佢本身冇乜security同自信心. 試下多d用正面既字眼:例如如果吾係好突出好好睇,就求其講句"OK丫",就算吾係幾順眼都無謂講真話,免得佢upset. 但如果佢真係著得好睇,就讚多D,enourage佢多作此類打扮,著重正面訊息多於負面... 但其實呢D都只係治標既方法,真係要佢對自己有信心,先至吾會對人有咁多疑心...
    <br>agree with oh, i guess what your mum lacks is some security and confidence. But don't worry this situation can be improved. Try to talk to your mum and know what she wants.
    <br>I guess as a daugter u can't understand how frustrating to preparce recipe, cook, do the dishes, do the laundry, sweep the floor, repeatedly everyday!
    <br>I guess you can try talking to her by sharing her worries and happiness. and try to RECOGNISED her contribution to the family since she is really a great mum. Can't imagaine a woman wasted 20 years doing the same thing again and again without money return nor promotion, but just to provide a warm family to her children!

  • HI I like your posting.
    <br>Finally we have some diversity in relationship thread

  • 淨係睇著衫呢件事, 著衫靚唔靚好主觀, 雖然你係驚佢俾人笑而講出你0既意見, 但另一方面睇, 點解你唔覺得笑人話人著衫唔好睇0既人有問題??

  • i hv nothing to share with u but i just support ur topic

  • 我都怕佢有病的....因為佢好多年黎都要食安眠藥先訓到, 有時甚至食左都係訓唔到!! 屋企有事果段時間, 佢好異常, 好在最\後佢都冇事...但我感覺到佢係過份焦慮果種人。
    <br>我想問下見心理醫生要幾錢? 通常係點架? 見幾多次之類

  • Glad to know that there is still someone in Hong Kong who cares about the relationship and spends time and effort to try solving the problem.
    <br>Do you have any siblings, pp girl? Have you talked to them?

  • pp girl replied @ 2009-03-22 6:51 pm
    <br>我都怕佢有病的....因為佢好多年黎都要食安眠藥先訓到, 有時甚至食左都係訓唔到!! 屋企有事果段時間, 佢好異常, 好在最\後佢都冇事...但我感覺到佢係過份焦慮果種人。
    <br>我想問下見心理醫生要幾錢? 通常係點架? 見幾多次之類
    <br>我諗而家(私家)要千零蚊(maybe 1500?)一個session,below一粒鐘,大概一星期一次,吾包葯(視乎你有冇需要食葯).要睇幾耐好難講,快則幾個月,慢則以年繼.我諗3-6個月算係保守估計

  • 我以前跟媽媽關係都好差,但自從佢大病過之後,我便開始緊張佢.久而久之,溝通多左,有左信任,體諒同尊重,而家我每日會攬下同啺下佢...

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