
  • <p>在感情上,大家都有可能遇上自己喜愛的人, <br /><br />但你總不能確定自己是否能得到的對方的心... <br /><br />感情總不能一廂情願。 <br /><br />當你愛的人出現在你面前,我們能做的事就只有盡力,全心全意去愛她... <br /><br />你可以對她一心一意,花盡心意去愛,但絕不能失去自我! <br /><br />要愛人,先要懂得愛惜自己。 <br /><br /><br />當自己盡心盡力去愛一個人時, <br /><br />千萬不要希望對方為自己做些甚麼, <br /><br />因為你有權選擇人,人也有權選擇你。 <br /><br />人總不能得到全世界,過程是美麗的,情節是動人的。 <br /><br />一切在努力之後,都可能是徒然, <br /><br />但盡心盡力的過程,卻教人多麼享受! <br /><br />得到是我們希望的結果,得不到卻是苦澀,但叫人陶醉! <br /><br />因為一切事情都在迷糊中,總有很多想像空間。 <br /><br />也許比真實的來得溫暖,來得動人。 <br /><br />保持著這點距離,讓大家的關係更美。 <br /><br /><br />這點距離之美,能讓人一輩子的回味. <br /><br />愛一個人,要學懂放手,學懂不計教,找到自己的位置,讓大家都快樂。 <br /><br />擁有需要珍惜,失去需要放手。讓自己灑脫做人,學懂愛人愛自己。 </p>

  • 我同意

  • 要愛人,先要懂得愛惜自己。<---對!

  • may be you can put it as the lyric in a song. cheers:)

  • may be you can put it as the lyric in a song. cheers:)

  • Oh. I stole it from someone actually. :P I ain't smart enough to make up this kinda of passage.
    <br>But thanks all for reading though. Just feel like sharing.

  • 愛一個人,要學懂放手,學懂不計教,找到自己的位置,讓大家都快樂。
    <br>-> 醒目同知道自己做咩既人, 應該識叫自己停啦; 夠啦.
    <br> 貪心既人只會呻自己為對方做好多好多,
    <br> 但需知感情唔係算式, 唔係1+1=2,
    <br> 懂得放手就等如放開自己.

  • thank you for stealing it and share it with me anyhow, you are a good theft, haha

  • heili,
    <br>However, while we were in relationship, we wouldn't think that way. Our mind was captured by "the one". So... very hard. I don't think I can stop it by myself. Can't use the brain well.

  • eddie,
    <br>you're very welcome. i thought nobody would read it.

  • Snow, that is because you are not fully mature yet.

  • eddie,
    <br>hmm.. why?

  • It takes strange people like me to read it, appreciate it and reply it. :)

  • Snow
    <br>無論結果係點, 又或者係唔係"the one"都好,
    <br>需知感情係一隻手係拍唔響既, 何況感情係一種很"玄"既事物,

  • eddie,
    <br>strange people attract those are really strange? should call ourselves weird Haha..
    <br>I log out from the file and read it once in a while to remind myself.

  • heili,
    <br>Right! 問心無愧 is enough.
    <br>Even "一切在努力之後,都可能是徒然"

  • I do not call this weird. in fact, i am a normal person only i can appreciate your wordings that all.

  • I do not call this weird. in fact, i am a normal person only i can appreciate your wordings that all.

  • I do not call this weird. in fact, i am a normal person only i can appreciate your wordings that all.

  • I do not call this weird. in fact, i am a normal person only i can appreciate your wordings that all.
    <br>the she system just do not welcome my chat here this afternoon, haha, keep kicking me out :(

  • Snow
    <br>"Even "一切在努力之後,都可能是徒然""
    <br>又唔洗諗到咁灰既, 做好自己就可以了.
    <br>我依家對人, 對事, 對感情都會係咁以做好本份為原則,

  • eddie,
    <br>Hehe.. It's okay. Now your messages are here.

  • Dont you just hate the refreshing in she? and plus the system out keep occouring, may be it is a sign telling me to stay out and look for friend in msm or mobile. :)

  • eddie,
    <br>yes, it is annoying.
    <br>Hehe.. How has the friend searching been?

  • i dont know how many times i said if the system is out i will just go somewhere else, but failed. i still hang out here once in a while. kind of like some gals said i dont think my boy friend love me as before but....., hahha

  • haha.. we all greedy, aren't we?

  • " greedy " i dont think so, I cant come up with the right word to describe it, but i certainly will not call it greedy in such case.

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