
  • 自己覺得係,就係囉

  • 唔好信有真命天子

  • push

  • 我覺得: 真係可以一生一世0既先叫真命天子.

  • 如果一個人有幾段婚姻既...咁係咪最後果個先係真命天子呢?

  • 皇額娘
    <br>點先為之一生一世呢?當妳仲係廿幾歲,原男友 A 突然意外死左,之後再有 B 追妳,妳為左生活同左 B 結婚,個心仲係 A 度,咁......邊個先係真命天子?

  • Hey, you know what paradise is? It's a lie
    <br>A fantasy we create
    <br>about people and places as we'd like them to be
    <br>But you know what truth is?
    <br>It's that little baby you're holding,
    <br>And it's that man you fought with this morning,
    <br>the same one you're going to make love with tonight
    <br>That's truth, that's love

  • 其實講真, 我拍左咁耐拖, 我係無深究過所謂真命天子呢個問題.~

  • ladymarmalade

  • 嘿,妳曉得什麼是天堂嗎?那是個謊言

  • 從不曾屬於自己

  • 假如個男人好愛你,可以和你共富貴,後來你和另一位男士(M)結婚了,但M和你生活得麻麻...

  • ladymarmalade
    <br>我偏向用 PHENOMENON 多於用 FACT
    <br>一件事,總有不同解釋,變左不同既 FACT

  • 真命天子 is someone you think will stay with you for the rest of your life and you love dearly so you let your guard down and have sex with him.
    <br>Most of the time after sex 真命天子 would leave.

  • 我諗真命天子實際意思係一個會結得成婚既對像咁解
    <br>只不過俾人神話化左咁解, 愛情小說用來呃小妹妹

  • Federic

  • 愛情小說??????

  • 討論下,
    <br>It's hard to separate sex from a healthy relationship. Why is such a taboo to talk about sex in HK?

  • 網友們

  • 年紀愈大追求者愈多, 但和自已合得來的愈來愈少, 真命天子的出現對我來說可能係by elimination

  • 只要你肯離開, 就係最好0既致歉.

  • oh freddy sometimes I wonder if you are a great jester to make your mate laugh as being part of your charm or wheter you meant every word you say.
    <br>真命天子 is still a 50/50 chance. The global divorce rate is almost 1 in two so your chance of having a lifetime partner is like flipping a coin.

  • Barbie,
    <br>Most of the time when girls think they find 真命天子 (white horse princes), they end up with the crooks and some even lost their virginity. Only when girls are most helpless then the real caring 真命天子 would show up and take care of the for the rest of their lives.
    <br>However, the sad thing about 真命天子 is that most 真命天子 are neither handsome nor rich.

  • ladymarmalade

  • fred
    <br>You are making a sweeping generalization but can't say you are totally incorrect. Most people stereo type when a girl's first innocence lost would be portrayed as disastrous and only when she have had a few dates would she find her 真命天子. Process of elimination plays a part in human life and sadly girls learn and evolve interlectually from their mistakes.
    <br>Handsome and rich 真命天子 is but a vapor and the insecurity such person brings is horrendous. I would chose my mate an average looking guy who makes income lower than mine. Most men can't handle wealth right and they only end up in temptations and doing all the wrong things and making all the wrong moves.

  • 真命天子 can be rich, good looking, caring, etc. as long as you accept there are expiry dates in all relationships, some by natural causes some by other reasons. In the end, we come here alone, and we'll leave aone, so enjoy the ride.

  • However, the sad thing about 真命天子 is that most 真命天子 are neither handsome nor rich.
    <br>The truth hurts, we going to shoot the messsenger who bring the bad news.
    <br>No need to argue or explain.

  • push

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