八雲 is a hypocrite

  • I have no respect for pretentious guy like 八雲. He should be banned from she.com.

  • 男同學, earthworm, I support you!!

  • All the pretty, sexy and smart girls who love Federic here, please tell 八雲 to eat shxt and die.

  • why earthworm is not?

  • 我都支持...不過小左八雲呢類人真係會好悶...I MISS U 雲

  • 八雲
    <br>Go to eat shxt and die!

  • 版主又搞事~算吧啦~

  • 我支持你板主

  • i think both 8 clouds and federic should not leave
    <br>or else we have no fun reading u guys fighting against each other
    <br>fight la fight la fight la

  • apple, I will fight for u baby:-)
    <br>八雲, you coward, come fight with me.

  • how come so many ppl dislike 八雲?
    <br>what have he done? i only heard he kiss and tell, sex and run, whatelse?

  • 我扮住先啦...佢入左青山長抖喇

  • 八雲 replied @ 2009-01-03 3:57 pm
    <br>Careful! I may make a mistake kicking your ass if you pretend to be 八雲!!

  • fed fed baby, i dun mind if u fight until u collapse
    <br>and clouds clouds, fed fed is challenging u, pls fight, babe.
    <br>oh the first time i c guys fighting because of me

  • passby replied @ 2009-01-03 3:57 pm
    <br>how come so many ppl dislike 八雲?
    <br>what have he done? i only heard he kiss and tell, sex and run, whatelse?
    <br>I don't even know the hell is 八雲. But since people enjoy seeing me fight, I have to pick on someone and fight with him.

  • 因為APPLE你係豬扒!?

  • 八雲 replied @ 2009-01-03 3:57 pm
    <br>haha 你咁都得

  • Yo..lovely fed fed..go go go..

  • Round One: Ding ding ding.......... Federic winning by a landslide.
    <br>Will KO 八雲 in Round Two.

  • Dude, I cheat too...so do you..thanks buddy

  • either of u cant be KO so quick
    <br>we want more
    <br>we want more
    <br>we want more

  • baby apple, give them some mojo...yeah baby

  • earthworm, I don't need to cheat. I just have fun and make love with my gfs as consenting adults who are responsible for their own intimate acts.

  • Federic~你做咩,甘講八雲 呀??八雲 好好人呀,又樂於助人!!!
    <br>你不如講吓八雲 真面目啦,掲開八雲 面紗...............

  • 八雲 replied @ 2009-01-03 4:07 pm
    <br>Federic~你做咩,甘講八雲 呀??八雲 好好人呀,又樂於助人!!!
    <br>你不如講吓八雲 真面目啦,掲開八雲 面紗...............
    <br>So pretentious!! 樂於助人 your ass!!

  • Federic 你係唔可以-->贏到我...............................>>八雲!!!!!!!

  • 八雲 replied @ 2009-01-03 4:13 pm
    <br>Federic 你係唔可以-->贏到我...............................>>八雲!!!!!!!
    <br>Tell me how many girls you made love from she? Truth or Dare??

  • 八雲! 溝女.... 你係唔可以-->贏到我.

  • oh ... time's up
    <br>i will be back to c who wins
    <br>happy holidays folks! hoho

  • 上年一班人,我見過八雲一次、我估5到八雲係溝女王

  • Fed I agree to what u told me in person that Forum is just a place for fun and B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T.ing
    <br>So we should differientiate between the on-line persona and the perosna's owner. I believe that everyone to a certain extend are having a split personality and internet is a stage for us to perform whatever we like. So dun judge the owner from the way how his/her persona behaves.
    <br>Honestly the persona "lady marmalade"'s ower hates the the persona "8 cloud" very much as she finds it never talks anything constructive and amusing, given his mature ages.
    <br>"Lady Marmalade"'s owner truely hopes that, "8 clould"'s owner in reality are acting like a reasonable adult with generally-acceptable IQ & EQ, with a minimum sense of moral obligation. It is believed that no one here would expect "8 clould"'s owner to be a well-educated gent.
    <br>What the persona write here cannot tell the owner's real mindset and character,or anything deep inside, but always reveals the owner's wit and culture.
    <br>Thank you for your kind attention

  • Fed I agree to what u told me in person that Forum is just a place for fun and B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T.ing
    <br>So we should differientiate between the on-line persona and the perosna's owner. I believe that everyone to a certain extend is having a split personality and internet is a stage for us to perform whatever we like. So dun judge the owner from the way how his/her persona behaves.
    <br>Honestly the persona "lady marmalade"'s ower hates the the persona "8 cloud" very much as she finds it never talks anything constructive and amusing, given his mature age.
    <br>"Lady Marmalade"'s owner truely hopes that, "8 clould"'s owner in reality is acting like a reasonable adult with generally-acceptable IQ & EQ, with a minimum sense of moral obligation. It is believed that no one here would expect "8 clould"'s owner to be a well-educated gent.
    <br>What the persona writes here cannot tell the owner's real mindset and character,or anything deep inside, but always reveals the owner's wit and culture.
    <br>Thank you for your kind attention

  • There is a difference between how Federic and 八雲溝女:
    <br>Federic 溝女 openly, and always admit his naughty act.
    <br>八雲 always 溝女 secretly, and dump the victims and denying his act.
    <br>Either way girls get laid. I just think Federic's way of handling sexual advances is more transparent and conisderate during the time when transparency and corporate governance are both encouraged in both public and private life.

  • <br>Federic,
    <br>As a CEO of Sex Exchange Ltd, you're definitely required to give transparency and good corporate goverance from. We need you uphold the highest ethical standard, diversity into different girls regardless of races, countries, languages, and also an equal opportunity employer on both physically disabled and not so disabled.
    <br>That that..you're still a nut like 8 Cloud if both of you are claimed to be who you're.

  • Federic:
    <br>你係she.com 呢度最famous 係講你自已既"威水史", 我扡好多She友都覺得仲entertaining la!
    <br>不如講返Federic 有幾多幾多$$$$$, 係幾多上市公司既CEO, 有幾多gf/sp/sl..... 呢d Federic 獨家topic 仲interesting la.

  • CS my dear,
    <br>八雲溝 one of my gfs at she.com and my gf complained to me:-)

  • 八雲尼D低B仔

  • 八雲尼D低B仔 : well said, sweetie:-)

  • I'm 好好人呀,又樂於助人

  • 八雲, I don't need you to mess around with my gfs =.=

  • ding ding ding ... round two ... as player 2, 3 clouds didnt show up and leaving fed on the stage
    <br>this fight session has to be suspended for a while
    <br>if 8 clouds dun show up within 24 hours, he will be deemed waiving his white flag and fed will automatically win the fight!

  • Federic the Great bluff
    <br>I am not sure whether八雲is a hypocrite, but I am sure you're a fake.
    <br>How much money did your companies lose last year, mind to share?
    <br>Haven't seen your other identity "tabloid" speaking for a while, how is he?

  • My boss never lose money, go-a-way jealous people.

  • Candy, apple
    <br>Are you not Federic himself?.........LOL

  • 一月先岩岩開始, 駛唔駛咁快又攪亂檔???? 幾時先嘈到年尾 wakakkaka???

  • haha.....Fed....It's the first time I leave a message in anyone of your thread .
    <br>Just want to tell you....you are wonderful !!

  • 八雲 replied @ 2009-01-03 2:01 am
    <br>佢條僕 街鍾意玩到嬲, 之後插佢嗎, haha
    <br>佢條女今晚無生意, 無錢佢洗, 所以佢咁火, haha
    <br>條女做雞, 無固定收入, 都幾慘, 我都同情佢

  • Go get lost fake 八雲!
    <br>The real 八雲 does not come in here to defend himself because he knows little english and isn't that obvious? He will need a bilingual defendant.

  • ohhello~~i'm eight cloud ,morning,haha, ha, ho hoho,ok , no , yes ,yeah

  • 一睇就知邊個扮八雲

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