我覺得 BENEFIT 好似好有修養咁,又有神秘感。型男一個。

  • 又識法律,又識告人,又識整薯仔

  • 所以你愛上左佢?

  • 我都覺得佢好似識好多野, 但係咪型男就唔知, 有冇人見過?

  • 不如 BENEFIT現下真身啦..

  • a petit, 5'5" 型男

  • Sound and look like a self address advertisement. keep it up and enventually it will work.

  • haha replied @ 2008-12-30 11:31 am
    <br>八雲 replied @ 2008-12-30 10:39 am
    <br>不過你會去溝女呢....偽君子 !
    <br>oh replied @ 2008-12-30 11:44 am
    <br>haha replied @ 2008-12-30 1:30 pm
    <br>i like wiggle and wriggle
    <br>but i wear hi heels and makeup
    <br>haha haha replied @ 2008-12-30 1:31 pm
    <br>i am a calm person, sometimes i just dun understand why people become so high
    <br>Jenny replied @ 2008-12-25 6:11 pm
    <br>yes I don't think it's wrong
    <br>But wait a min lady!
    <br>He didn't say he is an Indian
    <br>How can u say that? Lol
    <br>Jemny Jemny replied @ 2008-12-25 6:27 pm
    <br>ai so boring bene
    <br>Sell ur uk stuffs again haha
    <br>What I'd ur legal actio
    <br>Jemny Jemny replied @ 2008-12-25 6:28 pm
    <br>Like talk to hk ppl about uk
    <br>N uk ppl about hk so poor tactics!
    <br>anti-BENEFIT anti-BENEFIT replied @ 2008-12-27 7:31 pm
    <br>咩傻啦, 2年前啦
    <br>tutor tutor replied @ 2008-12-26 1:57 am
    <br>benefit replied @ 2008-12-25 7:54 pm
    <br>笨你罰.. lol..i love it =)
    <br>u entitle to opinion..
    <br>事實 ? u haven't even had breakfast with me, what do you know about me ?
    <br>if those are your eyes.. they are pretty, but i like to think i am as attractive..
    <br>hopefully you have the depth to accompany your beauty.. =)
    <br>Sidebyme replied @ 2008-12-25 8:09 pm
    <br>你要cut girls.要friendly,要happy. 要enjoy.就開條新thread,ok?
    <br>And I must stop here too.
    <br>i will use all chances to hit u
    <br>take care!!
    <br>hey hey replied @ 2008-12-25 12:31 pm
    <br>AND CHEAT OTHER GALS????????????????
    <br>U SAY U WONT CHEAT 1111111111111
    <br>WHY U LIE??????????????
    <br>HEY HEY replied @ 2008-12-25 12:32 pm
    <br>benefit replied @ 2008-12-25 12:31 pm
    <br>wow.. whatever you are... i am in the legal profession.. what u are alleging maybe constitute action of tort in liable or defamation..
    <br>you best watch you are typing as they are nothing but lies..
    <br>hey hey replied @ 2008-12-25 12:33 pm
    <br>benefit replied @ 2008-12-25 12:31 pm
    <br>wow.. whatever you are... i am in the legal profession.. what u are alleging maybe constitute action of tort in liable or defamation..
    <br>you best watch you are typing as they are nothing but lies..
    <br>u mean u?
    <br>beware of lies and people using alias to spread lies of others..

  • 我都想識benefit

  • 佢好明顯係想溝女既,你地落力Dla.....

  • benifit你想溝女咩? 我都係"圈"你出左SHE先溝啦.

  • 我識佢丫, 我同佢好多野都好相似, 不過佢靚仔過我好多囉,亦都叻我好多, 大家惺惺相惜唆
    <br>我好高興係度識到佢, 好少識到同年又岩傾的人, 令我覺得自己冇咁怪

  • ladymarmalade & benefit - two weirdoes, sigh...........

  • 對於有內涵的人,不論男女都希望交個朋友!

  • 我和他的緣份來自一幅名畫

  • Benefit is a nice guy. if you like him, catch him before he become too she.com ;)

  • Benefit 明明入到來,但點解剩係抄抄拼拼一
    <br>D 文字就閃爍走人,唔似佢平時口舌便給嘅作

  • 樓上人兄╱姐:此言差矣。其實佢正係最典型嘅
    <br>She.com 型男。至於佢係咪得五吋(鎖你,係五呎

  • 不過佢上面抄嘅資料都夠我睇到零九年

  • no need to type or explain,
    <br>using different alias to cheat yourself and lie about others in order to make yourself 'comfortable'..
    <br>i can't help but feel sorry for you or you guys or whatever play ground you guys belong to..
    <br>let me share with you some convention chinese wisdom:
    <br>尊重自己, 尊重他人..
    <br>已所不欲 勿施於人..
    <br>glad my parents have taught me well..

  • Personal insecurity can breed a host of jealous strife. Often times, we base our security on the opinion, affirmation, and acceptance of other people. When we feel rejected or unloved we become dangerously insecure leading us to perceive the strengths of other people as threats to our own well being.
    <br>Fear can be another instigator of jealousy. A life of fear is just as devastating to relationships as insecurity. Controlling through fear will not help you maintain the relationships or positions you desire. There is nothing we can hang on to that is worth what we are giving up. This cryptic statement refers to the peace we can know through Jesus Christ when we give Him free reign over our lives. In the end, jealousy does not keep, it pushes away!
    <br>To overcome fear you need to first recognize what you fear, confess before God, and then transform your thoughts through God's Word.

  • There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love (1 John 4:18).
    <br>For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father" (Romans 8:15).
    <br>It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery (Galatians 5:1).
    <br>To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy (Jude 24).
    <br>Deception can also play a role in cultivating jealousy in your heart. You may perceive a threat that in reality does not exist. Your perception of life is distorted due to lies you believe about others and yourself. The following Scriptures can help you battle the lies.
    <br>You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:32). Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long (Psalm 25:4-5).
    <br>Do not snatch the word of truth from my mouth, for I have put my hope in your laws (Psalm 119:43).
    <br>I have not spoken in secret, from somewhere in a land of darkness; I have not said to Jacob's descendants, "Seek me in vain." I, the Lord, speak the truth; I declare what is right (Isaiah 45:19).
    <br>The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth (Psalm 145:18).
    <br>But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come (John16:13).

  • best wishes, my friends.

  • pass replied @ 2008-12-30 7:10 pm
    <br>ladymarmalade & benefit - two weirdoes, sigh...........
    <br>you can f u c k yourself off till you pass out..
    <br>lady is a fine girl..
    <br>if you mouth me off, stick with mouthing me off.. don't mouth off others..

  • benefit, yr msn a/c changed?
    <br>sth want to ask~

  • rain, thanks.. keep taking amazing photos.. !!

  • yan, my msn hasn't changed..
    <br>just computer is with HP at the moment.. fixing.. been using the same computer for 5 years lu..

  • I'm sorry that, I don't belive with god, maybe let me share on news to you!
    <br>以色列地面部隊集結完畢等待進攻指令 全面戰爭即將爆發
    <br>2008-12-30 08:59:08 來源: 中新網(北京)
    <br>*   核心提示:以色列國防部長巴拉克在接受採訪時明確表示,以色列正在對哈馬斯及其領導人發動一場「全面戰爭」。據以色列媒體報導,目前以色列軍方的坦克與地面部隊已基本集結完畢,指令一下達,大軍即可立即開進加沙,展開全面的地面攻擊行動。
    <br>中新網12月30日電 以色列政府高層表示,如有需要,他們將擴大針對巴勒斯坦武裝組織哈馬斯的軍事行動,阻止該組織繼續從加沙地帶向以色列發射火箭。目前人們普遍關注的是以色列是否會發動一場更大規模的戰鬥,出動坦克等武器裝備徹底「毀滅」哈馬斯武裝。

  • 這場「全面戰爭」的規模有多大,現在還難於做出很具體的判斷。正如以色列總理奧爾默特稱,這次「軍事行動可能需要持續一段時間」。

  • 哈馬斯發誓要「還以顏色」 局勢堪憂

  • 以色列長期以神的子民自居,宗教上得西方國家支持,又有希特勒的陰影回饋,不然為什麼收色列可以在二次大戰之後長期作惡!?

  • I hate god, at least I hate all guys from god! so please don't share anything from bible, and i also know too much from it!

  • benefit, ic...

  • 神是愛,祂愛我比天高,

  • 神在它的聖經裡記載了多少的血債妳知道嗎?曾經是基督徒的我,我對聖經的認識不一定比妳少,任何一個稍有理性的人,都會看到聖經內白紙黑字的上帝令以色列人進行種族清洗(不是簡單的戰爭,而是活口不留的種族清洗),上帝用洪水殺人,燒死所多瑪和娥摩拉的人(連任何一個嬰兒也沒有放過),玩弄約伯(就只因為和撒旦的口舌之爭),這些事上,基督徒都有無數的開脫藉口(轉述釋經書的藉口),妳們不知道嗎?又用那些釋經書作辯駁嗎?其實修改聖經的人,不是那些作釋經書的人嗎?

  • sky, no one is asking you to believe in god..
    <br>god.. is perfect.. we are not god.. we are not perfect.. we are sinners.. in all and everyway..
    <br>you typed wars.. they are not sparked by god.. they are product of jealousy, hatred..
    <br>以色列 is not god.. it was jews who persecuted god..
    <br>you have freedom to hate..
    <br>but i think we could learn something..
    <br>i do not intend to preach anything other than i know there are people here who live with jealousy and hate..
    <br>and i am no teacher.. so i just share something meaningful to these people.. it so happens they are quoted from the bible..
    <br>if you don't like it.. god gives you freedom to do anything at anytime..

  • Skymen replied @ 2008-12-30 8:43 pm

  • sky, from my experience.. church is also made up of normal people..
    <br>normal people like to associate themselves in groups, like to be close to pastor or those in power, with roles at church, chase girls or guys etc..
    <br>these split up the church and the true purpose, which is to learn and practice and preach god's teaching..
    <br>i myself don't go to church that often anyways because of these human factors..
    <br>but i view bible is important to me as it reminds me of the good and evil..
    <br>i may not be do all good but at least is good to be reminded.

  • benefit:
    <br>其實所謂原罪,是指舊約亞當夏娃偷食禁果,因而被上帝定了罪,舊約是猶太人的聖典,但正宗的經典信徒卻不認為人永遠有這原罪,他們亦可以用燔祭的方法贖罪。一般人以為,最早提出「原罪」這名詞的是奧古斯丁,但其實最早提出的是拉丁文神學家 Q. S. F. Tertullianus,他認為人遺傳了亞當夏娃的原罪,和奧古斯丁同期的一位神學家 Pelagius,就曾極力反對原罪觀念,但因為這主張並不方便教會統治人,所以未被接納,這邪異的原罪思想既非來自新約,也非來自舊約,而是來自一位並不十分出名的「神學家」,後來因便於教會統治的理由而被奧古斯丁發揚光大,基督徒也可說活該。

  • ladymarmalade

  • sky, good to meet you, never knew this thread would turn out to be like this..
    <br>i just know.. god is good.. even though i am very naughty..
    <br>stay warm.. getting cold..

  • everyday is a miracle, a blessing... trust me on that..

  • 那麼聖經當中,矛盾的地方有多少妳又知道嗎?我列一部分出來吧!
    <br>12、上帝試不試探人? 〔創22:1〕“這些事後,神要試驗亞伯拉罕,就呼叫他說……” 〔雅1:13〕“人被試探,不可說:‘我是被神試探﹔’因為神不能被惡試探,他也不試探人。”
    <br>13、有沒有人升過天? 〔王下2:11〕“他們正走著說話,忽有火車火馬,將二人隔開,以利亞就乘旋風升天去了。” 〔約3:13〕“除了從天降下,仍舊在天的人子,沒有人升過天。”
    <br>14、我們究竟應該怎樣回答愚昧人? 〔箴26:4〕“不要照愚昧人的愚妄話回答他,恐怕你與他一樣。” 〔箴26:5〕“要照愚昧人的愚妄話回答他,免得他自以為有智慧。”
    <br>15、擔子該怎麼擔當? 〔加6:2〕“你們各人的重擔要互相擔當,如此,就完全了基督的律法。” 〔加6:4〕“各人應當察驗自己的行為﹔這樣,他所誇的就專在自己,不在別人了,因為各人必擔當自己的擔子。”
    <br>16、上帝會不會後悔? 〔撒上15:29〕“以色列的大能者,必不至說謊,也不至後悔。因為他迥非世人,決不後悔。” 〔瑪3:6〕“因為我耶和華是不改變的,所以你們雅各之子沒有滅亡。” 〔雅1:17〕“各樣美善的恩賜和各樣全備的賞賜都是從上頭來的,從眾光之父那裡降下來的﹔在他並沒有改變,也沒有轉動的影兒。” 〔創6:6〕“耶和華就後悔造人在地上,心中憂傷。” 〔拿3:10〕“於是神察看他們的行為,見他們離開惡道,他就後悔,不把所說的災禍降與他們了。”

  • 唔係掛,憑文字來對笨你罰有幻想??....笑死我la XDDD

  • 至於妳們的神... 好嗎?
    <br>上帝用洪水殺人,燒死所多瑪和娥摩拉的人(連任何一個嬰兒也沒有放過),玩弄約伯(就只因為和撒旦的口舌之爭)... 我心死了!

  • Skymen replied @ 2008-12-30 5:54 pm
    <br>thanks sky for the above..
    <br>i know you have heart..
    <br>let's set aside our differences for now..
    <br>wat u having for dinner ?

  • benefit,

  • 我是一個在內地工作的人,一個月只有一至二天在香港!過年時有機會再聯絡!

  • sky, DO NOT BE WORRY, DO NOT BE AFRAID.. god is with us.. because he has arranged us to meet..
    <br>pray that you have calm, peace and joy..
    <br>simple is love .. i also urge you get your bible out, look at new testament..
    <br>go eat your dinner .. we shall chat another time..

  • Simple is love and yet, love is simple. ^^
    <br>Love comes around when you have faith in it.
    <br>Same as God.

  • Remembering me, discover and see,
    <br>All over the world, she's known as a girl,
    <br>To those who are free, the mind shall be key,
    <br>Forgotten as the past, 'cause history will last.

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