Anyone from Taiwan and working in HK right now?

  • As title~Please feel free to drop me a line, thanks!

  • i am not ~ but just want to associate with you

  • 你好, 台灣同志

  • Hi both, nice to meet you - basically i am not really from Taiwan, but my mum was from there.

  • Hi Daisy
    <br>Depends on what kinda job u expect... if yr mom can speak Cantonese, its not hard to get job, gd luck =)

  • i have a lot of classmate from taiwan .. so u are half taiwanese girl lor ,,, u raise in taiwan then ?

  • hi, daisy, nice to meet u, but i am neither taiwanese too

  • hi daisy,
    <br>我們可以做個朋友啊! 我都會說國語, 可以加我msn 嗎?
    <br>[email protected]

  • Hi all, nice to meet you. My mum could speak cantonese and i could speak cantonese as good as you all too..=) I did my high school and finished my year 1 in Taiwan - does it count 'raise in Taiwan'? Luckily i got a job in HK - just want to look for more Taiwanese friends to discuss some taiwan-related issues, all my hk friends are not that into politics, especially Taiwan's issues

  • Hi Daisy
    <br>I guess its not much can discuss about ex-president in TW... since all "blue ppl" wants him die...
    <br>the politics in TW is really unhealthy... its not personal, I just can feel it... my GF is TWese... she doesnt like those politian also.
    <br>Gov should make good economy for the country but not talking about who should get the real power or finding others demerit and make news...
    <br>especailly the TVBs in there... all is just too personal news...
    <br>Well, u finished yr degree in hk?! and yr mom just come by?!
    <br>I guess... ppl in HK wont dislike TWese... just most ppl doesnt undertand how nice the TWese is (mostly)
    <br>Nice to meet u2 ^^

  • Hi Simon
    <br>Back from dinner.
    <br>Yes, not much taiwaneses want to discuss but they still love to wach those funny talk show..maybe i am strange - still wish to know more taiwanese friends in HK, juso that we could have some similiar point of view.
    <br>No need to worry about my network, i have lots of friends here..=)
    <br>I finished my degree in overseas.
    <br>How's ur gf? Is she in HK now? How long has she been here?

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