
  • 好多女仔都話樣唔重要, 真係嗎?<br /><br />我覺得我以前的女友就真係唔睇樣啦.....因為我......哈哈

  • for myself, similar channels and good communication is the most important element, outlook is not that important (except you look like an alien or ET)...your outlook is the gift from your parents..well..you can change it if you go for cosmetic surgery...his own character/behaviour is most important to me anyway..have i said too much...

  • 1/1 now

  • but ....for example..in the first meeting......in fact..u know nothing about him...but outlook is the most easiest to be noticed...will it affect the first impression or the future development?

  • when you are getting older, your outlook will be aging and become old, it's natural and no one can avoid this...so outlook is not that important..this's my opinion ..maybe some people may have different opinion..I admit majority will have bias on someone who is good-looking

  • Say for example, in a group meeting, i found that most girls are attracted by the smart looking man...
    <br>another example, in a pub in lkf, most girls also attracted by smart looking and then chat (of coz...some of them attracted by 鬼老 only)

  • attracted by smart looking guys are normal if you are in the pub..that's what they are looking for...

  • 你好有時,甘冇人睇你個樣

  • money more important than outlook....but how to define 好有

  • 自己諗下

  • hey..if the ppl want to make friends with you based on your outlook or your financial status..that's very short-term or instant relationship

  • but in fact....outlook and money are the man's belonging......都係一種條件

  • maybe I dun mind

  • When I first met my Ex, he was not goodlooking, much older than me in fact definitely not the kind of man I normally would appeal to me. Anyway, I looked at him as my colleague, not in a mind to please him or any intention of fancy, we chatted away quite comfortably and freely. I found his voice and speech very pleasing and alluring. He was terribly funny with a sense of humour. Spending couple of hours in his company was pleasurable without any effort at all. From there, we found the chemistry and compatibility, and it has nothing to do with appearance. Of course it would have been an added bonus if he was drop dead gorgeous but not necessity.

  • thx, hkgal reply in so detail, i'm pleased to have your reply....in fact...i encountered two extreme type of girls, one type looking for good looking and sense of humour,..another type only for character, caring, etc.....just want to know ..is it related to age? or majority looking for outlook or others....

  • and hkgal...
    <br>i wish you have romantic love life with your bf!

  • I think if a really goodlooking guy walks into the room, I am sure all eyes are looking at him and I would feel extremely flattered if he comes to chat to me when the rest of the girls are pea green with envy. But that is vanity and the initial stage of a meeting, not to be taken too seriously.

  • With not much character and very self conceited, all the goodlooks and sense of humours would have gone to waste. Great restaurant but lousy food!

  • tell you , ladies who look at a guy's face on the first ground is the purest. Their mind is still being a damsel.
    <br>Once these innocent girls grow up, get hurt by guys and know what reality and material is, they look at guys' 3 fold namecard, LV wallet, ROLEX, BENZ~~~~~
    <br>Path of a pretty girl
    <br>firstly hanged out with her Prince Charming in school coz she thought only handsome boys deserve her heart.One day she found out her Price Charming was stolen by the next school's most beautiful girl. She broke down and cried, realizing that all handsome guys are bad guys and the king of heart is always her best bet.
    <br>So she chosed a timid, short, slightly-below-average boy to be her second lover, who had been awaiting her glance for long. She thougt she never got hurt again. And actually this little lowerness boy treated her like a princess and both enjoyed their roles.
    <br>After graduation, these 2 love birds stepped into this dog-eat-dog reality. Everybody told her, you deserve someone better, you have to look up to yrself, cash is the KING.
    <br>Fall from virtue
    <br>Finally she married a big fat ugly but wealthy little tycoon. No one knows if she is happy with this destination, tho what she does is exactly following the social norms.
    <br>Falling from virtue, lady u will get rich
    <br>Guys u fall from virtue when u get rich
    <br>Use fire to test the gold, use the gold to test a woman, use a woman to test a man

  • ladymarmalade
    <br>Thank you very much......

  • but seems that not most big fat rich guys...how's the remaining?

  • 理論多多

  • just wrote some bulls.h.i.t for practising writing

  • The other day, I was talking with 2 male colleagues. One was young, goodlooking, quiet but polite. The other was fat, ordinary looking, very friendly and very chatty and very helpful. So which one is more appealing to the lady? For me, both are very nice persons.

  • 俾肥佬打动咗?

  • good....
    <br>i will post a thread and said i'm a nice, kind, mature, caring but ugly man looking for gf...see any response! haha

  • hkgal2008 replied @ 2008-12-13 2:58 am
    <br>When I first met my Ex, he was not goodlooking, much older than me in fact definitely not the kind of man I normally would appeal to me. Anyway, I looked at him as my colleague, not in a mind to please him or any intention of fancy, we chatted away quite comfortably and freely. I found his voice and speech very pleasing and alluring. He was terribly funny with a sense of humour. Spending couple of hours in his company was pleasurable without any effort at all. From there, we found the chemistry and compatibility, and it has nothing to do with appearance. Of course it would have been an added bonus if he was drop dead gorgeous but not necessity.
    <br>U really scared my shxt out of my system. Recently I was bugged by a big fat ugly guy. Would rather die if this beauty and the beast story happens to me ! Maybe yr ex is just the so so type, so so is OK as long as he's attractive at other aspects. But my nightmare is totally terrible !!!! I dunno if i'm too mean on judging guys' look

  • You are not going to get much response if this is how you are advertising yourself!!!! Ugly men need to be discovered in communication, and spending time together to find out his person and character. A photo of a curry dish and you expect me to believe that it is absolutely delicious and tasty if I never ever eat curry before when it looks a pretty mess!

  • You are quite right, LM. I still keep asking myself what made me agree seeing my ex, when I would have been pretty ashamed to introduce him to any of my friends and families. Looking back, that really shocks me!

  • At one stage, he has the audacity to point out that he knew all along that I was not attracted to his looks and whether he should go for a plastic surgery. I jokingly agreed he should and his reply was that however much he liked me that he still wouldn't go through not even for me.

  • hkgal...
    <br>thanks for your advice....but i'm ugly....then no one will response me?

  • haha..anyway.....just a joke...

  • Well, there's no need to yell it out your ugliness.

  • i will post a thread to look for a gf when i am ready!

  • 我學緊take care a girl

  • 各花入各目眼

  • 我又係唔適當時候做唔適當野又講左唔適當野......重要好好學習

  • It is difficult to say really.... I remember when I was seeing this guy, and I was still madly in love, nothing seem to put me off whether it was something he said or done which normally would have put my back up. Of course looking back, I should have given him a good hearing of what I really should think of him!

  • hkgal..wanna chat msn..? [email protected]

  • HH, great topic and much pleasure chatting to you too however it is getting awfully late and I'm for bed now. In fact, I just realise that I have not slept for more than 30 hours but strangely I am still wide awake!! Chat to you some other time.....

  • it's not a great topic, but just curious and want to know more....therefore i said 忽發奇想.
    <br>anyway i go to bed too...see you...
    <br>good nite and sweet dream

  • just one last word, why do you need to post a thread to look for a gf?? I aways believe in fate and destiny, wouldn't it be wonderful to meet your gf when you are the least expecting it to happen when BANG it hits you quite suddenly and unexpectedly....

  • I remember when I was seeing this guy, and I was still madly in love, nothing seem to put me off whether it was something he said or done which normally would have put my back up.
    <br>by hkgal2008 - 12/13/08 04:11

  • Fall from virtue
    <br>Finally she married a big fat ugly but wealthy little tycoon. No one knows if she is happy with this destination, tho what she does is exactly following the social norms.
    <br>Falling from virtue, lady u will get rich
    <br>by ladymarmalade - 12/13/08 03:15
    <br>我諗起性感女星邱淑貞, 唔理男人個尊容, 只要比到"錢"途佢就可以成為佢嘅伴侶.

  • if you rich, i 唔睇樣. ha ha ha

  • 如我只想普通找個男友玩下, 我會睇條件, 揀玩具當然揀個靚既
    <br>如我愛上左一個人, 佢咩樣都無關係喇

  • 我選男朋友不看樣子。只要他對我好就可以了。^^

  • 我選男朋友不看樣子只要他對我好就可以了。

  • I am rich. My appearance is irrelevant and unimportant.

  • Hunny Feddy , when will you pay HKD 120 to shoot into my mouth ?

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