
  • 加拿大中文電台聯署表格-反對聯合政府-請支持




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  • 可唔可以講下發生咩事呀?

  • 可唔可以簡單講下係乜事呀?

  • I heard Harper screwed up by not allowing political contributions to other parties. Therefore the 3 stooges jointly screw him now, Harper has a taste of his own medicine. When he's a minority Gov he know very well have to kow tow to the rest of the gang.

    During election he had cut off some Art funding to La Belle de Province namely Quebec. He did a little bit more to alienated the Frogs.

    SO he's the author of his own undoing.

  • 真係唔係好明發生咩事? 對於現況在加國生活既人民又有什麼影響呢?

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