FYI to my friends on

  • Hey all.  I haven't been on for a while, but I did meet some nice people here.  So, thought I would stop in and let you know what I've been doing.<br /> <br /> 大家好!我好倈冇喺呢度 login。因爲我喺呢度認識咗幾個朋友所以我今次嚟話畀你哋聽我最近點樣。<br /> <br /> In June, I left Taiwan and went to visit my father and other family back in the US.  I was supposed to go to Hong Kong in August, but ended up waiting until October.  But now I have a job in Hong Kong. I'm working in a primary school out in Yuen Long.  <br /> <br /> 我六月離開咗台灣返去美國探我爸(仲有其它啲家人)。我本來應該八月到香港但係結果要等到十月先至嚟到。而家有份工作喺元朗教小學。<br /> <br /> If any of you want to contact me, you can write me at <br /> <br /> [email protected]<br />

  • Hi Gwailouh =) I just moved to Yuen Long as well =p

  • Cool. :) Maybe you've already seen me or I saw you. :P

  • Ghostman
    <br>You're looking better than ever. Welcome back. I heard a few of your close chatmates miss you dearly.

  • oh we might........ from now on I will remember this pic and next time if you see a girl blinks at you that will be Abbie! Hahaha!!!

  • A primary school teacher? must be cautious since kids nowadays are more devil like.......Kikikiki.....

  • I won't be around too often here, but might stop in sometimes now.
    <br>Yeah, I know how the little angels are devils in disguise :) But I'm good at bringing out the angels and punishing the devils so that they go back and hide. :P

  • You bet!.....How many pounds of candies you needed each day to buy off those little devils?.....Kikikiki......

  • A shout out to our dear.... Ghostman
    <br>Glad to see you back.
    <br> isn't the same without your presence (hahaha), we have few "bananas" here but missing the "White skin yellow heart" you. :-)
    <br>Here is some updates in case you didn't snoop around previously:
    <br>-Barbie is still the "shockest" girl of steams off everytime I say this, I like to get her mad haha)
    <br>-Deetee remains the "king of handsome" but he turned himself to a "handsome monk"
    <br>-Carpediem (aka Uncle C) having his great time offending HK girls earlier but he is just a little bunny inside that wolf skin.
    <br>-Federic is the most hate/love person of, depending which tip of the scale you are standing.
    <br>-There are few notorious chatmates here if you spend more time here, you will get to know them....
    <br>And of course, you will be a very popular guy once you return.
    <br>Welcome back.
    <br>See you around.

  • Hi Ghostman
    <br>What a nice surprise! I see things are going according to plan and you have finally landed in hong kong although the timing is a bit off but everying worked out.
    <br>You found a place to crash and a job you like ? Say do you have to travel far to work living in Yuen Long?
    <br>Here is a very simple riddle for you for old times sake:
    <br>In HK, the closer one live to the center of the city the more likely one gets carbon dioxide poisoning. But the furthur out you live the higher chance you get dengue fever. No hot baloon or plane disaster this time. LOL why is that?
    <br>BTW I am just wondering the kids in HK speak cantonese and might it be challenging for you to communicate effectively with those monkeys who happen to regard mandarin and english as their 2nd/3rd langugage ?

  • Hmm, wasn't expecting a riddle. Perhaps in the center of the city everyone is 長氣 and sxxk up all the oxygen spitting back CO2, but further out everyone is more 鹹濕 so it breeds more mosquitoes?
    <br>So far I am only speaking English to them. I think once I get a handle on the children and they know "English only" in the class I will break out the Cantonese at appropriate times. For now I have to pretend I don't understand anything they say in Chinese. :P

  • For now I have to pretend I don't understand anything they say in Chinese. :P
    <br>Ghostman, oh, you are so sneaky~~ :-) Playing oblivious.... So what was the most absurd and funny things you have heard so far?
    <br>I can imagine their stunned faces once you speak cantonese to them. So funny!
    <br>Hmmm, I have said it before, in HK, some ghostman are "grouching tiger hidden dragon", I never want to talk behind their back.
    <br>But in Dallas, it's another story.....

  • Sorry Ghostman, its a riddle that is open answer. It has no meaning except it projects your mind reflex.
    <br>You're not even considered an expatriate. You are so deeply embedded with our culture you are under the file unclassified. I think we need more people like you around to fill the post colonial HK era (now) to educate people like us. To prevent partiality I used the word us.
    <br>I'm pretty sure people were much nicer before the handover and now people are so cold & mean. Since you like to play dumb (acting 100% gwailou) I am sure you find yourself in rude awakening everyday people calling you nick names or talk behind your back when you go out. It is just peoples' nature to gossip. I hope you have a nice neighborhood than the ones I have pictured in my mind cuz you deserve better. Or maybe you see past all that and your zeal for our kind makes you only see the good in us.
    <br>BTW do you speak Cantonese? I thought you only speak Mandarin

  • o...2D & 3D man....heee..:P

  • ghostman, hello.
    <br>From my memory, I think ghostman can speak cantonese.

  • I am impressed - did you write those Chinese translations yourself?
    <br>You remind me of a story about my boss. He is an Australian who happens to "play dumb", and he does not usually speak Cantonese before us. However there was once when our team talked about ordering for lunch, and when he was asked about what he wanted to drink, he answered "凍奶茶"... I was genuinely surprised. Fortunately I never talked about anything bad about him in Cantonese in front of him =)

  • Sorry for the late replies. I'm still not visiting here as often as before. Hope you can forgive that. :P
    <br>Yes, I speak Canto. I lived in HK for 2.5 years before going to school for my bachelor's degree. So, I do understand what is being said if I make the effort to listen. If I don't listen intently, though, I really am oblivious.
    <br>You said you think people are colder and meaner after 1997. I'm not sure that is true. The biggest change I see is that the younger generation is less traditional, less family oriented and more concerned with video games/surfing the web than socializing.
    <br>Maybe your perception of people has changed? I don't know how old you are, but perhaps you were still "in your youth" during that time and the difference you experience is how people treat adults and how they treat adolescents? But, I don't know what you experienced, so I'm just suggesting that since our experiences aren't the same.
    <br>Not really a matter of being "sly". It's a strategy to get students used to using the target language for day to day activities in class. But, to pull it off I have to pretend I don't speak Chinese any time I'm at school.
    <br>Just yesterday one of my coworkers was being sly and said "聖誕快樂" to me in the teacher's lounge, and of course I answered back in Chinese not knowing there was a student there. And she said, "Oh, you spoke Chinese!" I said "But there's no student here," switching to English. Then the other teacher pointed to the student helping with Christmas party items. So, I pretended I had just learned that one thing. "That's all I know, though. 聖誕快樂 is Merry Christmas. Am I saying it right?...."
    <br>True, you never do know when a foreigner knows Chinese. Especially the non-white ones. Many of them have lived in HK for an extended period of time and speak great Chinese.
    <br>However, you can't judge a foreigner's language ability by being able to order food. They often learn how to say the food they want to eat even if they don't know anything else.
    <br>I kind of find it insulting when I say 你好, 唔該, 廿四蚊, or 叉燒飯 and someone praises my ability in Chinese without hearing any more than just that. If someone said just that much English nobody would praise them unless they were in a class for novices.
    <br>Anyway, it's good to keep in mind that not all foreigners in HK are completely oblivious to Chinese language/culture. :)

  • Hi Ghostman,
    <br>whenever you need $$$$, you know you can count on federic to lend u $$$ just because you are my friend. Merry Christmas.

  • I need money Federic......can you borrow $100,000 to me asap?........

  • Hi carpediem,
    <br>I have big ear hole wor:-)

  • the way....I have no intent to return money.......Kikikiki.......

  • Carpediem,
    <br>I prefer to lend money to Ghostman because worst case scenario is that if he cannot repay his loan during my lifetime, he can still burn "Ghost $$$" after I die to pay back his debt.
    <br>Only risk is he dies sooner than federic which is highly unlikely.

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