好想復合, 有無人試過做和合法事?(NEW)

  • 依我所看,應該有yourr及prust搵師傳做過,另外.madame_a又搵過另一個做過.結果.....想過來人說下....,其實歸根究底最要責備就係kero,是他一手一腳將絆腳的石頭放在其他人身上,引發更大的苦惱.

  • 我好嚴厲問一問kero,你有沒有工作,如果無,你又願意悔改,我好樂意介紹工作給你.不論你男的女的年輕的中年的,只要你願意,我可以為你安排,只要你不可再騙人,就係咁簡單

  • 駛春對個八婆(或者係八公)咁好,佢收番黎D錢,真係要袋穏D,祝佢代代平安啦

  • queenny ,
    <br>我係有搵過師傅 , 不過做唔成喎 ...

  • madame_a>>>做唔成係唔係收完你錢,根住話做唔成,錢就收左,做唔成一句大曬咩,你又信???

  • anyway ,
    <br>唔搵都搵左啦 , 佢又俾返錢我 ,
    <br>咁咪算囉 .
    <br>你而家係度話我蠢都冇用架 ...
    <br>已經都係事實喇 , 咁我咪唔再搵師傅囉 , 出去老蘭搵食囉 .

  • madame_a ,

  • 其實呢各位要鬧就鬧啲呃人嘅

  • MIMI說得對,要過去就有得佢過去啦,無論係感情又好,心機又好,金錢又好,當係攞個經驗,到第二日,你有朋友又係話要搵甚麼和合時,你都可以勸戒他們,大家都不要再題啦,人生其實早已安排,我們不單唔應該知,更唔應該刻意改變,有時,苦難是祝福的化�菾�.只要人在,希望就會在.

  • yourr & prust, can I have your emails, I want to know wbout the 和合法事 you did with Master Lee, can you share please..

  • 我都好想知之前搵李c fu 果d人而家點?進展如何呀?

  • Dear all, i find master Lee, but no result!!!

  • prust, how long ago did u see Master Lee? I went to see him few days ago too, he told me I need to do a seperation spell then do the 和合 spell, but I'm 100% sure that I broke up with bf not because of another girl, and 100% sure that he is still single, so I don't understand why I need to do seperation spell lor.. anyway I choose not to do anything because telling me that my bf broke with me because of another girl is totally not true

  • Dear Laney, Can i have your msn ar ? would u mind we talk via MSN?

  • Laney
    <br>yes, dont waste money to do that, actually i know it is fake, but at that time, i just want to use $2800 to buy a wish only, i also sure my ex wont get back to me

  • ALL;我想知找過姓韋的和姓李的有甚麼分別,效果那個會好...見你們寫的,我想知.

  • 小傻妹 ,
    <br>唉 ... 無謂再搵喇
    <br>兩個都呃人架 .

  • prust:點解你咁sure? 李c fu 有冇講過你要等幾耐? 呢段時間你全完冇進展呀?

  • wendy
    <br>i already finish the spell around 1 month la, but no respond lor, no contact still!!! c fu say it take 1 week, if no respond tell him, and then he try to call me and ask me, i tell him no respond, and he say he will help me to do more things, but after that, c fu no contact me lu, he just call me need to trust "jo c yeah"!!!

  • prust
    <br>你意思是做法事到現在,一次電話都無接過, 你男友連任何與你接觸既情況都沒有. 是嗎?

  • rite, he just send a sms to me when my bday, we wont chat even in msn

  • 你意思係米做法事後大家開始有接觸, 但未如你所想, 即刻係一齊呢?

  • fgogo22:
    <br>only one sms contact ja, and then no contact la, so i think the spell is useless

  • madame_a ...
    <br>why你話兩個c fu都呃人??

  • 我有搵過李師傅,但已經過左20日,都冇咩動靜,我同男朋友一直都有聯絡,唔你完全斷曬,但我的成效唔係太,師傅叫我再等下woo.佢話佢有飲我煲的湯已經有進步woo. 我自己就覺得未ok law.

  • prust & finish

  • 冇話一定ok架!

  • 各姐妹,
    <br>我非賣廣告. 只係想分享經歷.
    <br>終於我看完大家好多建議. 我決定了做和合. 係未講點解前, 我先再講我對感情的立場.
    <br>愛不是喜歡. 愛是有包容有忍耐, 沒有條件性. 我甘心付出的. 若感覺同理念都不附上述條件, 我便好清楚我對這男人沒有愛.
    <br>基於此, 我好肯定我愛我的前度男友. 我決定我只愛他一個.
    <br>當我明白了自己的決定, 我便努力去尋求方法, 無論有無尊嚴, 我都去求回來. 到最後當然失敗. 好痛苦, 我想在此較耐的SIS, 會知道我的事.
    <br>最初我聽從大家做水晶撘羅等等, 可能係我理誤力低, 永遠都掌握不到. 帶來更痛苦, 更無望.
    <br>到最後我見到此版, 我同KERO聯絡, 經她講嘗試找過希望都好, 見下師博. 但我有底線, 係唔可以落降, 要順著天意. 我要先理解大家是有緣, 不可以是硬來的.
    <br>終於見到師博, 他同我講只幫我結一個緣. 當然他講的理念與我所想的, 我才信他. 他幫我求神明, 究竟我男友可否能結多一次緣. 答案是係, 終於師博答允幫我做拆散及和合.
    <br>最後到做法事時, 師博了解了我現在面對的問題, 只收了當初我付了的1000元訂金便算. 沒有再收我任何費用.今日我去還神, 師博都係無收錢幫我做法事. 這段期間, 他教我如何與男友相處, 我問題是什麼.點解男人唔喜歡. 我真的因此事, 我覺得他真心想幫我的. 而不是下下講錢. 這是我個人感受. 我相信其他人不是這樣看. 我不會評論
    <br>大家唔好誤會, 到現在我仍未能見我男友一面, 我答謝神係我找到我的問題. 我男友好神奇地對我態度改變. 豈碼佢當我係識得既人, 唔係陌路人, 我同他真的結了一個緣.
    <br>經歷了好多方法, 迷失了好耐, 終於找到答案, 就係人與人能做成朋友, 係要講緣份. 無緣同一座樓都可以唔識, 我身邊見過很多這情況.
    <br>我明白到. 無一樣方法可以令EX突然間回來當咩事都無發生過. 如果係可以噤係好危險. 而任何方法亦唔可以將一對根本無緣的人結下一個緣份. 即話如果同EX係緣盡, 做任何事都係無用. 亦唔可以無端端找一個人去同自己結緣. 我同我男友係有無緣係天先知. 若大家無就係無.師博都係幫問過神明同埋之前我發生了奇遇. 才能確認到我同男友有無緣.
    <br>咩叫結一個緣. 就好似自己與朋友相識個一刻噤. 朋友能否變成知己或情人, 就要看雙方如何相處.
    <br>由此至終, 我都堅持立場, 就係唔可以落降, 要順著天意. 我要先理解大家是有緣, 不可以是硬來的.
    <br>現在我開心地等, 我覺得有希望, 豈碼我EX係我朋友. 大家現在係新相識, 我鍾意一個這樣的人, 我希望我地有機會相處. 而他亦有一日喜歡我, 若然等到這一天, 我會努力把握. 唔會再用以前的態度, 我會改變不好的, 將自己好的讓他見到,
    <br>我唔會去假來保著佢, 我會去學相處技巧. 無論是那一位, 我都要學懂點樣相處, 才能成為幸福的人. 原來幸福真係可以自己把握的.

  • fgogo22,
    <br>Just read your message, and felt upset after reading it. To be honest, it looks that all those who have visited Master Lee, none of them has returned with their ex, apart from the thread owner. I felt upset that you wasted your money... but truely I know you wanted to get back with your ex.. like all the other sis in here including myself.. but I don't want you to have false hope lei..
    <br>If you havent read the book "the secret" I hope you can go and buy a copy, as it gives you positive thinking.. as least I've stopped crying and have the hope that I will get back with my ex very very soon... which is better than doing that spell... anyhow.. I hope you can build your relationship with your ex again... and lets hope all sis can get their ex back.. good luck everyone

  • Laney多謝你關心, 我亦是與你想法相同. 只係我係做完和合之後, 經歷了神奇事, 我真的解釋唔到.
    <br>可能我唔太懂表達, 我只想比大家知, 我醒了, 問題不是死等, 而係我無可能再等回一個以前的男友. 他永遠都不會回來. 因為係法事過後, 我深深體會到我男友真的變了, 我問了自己, 還愛嗎? 我想清楚, 我係愛他, 真的, 所以我不期望一個同以前一模一樣既人回來, 我不須再想以前, 我係因為師博, 令我明白我問題所在. 但好重要一樣野我要保留我好的一面, 因為當初他愛就係留意到我好的一面.
    <br>講真, 錢係好困難, 但自問無免費的事情, 買水晶要錢, 睇塔羅要錢. 不知點解. 我相信如果一早我肯坦白同師博講自己的問題. 師博係會完全唔收錢. 係我無出聲問師博羅番訂金. 因為我覺得唔好意思. 大家可能話我傻. 但真的到現在我不再周圍去找水晶買. 不再想著睇塔羅, 不再一聽到就去用錢, 我去邊到找噤多錢.
    <br>係好神奇, 知我過去的SIS, 應知我比第三者攪到我男友親口講好憎我. 當我係仇人. 講真就算唔係我理解力低, 用大家提供的好方法, 都唔方成功, 我想無人差過我的境況. 係好神奇, 係做完法事後, 我男友主動隔幾日找我一次. 由最初一兩句, 到講了半句鐘, 到以家可能可以出來見面.
    <br>其他方法,我無得講經歷, 因我做完, 男友都無對我改態度, 只有和合, 我先可以講我明白了什麼, 我不想透露太多, 好像買廣告, 而係我想將經歷講比大家知.做任何方法前, 請想清楚係米真係愛. 愛係咩. 自己立場係咩. 做和合之前, 找邊個師博都好, 一定要想清楚, 了解清楚和合係咩一會事.唔理解只會失望同失去金錢.
    <br>係這經歷. 我真係體會到無一種方法可以神奇到, 有一個以前一模一樣的男友回來的, 可能有, 但我唔會接受羅. 因為如果我男友對我感情無變到, 噤佢點解唔要我. 佢係變左. 我接受到了. 但我唔失望, 因為係佢變, 我更加要變, 來預備我地將來一齊時點相處. 以家要積極回想當日佢鍾意我D咩. 我要發揮我好處. 過去我有不善地方要改, 唔懂保護自己就要學. 只坐著等, 不如積極求變.
    <br>以下講的只是個人相信. 若然師博說我與男友結了緣. 我與男友終有一日會相遇. 會有機會再互相吸引. 係埋一齊.

  • fgogo22,
    <br>你係我o係呢度見到, 第一個真正明白師傅係幫你d乜o野o既人囉!
    <br>其實, 知唔知點解淨係得d唔work既個案留言吖, 因為講佢o地都唔明, 所以費事同佢o地解釋咁多, 陣間又話幫師傅買廣告
    <br>不過, 我係知你唔係買廣告o個堆, 其中一個囉 haha~~

  • Laney,
    <br>I have something to tell you. I got a bit confused few days ago when I tried to use my power to get my ex back as I was feeling really doubtful about this power. (I have been using it for a week and I also used my visualization). The reason was because the book did not mention "how to use this power to get back your ex". It only mentioned HOW you can attract your ideal partner in your life. Therefore, I tried to search "how to use LOA (Law of attraction) to attract your relationship/marriage" until I search the word "How to use LOA to attract your ex back". I started to read through all these articles over and over again and I found out that most of them gave me false hopes. These articles stated that it is almost impossible to use the power to get back your ex. This is because when one is avoiding you the Universe would give out negative signals and this reversed back to you and the more you enforces the power the harder your ex would return to you. By giving out that power you have to release the power to him first. I believe it works for money, career, family and future relationships but I just don't know how it attracts my past relationship. I just want to let you know. I am not stopping you by doing this because I feel good by doing it too as I can imagine how happy I would be if I can be with my ex again one day, how happily we live forever, these visualization gives me strength to move on and I do not feel the pain anymore because I believe my ex would come back one day. Do you understand my feeling?

  • Laney
    <br>I have also downloaded a 58 pages of guidance on "HOW TO GET HIM BACK". This author states that the LOA does work in getting your ex back. I think is really useful. Here are some tips which I have adopted too:
    <br>Don't question the how's and why's of your issue. Meaning, don't wonder when your ex will come back to you or how it will happen. Wondering about these issues sends doubt into the universe which has a negative impact. Just trust that you will get what you ask for and let it happen.
    <br>Take a piece of paper and write down what it is you want. Make it short list about your ex. But instead of wording it as what you want, word it as something that is already happening or will happen. For example:
    <br>1 John is coming back to me
    <br>2 John is leaving him new girlfriend for me
    <br>3 He still loves me and wants to be with me and only me
    <br>4 he is going to beg for my forgiveness
    <br>5 We will be getting married next year
    <br>6 I am so happy
    <br>7 Thank you for bring John back to me
    <br>keep the list in your wallet or by your bed. Read it a few times a day, Visualize each and every item on your list and most importantly, BELIEVE that it is going to happen, that it is already happening.....
    <br>If any of you are interested in more I can email the file to you! I think it is something worth to read!

  • wait4U replied @ 2008-09-04 12:02 am
    <br>I have also downloaded a 58 pages of guidance on "HOW TO GET HIM BACK". This author states that the LOA does work in getting your ex back. I think is really useful. Here are some tips which I have adopted too:
    <br>Don't question the how's and why's of your issue. Meaning, don't wonder when your ex will come back to you or how it will happen. Wondering about these issues sends doubt into the universe which has a negative impact. Just trust that you will get what you ask for and let it happen.
    <br>Take a piece of paper and write down what it is you want. Make it short list about your ex. But instead of wording it as what you want, word it as something that is already happening or will happen. For example:
    <br>1 John is coming back to me
    <br>2 John is leaving him new girlfriend for me
    <br>3 He still loves me and wants to be with me and only me
    <br>4 he is going to beg for my forgiveness
    <br>5 We will be getting married next year
    <br>6 I am so happy
    <br>7 Thank you for bring John back to me
    <br>keep the list in your wallet or by your bed. Read it a few times a day, Visualize each and every item on your list and most importantly, BELIEVE that it is going to happen, that it is already happening.....
    <br>If any of you are interested in more I can email the file to you! I think it is something worth to read!

  • finsh,
    <br>file has been sent! please check!
    <br>as many of you are requesting the file. Just to let you know that I actually paid for this file (around HK$250) so please do not forward it to anyone w/o my permission. Thx!!

  • Thanks. have chinese version.

  • fgogo22

  • BIBI
    <br>你都簡短透露少少呀, 我有興趣繼續聽大家分享唔同的經歷

  • fgogo22

  • cathykmc

  • BiBi
    <br>收到, 我再send俾你你see e-mail

  • BiBi,
    <br>你講得o岩呀! yeah~~

  • BiBi,
    <br>你講得o岩呀! yeah~~

  • me2

  • CB
    <br>I have sent you the file, please check!
    <br>any problems let me know!

  • 各姐妹,
    <br>做完法事後,我男友真係有同我吃飯,亦多左找我,我相信呢D係 師博同師公的幫助令我們的緣份可以再做朋友先.大家唔好誤會, 到現在我仍未能同我男友一起, 我答謝神係我找到我的問題. 我同他真的結了一個緣.
    <br>今日我去還神, 師博都係無收錢幫我做法事. 他教我如何與男友相處, 我問題是什麼.我覺得他真心想幫我的. 這是我個人感受. 我相信其他人不是這樣看. 我不會再講.
    <br>經歷了好多方法,又睇相,令自己迷失了好耐, 我明白到. 無一樣方法可以令佢突然間回來當咩事都無發生過.如要再一起就要看雙方如何相處.
    <br>現在我會俾時間慢慢地等, 我覺得有希望, 豈碼我EX係我朋友. 若然等到這一天, 我會努力把握. 唔會再用以前的態度, 我會改變不好的, 將自己好的讓他見到.
    <br>我之前留言話"冇話一定ok架!" 係我自己太心急.但事實師公同李師傅真係幫左我.

  • hi finish,

  • ck46

  • hi bibi
    <br>i am ck, can u tell me about your case?

  • 請問大家有沒有試過報紙久唔久就賣"暹北鎖心咒"那個廣告的師傳

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