i spent already one year here but met with only old and strange kind of women! now i'm afraid most of real quality ladies were never come for such foolish net games!

  • disappointed man.
    <br>I also agree with you..in she.com..there are many old and ugly guy

  • hi
    <br>how o and strange?

  • maybe all of us are the same!
    <br>i just want a real human being , not the low b girl or old dreamer..do you know what i mean?

  • 咁你可以試下去d 大function lor
    <br>十幾人一定有quality woman 0既.

  • i stay here for half year only met some low b cheap and selfish guy all want free sex from me with no respectation, i know all quilty will never come to such foolish net game

  • dm
    <br>then you should know more about the woman first
    <br>before dating out with her.

  • yy, your english is quite bad. still, i know what u mena, so did you enjoy finding cheap guys so far?

  • all the good quality guys are died...

  • karie
    <br>are u good too?

  • I have bad experience in meeting guys from net too.
    <br>Some are fat and ugly with old age.
    <br>Some are too rude and impolite.
    <br>Some said they are handsome but just has a comment face.
    <br>Some are mentally illness as they kept saying non-sense wording
    <br>Too too terrible from my experience.
    <br>I don't know why it's so bad luck for a normal and pretty gal to meet such unfortune things
    <br>From the past 3 years, i met around 6~7guys from net, there's only one guy who i met is normal .
    <br>What the hell !

  • ??? why ar?? may???其實好多野睇開d, 我肥既都可以fd 架, 樣衰我又唔介意,口臭又唔介意, 尋日嘈完今日我可以唔記得既

  • 其實靚女都會玩net game 但可能小上黎睇下你有無運

  • I've been on She for around 1 yr, met 4 guys
    <br>1st - young & handsome
    <br>2nd & 3rd - ok in look
    <br>4th - charming & smart
    <br>but 3 out of 4 are distasteful, even indecent ham sup los in my definition
    <br>5th talking on the net for some months, never met.
    <br>But I can feel he's really nice, decent and not so bad to develop with!

  • I never meet any nf from she .

  • why so serious?

  • Don't presume any nice lady here........the most common ones are HK gals......old / ugly / fat ones......

  • disagree

  • Carpediem,
    <br>Hong Kong ladies - Old, fat and ugly. Do you have mirror? How about yourself??? Hahahaha

  • 今日等我教下大家一D港女既潛台詞
    <br>港男活在HK呢個社會,對住班港女一定要了解佢地既語言藝術.今日係第一堂,我地一齊研究 下港女既擇偶條件.
    <br>1. 有上進心--->潛台詞:你既事業一定要不斷增長,令港女自己可以不用努力同時不斷提升生活, 最重要係你既上進心一定要用金錢量化,如果你將"上進心"用係做義工或搞社會運動,呢份上進心港女係唔會算數的.
    <br>2. 成熟--->潛台詞:你一定要照顧到港女,幫佢地解決到生活上既問題,先係佢地眼中既成熟. 如果你將"成熟"用係思考人生或學術研究,但最終唔能夠為港女帶來實質好處,呢種成熟港女係唔會算數的.
    <br>3. 有事業基礎--->潛台詞:性質同上進心差唔多,就係一定要用金錢量化,如果你同個港女講" 我搞環保運動搞左十幾廿年,e+已經係香港環保中堅份子",然後自己仍然住緊公屋既話,呢事業基礎港女係唔會算數的.
    <br>4. 要高大威猛--->潛台詞:對於呢樣野,港女會用一個好美麗的包裝--"安全感",但當男人對女人身材有要求時,港女就會話男人"鹹濕","當女人係性工具", 雖然講到尾港女都係冇辦法理性地解釋自己同男人既要求有咩唔同.
    <br>5. 有主見--->潛台詞:其實即係要你籌備一切約會節目,等港女不用傷腦筋,當然港女有其他意見時,你既主見就要"立即"丟埋一邊.
    <br>6. 大方--->潛台詞:其實即係要你事事遷就港女,雖然呢點同"有主見"含隱性矛盾,但港女仍然會期望你同時具備呢兩方面,而且覺得係理所當然.
    <br>7. 風度--->潛台詞:呢兩個字相信每一個係香港生活超過一年既成年男士都耳熟能詳了, 簡單黎講即係你埋單,你拎手袋,你開車門,睇戲食飯你俾錢,行街買野你俾錢仲要請埋佢班三姑六婆friends,女人永遠是對的,搭車有位要讓港女坐,你自己唔該企埋一邊仲要幫港女拎曬佢D shopping戰利品,佢住屯門你住赤柱,佢半夜兩點同朋友唱完K,你都要係張床爬起身出去送佢番屋企,佢可以拎其他男人同你比較再批評你的不是,你就唔可以.雖然"風度"原本係出於強者對弱者的保護,而港女又永遠解釋唔到自己以上行為同弱者有咩關係,但港女仍然認為自己對"風度"兩個字有最終及唯一解釋權,可以唔理事實唔講理由,仲威過人大釋法.
    <br>8. 有責任感--->潛台詞:簡單來講,即係"港女想幾時結婚就結婚".你想結婚時港女唔想,結論就係"你無用","俾唔到女仔安全感";港女想結婚時你唔想,結論就係"你無責任感","浪費女仔青春","拖左人咁耐","冇誠意".
    <br>9. 性生活和諧--->潛台詞:其實即係當港女係武則天,佢玩曬,佢大曬,而且追求滿足感既責任永遠在你身上,亦只會在你身上.你無反應,結論就係你性無能,你唔掂,你虧;佢無反應,結論就係你技巧差,唔識做前戲,無能力引起女仔慾望.總括而言,港女邏輯就係世上只有虧佬,沒有石女,就算有石女,都只係俾虧佬連累.
    <br>- Professor of Kong Gal Studies

  • Well, I maybe common, old, ugly and fat. At least all the netfds I met here showed interest in me at different levels.
    <br>>carpediem replied @ 2008-09-02 10:23 am
    <br>Don't presume any nice lady here........the most common ones are HK gals......old / ugly / fat ones......

  • so, who dare to say they are young & pretty?

  • let me say sth from my experience...
    <br>sometimes, u don't need to actually meet any of lady but through theirs words we can feel they're in problems..most of hk ladies are thinking hk guys are fools, tend to take advantage..and who're the guys being attracted?
    <br>then u must lie about your are tall, handsome, rich enough..so many cheap she.com sick girls/ women are looking for such this or that kind of dreams...but , guess none of them ever realize they're having problems, big phycho problems...

  • Yes, i used different names to post ,like to cheat she.com guys..boz they 'ham-sup'..so i can save almost 10 dinners in one month, why not:)
    <br>my friend also do same way, guys pay us dinner and car ride!

  • I have stated my bad experience in meeting Guys from she
    <br>Any lady met the same ?

  • I think i've met with a girl from here she did using many names...fortunately i just spent $300 on treating her a dinner...

  • please try me:)
    <br>i'm pretty and ready to serve guys good sex!

  • carpediem replied @ 2008-09-02 10:23 am
    <br>Don't presume any nice lady here........the most common ones are HK gals......old / ugly / fat ones......

  • 失望怨男...上she上得咁唔開心,仲上黎做咩呢?

  • .

  • I am not disappointed.......in fact I am very satisfied cause there were so many (countless) HK gals waiting to be fixed by me.....Hehehehe......

  • 我地哩d正常既男人,係msn唔會又呃又氹你d女仔..

  • dont talk about meet handsome here, even is normal looking i found out is difficult to meet too, my experiences are terrible too !!

  • Here is a place for chatting or bullshxt, don't expect you can find someone gorgeous.

  • before you chanllenge the quality of those you met, question your "quality" first...
    <br>like minds attract, ie 物以類聚.

  • i met a few ladies from here. all of them didn't click. but a couple of them i still chat with on msn cos they are really nice ppl. i guess it takes two hands to clap, isn't it.
    <br>btw i paid all the dinners but i never had that feeling of being fooled coz i think man should always pay the bills. am i stupid?

  • 跟本吾洗講禁多﹐港女吾知道自己發生禁0羊事﹐又話呢樣又話果樣﹐就講我而家的圈子﹐以前就話幾十歲先返大陸﹐而家...哈哈剛剛係澳洲﹐美國大學畢業返來做生意的有﹐打工幾皮野都有﹐香港一樣比女追﹐全部上大陸啦。

  • There's really no normal guys?

  • jennie
    <br>it depends on how you define the term 'normal'. the norm of any acceptable social practice may change, evolve or even mutate from time to time.

  • how funny for all you gay story

  • 版主,

  • There's at least one serious 'quality guy' here (though I think this term really sxxks).

  • well...at least I'm look okay wor..

  • I also met around 7-8 girls so far , 1-2 would be above average but I have never seen the real pretty one.

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