大家有無睇過"男女大不同 men from mars woman from venus" 呢本書?

  • <p>書中提到,男人有時會突然抽離,會躲在自己既洞穴好似要冷落身邊既女人一樣,<br />但其實係佢地立場並唔覺得係一回事,即使仍然知道心裡面係鍾意對方,<br />都一樣會間中抽離!<br /><br />男士們究竟你地係咪真係會咁樣?</p>

  • 唔出奇

  • 會突然抽離躲在自己既洞穴
    <br>It is a normal situation.
    <br>But for majority of gf/wife, they want to be with their guy all the time.
    <br>For guys, it is not to be with someone all the time means they love each other.
    <br>It is on how the guy prioritise things or how they respect you is the degree of love.

  • 好多男人都係咁, 唔出奇. 不過如果男人表現如此時, 也不一定是情緒問題, 亦可能係其他原因. 總之, 姊妹們要小心.

  • I agree with stand

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