女仔們, 妳地會否介意男朋友冇學歷/冇事業/ 收入少於自己?

  • 我本身碩士畢業, 係專業人士, 但男朋友冇學歷,冇事業, 收入少又不穩定. 但佢人品好, 對我不錯, 起碼比我以前D高學歷,有事業的男朋友更肯付出. 但有時候, 會有D topic 佢唔明我講咩, 大家始終有D隔膜. 妳地會唔會介意咁?

  • 睇下佢上唔上進啦.
    <br>如果佢上進都無所謂, 因為佢而家無錢, 唔等於將來無.
    <br>就算依家有錢, 都唔等於將來有.
    <br>只要佢有個心肯上進就無問題. 更何況學歷只是表面, 一個人有無sense 唔係睇學歷. 你睇政府班智囊個個都有學歷, 咪攪到香港成舊屎咁.

  • 佢都有D topic你都唔明佢講咩

  • 學歷真係唔緊要. 不過反而文化既差距好重要. 同埋大家既目標都好緊要.
    <br>你既情況我以前都試過, 初頭係唔介意, 但耐咗會發現好多野唔同,慢慢就會介意嫁喇. 而最後你會發現唔係咩學歷,人工...低過你. 係你會覺得自己既男人叻唔過你.

  • 你問得呢 d 問題即係介意啦, 就算全世界都話唔介意, 你可能今日唔介意, 但聽日呢? 後日呢? 你又會將個問題左諗右諗
    <br>我諗問題既重心, 係你愛佢有幾多, 唔係佢愛你有幾多
    <br>記住睇清楚, 我話 "我諗問題既重心 ...", 果 d 祇係我既睇法, 其實最緊要係你自己點諗

  • 我反而想問下男人會否介意女朋友冇學歷,冇事業,收入少又不穩定.

  • 其實依家香港都有好多人大學畢業~碩士人數都唔少~

  • 唉, 我都唔知佢算唔算上進, 佢想攪生意但自己冇錢, 要"ai"屋企人打本, 屋企人唔多想, 而家前景不明. 佢又唔進修下. 最慘我屋企人唔多like佢, 可能覺得佢冇本事... 其實我都好大壓力.

  • 我不是強調自己係碩士畢業生, 只是將自己背景交代. 而且我都同意碩士都是人一個, 請不要見怪.
    <br>passerby: 我是愛佢的. 但人大了, 不只是考慮愛, 還有很多practical事, 如溝通....

  • 版主你介唔介意講你幾大呀~

  • 講真,如果發生係我身上,女朋友的學歷人工及地位等比我高,同我有距離,我自己都會好灰心, 而且,我自己都過唔到自己個關

  • 男仕甲 replied @ 2008-08-16 2:13 pm
    <br>講真,如果發生係我身上,女朋友的學歷人工及地位等比我高,同我有距離,我自己都會好灰心, 而且,我自己都過唔到自己個關
    <br>其實好多男人都係啦~好似我個男manager咁~往陣head住佢果個係男fiancial controller~但自從個男FC resign後~就黎左個女FC~個女FC無錯係好叻~好高學歷~但人就好麻煩~乜都揸到正~同埋唔放d男人在眼內架~有時個manager都係咁呻~d女人做上司好煩~~加埋個manager本身個人都幾大男人~要under d個女人緊係特別介懷啦~

  • 所以,男人想搵到好條件既女朋友,就必先令到自己成為有條件的人
    <br>作為一個男性, 自強最重要, 無論自己或是別人都睇得起自己

  • joanne, 我所講既愛係愛佢既所有, 包括佢既 goods and bads, 至於你所講 "還有很多practical事, 如溝通.... ", 已經包括係呢個 package 入面
    <br>因為佢既所有都會日日係度變, 佢會變得更好或者更壞, 其實係點轉變佢自己可能都唔知, 或者控制唔到, 你應該明白人生中既野, 好多時唔可以一廂情願
    <br>你如果選擇同佢係咪一齊, 你應該要知道呢條路唔容易行 ...
    <br>good luck ^_^

  • iceiceice: 我30了, 所以希望佢是last boyfriend, then 結婚la. 而且佢人品真是好的.
    <br>男仕甲: 我都有doubt my boyfriend 有冇介意ga....

  • joanne replied @ 2008-08-16 2:33 pm
    <br>iceiceice: 我30了, 所以希望佢是last boyfriend, then 結婚la. 而且佢人品真是好的.

  • joanna:
    <br>但因某D原因,例如際遇唔好咁, 7-8年後事業都無乜起色,咁你會唔會介意?

  • 但有d情況係...
    <br>唔介意佢只係公司裡既一個small potato,

  • 我同boyfriend係朋友介紹識的.
    <br>batmanhongkong replied @ 2008-08-16 3:33 pm
    <br>但因某D原因,例如際遇唔好咁, 7-8年後事業都無乜起色,咁你會唔會介意?
    <br>哩個問題好難答, 冇認真諗過. 如際遇唔好到咁, 而已經結左婚, 只有繼續支持佢. 金錢上我可以support自己, 但如果有了小朋友, 經濟都幾heavy. 而且一個女仔, 點都希望老公可以照顧到自己ma.

  • joanne:"但有時候, 會有D topic 佢唔明我講咩, 大家始終有D隔膜"

  • batmanhongkong replied @ 2008-08-16 6:39 pm
    <br>joanne:"但有時候, 會有D topic 佢唔明我講咩, 大家始終有D隔膜"
    <br>例如, 公司的人際關係, 佢唔明我某D view points & decisions 是因為職位上的原故, 而佢未試過做我個 post, 所以不太 understand...

  • 你唔介意, 佢介唔介意先?

  • joanne:
    <br>好似我都係U grad professional
    <br>不過同你唔同公司,唔同行業,我都可能會唔明你既situation wor
    <br>你咁高學歷,應該有足夠表達無能力,去令你BF去了解你講既野 lor

  • joanne

  • joanne:
    <br>好似我自己咁,同D唔同行業既FD傾計,唔會用D professional既字眼,而係用大家都會明既language,呢D先係據溝通之道ma..

  • 我個男朋友咪係咁囉~冇咩野所謂啦~佢唔洗我養佢咪ok囉~ccc

  • 如果呢刻有個好人品又有事業既男人追你,你會點做?

  • 如果呢刻有個好人品又有事業既男人追你,你會點做?<--係唔係問我﹖

  • 凶你唔倒,嘻嘻

  • 我男友正是這樣
    <br>我自問對佢好體貼, 朋友都係咁講.
    <br>我好想滿足佢想要既野, 幫佢交學費都冇所謂
    <br>但又好怕hurt到佢, 所以一直吾敢講.
    <br>佢就勁就我, 就到好似吾係好表達自己意見咁.
    <br>佢話佢好愛我, 但我見到佢同班朋友玩時
    <br>絕對比對住我多野講, 笑得又開心。
    <br>我吾想咁, 我想佢可以自信的, 同我溝通.
    <br>又驚佢只係感激我至同我一齊. 咁佢咪好辛苦囉?

  • 不過愛情係要經過歷練先會堅固,希望考驗來時你會更清楚自己

  • 凶你唔倒,嘻嘻

  • be honest, I'll mind.
    <br>I experienced the similar case, my ex even worse, he don't even finished f3, I support him everything and he just too rely on me...
    <br>we broke up finally..
    <br>wht I wanna say is, if u really mind it, u better leave him now, don't waste ur time & him time. bcoz u'll get very up sad at last.

  • the problem is you, who say woman can't have high quality and good income than your b/f, if you mind it, find another one , if not ,accept it and no regret,if you mix money and love together, I shame on you....you don't have qual to say what is love...find a rich man and you will regret all life.

  • Patrick,
    <br>Everyone knows love is the greatest and purest thing, but we live in the reality, it is not only love that maintain a relationship, although love is the most basic element. If you ask a woman who earns 50k/ month, but her boyfriend only earns less than 10k, I guess most woman feel there is something questionable in the relationship.
    <br>Besides, money is not the only problem. There is also problem in communication because our living habit and thinking logic is different. In my example before, it is not the "communication skill" that creates problem, it is because of the different "culture" we have so we sometimes can't understand each other's thinking.

  • 版主有咁既諗法,係咪身邊出現左另一個選擇既機會?

  • No, there is nobody chasing me now.
    <br>Maybe I had some bad experience in my past and this makes me realize that it is not only love that maintain a relationship. at least it is not only one party's love can maintain a relationship. When I was with my xbf, i loved him with my whole self and sacrificed even my own career at certain extent, but in return, I did not get his love back and the relationship failed.
    <br>So, now I realize in a relationship, there is something more on top of love. 相愛容易相處難...

  • joanne,
    <br>I do understand your concern. Many people in your position will feel that way, but it all depends on how you see it. The most simplest thing is always the most beautiful things, relationship starts to get complicated when other factors come into play, like income, status, educational qualification.....etc......I understand that your bf might not understand some of your feelings, but u may try to share them with those who understand, like your friends, so u will think less that he is not capable of understanding your feelings....

  • joanne,
    <br>my advice to u is to think simple, if u are happy and love this person, then...u can find ways to get around those stumbling blocks, a bf that has the same social status, cultural background and educational qualification with you might not love u as much as your present bf, his love to you is the most "purest" and it is hard to find nowadays...please treasure it...and i really hope that you can him can work out.......its a sterotype of the society that a relationship that u and your bf in right now will not work eventually,but i really wish you could find a way to overcome this and have a wonderful future with him :)

  • joanne,
    <br>there is no reason to stay with him then. most women can't stay with a man whom she doesn't look up to, i don't mean necessarily $wise, I meant there have to be certain attributes that she adores most, in your case, you seem to adore men who are well-educated most. every woman has her own preference, as long as you know what you care most about, go for it!

  • liumo:
    <br>umm..... I don't mean I adore only men who are well-educated. My xbfs are educated and smarter than me, but they do not love me as much as my current bf and most important of all, they do not treasure me. That's why I accept my current bf knowing that he is less educated and has less $ then me, because I find that having a bf/ husband who treasures me is the sweetest thing.
    <br>But, maybe you can say, women's mind is hard to be understood. In fact I don't understand myself well too. I need sense of security, this security is from how much the guy loves me, also from how much he is independent on himself like fiancially dependent. I find some men, like my bf, is sometimes childish in mind, like he keeps changing from job to job, he prefers to spend 5 hrs/ day on online games rather learning sth to upgrade himself. I know he treats me well and wants to earn more $ so we can get married soon, but what he is doing seems not aggressive enough.

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