請問英文 " A is tired with B " 係點解 ?? Thx

  • ?

  • ?

  • !!!

  • B 令到A 好tired.. but not physically tired.. 類似見到你都煩個隻..
    <br>my english is not good but i think it should be A is tired OF B.
    <br>Wish it helps.

  • A已厭倦了B。

  • 事先聲明,我英文麻麻!如果有高人應為唔岩,請指正!
    <br>(但係用 Tire 呢個字,文意唔算太強烈,大約只係"唔耐煩"咁上下意思)

  • 其實係A 對 B 感到厭倦 (eg. 對耐左)
    <br>定係 A 嫌 B 煩厭 (eg. 認為佢個人/性格好煩)?

  • ??

  • Sat is probably right.
    <br>"tired with"="tired of"
    <br>although I personally never use "tired with", always "tired of".
    <br>我自己唔用 "tired with" 我用 "tired of"
    <br>A is tired of B. a 已經討厭 b
    <br>A is tired from B. a 而家好攰因爲 b
    <br>A and B are both tired. (a 同埋 b 都好攰)
    <br>A is tired with B
    <br>b 係另外一件事, 同攰冇關係
    <br>He is tired, with dark eyes. He is tired, with raspy breath.

  • tired with , tired of 一樣嗎 ?
    <br>如果 A 同 B 都係人 .
    <br>A is tired with B 係咩意思 ?
    <br>因為 B 而覺得疲倦 ?

  • tired with B, 係因為 B 而疲倦
    <br>係指 phyically 疲倦 ???
    <br>深層係咩意思 ?
    <br>B 令人疲倦 OR
    <br>因為與 B 做過 d 野, A 感到疲倦 ?

  • 會唔會係: A 覺得疲倦, 同時 A 與 B 正在一齊 ?

  • 請問 : 如果係咁又點解 ???
    <br>Peter is tired with a capital T
    <br>" a capital T " 係英文係咪一個 用語 ??

  • ?

  • "Peter is tired with a capital T" <=
    <br>This means that a_capital_T and Peter are tired together.

  • --->B 令人(A)疲倦
    <br>is right
    <br>--->This means that a_capital_T and Peter are tired together.
    <br>--->Peter is tired with a capital T
    <br>It means very tired. 噉樣話佢好攰。
    <br>"with a capital {字母}" 有強調嘅意思
    <br>crazy with a capital 'C'-- Crazy-- very crazy
    <br>stupid with a capital 'S'-- Stupid-- very stupid
    <br>trouble with a capital 'T'-- Trouble-- big trouble, a lot of trouble
    <br>lonely with a capital 'L' -- Lonely-- very lonely
    <br>danger with a capital 'D' -- Danger-- big danger, serious danger

  • thank you. i think A 's very tired is correct !

  • "Peter is tired with a capital T" <=
    <br>What is Peter Tired with?
    <br>Peter is tired with his $9.3 Trillion dollar debt. That's right, Trillion spelled with a Capital T. If Peter isn't really careful, he will soon owe quadrillions and zillions and gumpillions which will be when he probably stops caring about whether they are spelled with capitals or not since that works out to 100 million workers all owing 10s of millions, 100s of millions gazillions of trillions respectively. You KNOW it's a bad sign when the numbers economists and astronomers use start sounding alike.

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