What are DEAL BREAKERS for you? 有乜嘢會領導你一定要分手或是一知道咗就拒絕人哋?

  • I will not date someone who:<br />我絕對唔會同好似噉樣嘅人拍拖:<br /><br />Is mentally insane. 黐綫嘅<br />Enjoys being malicious (with the exception of revenge). 鍾意做惡意嘅嘢(除非係因爲報仇做嘅)<br />Attempts to control me. 想控制我<br />Is violent. 暴力嘅<br />Often lacks self-control. 唔識控制自己<br />Takes advantage of weaker people to profit themselves. 爲咗益自己利用比較弱嘅人<br />Looks so terrible I feel repelled (sorry, that's me being shallow, but I'm being honest here). 外表領導我覺得厭惡 (我知道我噉樣唔啱,但係要講真嘅)<br />Chooses money over love. 會算錢多過愛請<br />Is frequently verbally abusive of others. 經常罵人哋<br /><br /><br />I can put up with a lot of things, but the above I can not accept.  There are surely others I didn't list here.  In addition to writing down what you can't accept, feel free to disagree and say that some things I or others have listed are ok for you.<br />好多嘅懷事我可以接受但係嗰啲我接受唔到。一定有其它,但係噉樣寫先。大家歡迎嚟寫你接受唔到嘅事,仲有都歡迎表示你唔同意人哋嘅睇法,可以話人哋寫嘅嘢你可以接受。

  • 包皮過長

  • ROFL!

  • Love is often blind.... sad but true.
    <br>When 2 people started to date, we prone to show good sides of our own so we also see good side from each other. Cheerful, loving, caring, hold the fart...
    <br>Then the true self comes out eventually, black mouth black face, unreasonable, loud farts....
    <br>You can make a list of what you expected from your lover and what's turn off. But being in a relationship is learning to overcome all the shortcomings.
    <br>If you love that person, you have to learn to deal with any of his shortcomings. There is no perfect man, if you have encounter one, then sad for you, because you will eventually say he is too flawless that he is "boring".
    <br>I would say there is nothing absolute a deal breaker on certain thing... Unless the feeling for each other is gone and long lost...

  • I know what you mean, CheerfulSweetie. However, I think just because you have a feeling doesn't mean you should keep in that relationship. It takes willpower to reject it, but I think a person should not let their heart rule their life when it is clear to their mind that the relationship is not good.

  • 中左幾樣添~
    <br>Is mentally insane. 黐綫嘅
    <br>Attempts to control me. 想控制我
    <br>Often lacks self-control. 唔識控制自己
    <br>1) 又肥又老又有皮膚病
    <br>2) 問人借錢/使女人錢
    <br>3) 呃我(比我知道, 你又解釋唔到) (仲要我相信你竟然會呃我)
    <br>4) 死纏爛打
    <br>5) 無男子氣慨
    <br>6) 暴力
    <br>7) 發人脾四
    <br>8) 好惡死
    <br>9) 被我覺得你唔重視我, 唔鍾意我
    <br>10) 笨過我/轉數慢過我

  • Meeting a girl without telling he has had a gf.
    <br>Surfing the internet all day but doing nothing.

  • "說是一回事,做又是一回事".緣分說難說,搞了半天你的另一半說不定就是你列舉不會交往的類型哦!
    <br>誰知那天Fed 和CS 會不會就看上眼了
    <br>They are busted now.hahahaha

  • 臭狐

  • 已經有伴侶既人。

  • 已經有伴侶既人一定拒絕

  • 人哋當然可以有佢哋嘅睇法。呢嗰反應唔係話佢唔啱,只係話我點睇。
    <br>---->1) 又肥又老又有皮膚病
    <br>---->2) 問人借錢/使女人錢
    <br>---->5) 無男子氣慨
    <br>---->7) 發人脾四
    <br>---->9) 被我覺得你唔重視我, 唔鍾意我
    <br>---->10) 笨過我/轉數慢過我

  • 一定會分手既原因:
    <br>1 當斷關係受到外來壓力 (eg. those future in-laws relationships), 佢冇勇氣維護我,咁會令我覺得好委屈
    <br>2 佢吾再尊重我,我為佢做乜佢都只係 take for granted;
    <br>3 佢對我吾誠實。佢可以保留一D佢吾想我知既野,但吾好講大話lor. White lies 可以接受,但絕對吾會接受一個 compulsory liar. 當我白痴,大話一個�B一個 (use one lie to cover another, and so on...)
    <br>4 incompatible in sex life
    <br>一定吾會 date:

  • Those are some good ones. I mean, bad ones. I mean, I'd break up over those things or wouldn't date because of those as well.

  • I will not date someone who:
    <br>Is mentally insane. 黐綫嘅
    <br>Enjoys being malicious (with the exception of revenge). 鍾意做惡意嘅嘢(除非係因爲報仇做嘅)
    <br>Attempts to control me. 想控制我
    <br>Is violent. 暴力嘅
    <br>Often lacks self-control. 唔識控制自己
    <br>Takes advantage of weaker people to profit themselves. 爲咗益自己利用比較弱嘅人
    <br>Looks so terrible I feel repelled (sorry, that's me being shallow, but I'm being honest here). 外表領導我覺得厭惡 (我知道我噉樣唔啱,但係要講真嘅)
    <br>Chooses money over love. 會算錢多過愛請
    <br>Is frequently verbally abusive of others. 經常罵人哋

  • A.Gwailouh,
    <br>interesting topic. intelligent dicussion!

  • I would not date a GIRL who does not share the same value in issues such as:
    <br>1/ think a guy should be honest (difficult to tell between hypocrite and really honest guy)
    <br>2/ would not let his man engage in nights of debauchery (no fun if just stay home and eat her cooking no matter how good a chef she is)
    <br>3/ a girl who does not enjoy sex
    <br>4/ a girl without brains (get a sex toy instead is cheaper)
    <br>5/ easily get jealous
    <br>6/ do not give the guys freedom and breathing room and stick with him like a TAMPON
    <br>7/ don't drink
    <br>8/ cannot tolerate social smokers
    <br>9/ always drag irrelavant friends and family members to a date
    <br>10/ All of the ABOVE

  • Reasons to break:
    <br>- Sleep with another gal(s) n let me know it-------> if u love me~dun let me know it..that s ur punishment if u feel guilty by making that mistake..
    <br>- Found that i m the 3rd person in a relationship--------> GO TO HELL, U FCUKER!
    <br>Reasons to not to date:
    <br>- guys who a taken----------> tho i know guys flirt around even they a taken~never settle for one!
    <br>- simply dun like u
    <br>- 100% local guys-------> hv had enough with local HK guys..2 childish..
    <br>- those who juz wana get into my pants--------> i duno y i keep meeting that kind of guys..
    <br>8/ cannot tolerate social smokers<---------wei~i reli cant stand with second-hand smoke...i juz feel like puking whenever i smell it.......

  • A few issues that seem to have come up:
    <br>#1: 但以上好多都係要相處耐左至知 (You can't know it until you have been together with that person)
    <br>That's so true. My first catastrophic breakup was because I found my partner had two serious defects. Unfortunately, I was naive and much more romantic about the idea of love than I am now.
    <br>I think it's important to realize early that a relationship like that is doomed and get out of it early.
    <br>#2: Different people can accept different things.
    <br>Some people can't accept smokers.
    <br>Some people can't accept people who can't accept smokers.
    <br>Some people can't accept someone who lets them know they cheated.
    <br>Some people can forgive that if they are honest, but would break up if they found out it was happening and the person was lying.
    <br>So, there's going to be some disagreement. But that's alright. People have different tastes and different tolerances.

  • (difficult to tell between hypocrite and really honest guy)
    <br>I can tell you.

  • ------->(difficult to tell between hypocrite and really honest guy)
    <br>---->I can tell you.
    <br>That's not that easy. Some guys you can figure out quickly. But some of the worst seem really good at first and it's difficult to find out they are lying.

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