
  • 係公司都有唔少靚仔<br />開頭望真係覺得佢地靚仔<br />但對耐左<br />又好似覺佢地無咁靚仔<br />仲會覺佢地普通添<br />點解會咁既呢?

  • 正常

  • Overtime, the handsome appearance is replaced by their character?
    <br>Perfect example:
    <br>Sometimes a not-so-handsome man can become charming because his ability overcome his appearance. The charisma shines.
    <br>Like your case, maybe your colleages ability or character is not as charming so no "added value" to the already handsome face?

  • 我覺得CheerfulSweetie講得好岩!!
    <br>我記得好耐之前睇過一個台灣節目, 請左兩個女仔兩個男仔上節目, 係果d搵男女朋友既節目. 一個男仔好靚仔, 另一個唔係樣衰但同第一個比當然差好遠. 未玩遊戲之前, 主持人要兩個女仔表態鐘意邊個, 兩個女仔都揀第一個啦當然. 之後玩遊戲, 第一個男仔又無風度又縮骨.....玩完遊戲之後兩個女仔都揀哂第二個男仔!!!! 之後個主持人問點

  • 點解佢地又會唔要咁靚仔既第一個, 之後兩個人都話人品重要d, 而且睇耐d都唔係覺得第一個好靚仔!!!
    <br>所以話...... 內在係重要過外表.......

  • 對慣左係咁ga

  • That's why sometimes we see a not-so-handsome man has an exceptional girlfriend.
    <br>Appearance gets a chance for the first impression. To further holding on good impression, nice character, clear goal and determination, etc all other factors than appearance can determine a person to keep or not.
    <br>For me, I like to look at handsome man as eye-candy. But the person I keep must have good heart and character.

  • 習慣了囉

  • 個d靚仔同事人品都唔係差既@.@a

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