
  • 剛用棒棒check到有咗,上次m的1st day是3月12日,好開心呀!!

  • Fion,
    <br>咁你近排有無乜野徵兆架?我都等緊,重有一星期先知,所以而家成日都 law law luen!

  • usagi,
    <br>我都係好心急,4月7号check過1次,不過係negative result. 4月14号check第2次,結果係有咗.老公話唔知準唔準,所以今日再double check(用其他牌子的棒棒),結果都係有咗!! 所以你唔好太早check呀.
    <br>我只係覺得個胸谷住谷住,好似m之前. 個肚間唔中有啲戚住戚住咁.

  • Fion,
    <br>咁我都唔會咁早check,我會等過左期先會check架,不過次次一到期,d m 就好準時咁來左 :(。我近日個肚有d痛下痛下,扯住扯住咁,都唔知會唔會谷m。
    <br>咁你要一切小心呀!早日confirm bingo啦!

  • fion
    <br>我一個cycle 40,day 31check過都-ve..
    <br>我唸到40日先check 吧,

  • fion,
    <br>sam as you ar! I got positive result on the home pregnancy test on the 14th, too~ My last M was 3/12~ :D
    <br>I will wait one more week to confirm with the doctor ~~

  • Zoec,
    <br>Actually, I haven't tried many times. Just roughly caclulate the possible days of ovulation.
    <br>Yes ar. I always feel tired and cold. Don't know if it is normal?

  • siubak,
    <br>wah, so happy to know you have same situation as me!! congratulations!!
    <br>i went to clinic to have a check yesterday, also positive result. Actually, they also perform urine test.
    <br>i will go to 母嬰健康院 to register tmr morning.

  • Fion,
    <br>register in "母嬰健康院"? they will refer to you a hospital later for delivery?
    <br>how many weeks of pregnancy did the clinic inform you nei??

  • siubak,
    <br>When i called to the reception of the hospital, the person just asked me to go to 母嬰健康院登記. i'm not sure if 母嬰健康院 will refer me to deliver in hospital later. i'll ask nurse there tmr.
    <br>i just have pregnancy test in 普通 clinic, the doctor didn't tell me the weeks of pregnancy.
    <br>Reception of 母嬰健康院 asked me to bring (1) doctor's referal letter to show i'm pregant (2) photocopy of my and my husband's HKID (3) 1st urine sample in the morning on the date of 登記.
    <br>Do anyone here know what will be done in the day of 登記? Will they perform any body check?
    <br>Thanks a lot and 請多多指教.

  • Fion, 恭喜曬!
    <br>我仲等緊, 我想問下你既乳雲有沒有漸漸變黑呀? 聽講會漸漸變黑. 你還有什麼feel?

  • Hello Fion and 各位準媽媽﹐
    <br>anyway, 我地以後可以係呢度一齊交流下丫!

  • yiyi,
    <br>Congratulations!! 妳去咗醫生度check未呀?

  • Fion,
    <br>Congrats too :)
    <br>然後下晝就去E生度再confirm already喇 :)
    <br>E生出左referral letter比我去公立E院排期﹐
    <br>因為我身邊唔係有好多new mom and dad﹐
    <br>所以我都係不斷上網看看forum和托朋友referral sourcing information咋。
    <br>我同妳差唔多時間呢我的last M starts at 13/3!

  • Fion,
    <br>feel any different these couple of days? I think usually the first check up will ask about the medical and health background about you, your husband, and the families lar...
    <br>My stomach always feel uncomfortable in the afternoon (after lunch)...

  • good reference link :

  • Fion & siubak
    <br>係D forum同同事間都有幾好口啤﹐
    <br>By that time已經會係第九周了﹐
    <br>因為我chk siubak比的reference link,
    <br>看其他forum仲誇﹐話而家排廣華都要等到1/6 already喇!
    <br>家庭醫生話no problem wor。

  • siubak,
    <br>今天到健康院登記,見姑娘(問家族病歷,度高,磅重,抽血)和見醫生(檢查下面and乳房). 醫生說不用這麽早來,至少等到3個月才來. 真的是這樣嗎?
    <br>然後下午到了醫院排期(我住沙田,所以去了威院),嘩...6月3日(12週)才照第1次ultrasound, and 6月23日(14週)見醫生, 很遲啊!!

  • 請問大家在沙田有沒有好的私家婦產科醫生推介呀?

  • 大家好...我都係12 月預產期..今日想出街走走...但突然好暈...要即時坐的士回家...如果唔係一定暈響街...真係好驚好驚...我希望快�纗L 4 個月......咁樣好似較隱定��...你地有無咁�黿〞p?因為我先生在內地工作 ...我現住在深圳...我打算五月頭才第一次見醫生...我本人想睇李福謙或者盧乃本醫生....但李醫生只在養和及嘉諾撒掛單...我姐姐及嫂嫂生產時都係盧乃本負責接生的...所以我都未決定...大家有意見嘛?

  • Hi Fion & all mother-to-be
    <br>Same as all of you, chk at home with positive result and confirm with my Dr already.
    <br>My Dr. already calculate my deliver date will be Dec 24 - X'mas eve ar~~~~~

  • Hi 各位,
    <br>我真希望可以加入你們, 我今朝用d仔check 過有2條線, 一深一淺(檢測線較淺), 打算明天用棒棒再check, 希望成功la, 我已努力了一年多, 如再失敗, 真會失望死.

  • Fion,
    <br>huh? 6月3日(12週)才照第1次ultrasound?? seems a bit too long bor.. usually 7 weeks will see gar lar.. You can go to private doctor to check check gei

  • blue2, hope good news from you soon!!

  • siubak,
    <br>yes, i'm now searching information of private doctor. thx.
    <br>how about you?

  • Fion,
    <br>As for my company health insurance policy, i need to visit the company's clinic first .. but th clinic won't do pregnancy test unless i'm 2 weeks late fo my M~ So, I will visit the clinic next tues! And after then I will see whether the doctor there will have referral or if I can pick my private doctors lar.. I haven't ask around for private doctors ar... i might ask some relatives since they gave birth recently.. however, before I got the offical confirmation.. I can't disclosure the news to them yet!!! so, i am trying to be very be careful for myself lar.....

  • Fion,
    <br>so, is it necessary to go registered in the 健康院 ??

  • yiyi,
    <br>"有D閃下閃下式的痛"... i got that, too ar... hm.. is it okay gei nei? but my friend said it's normal as that part is changing to make room for the baby ~
    <br>yes ar.. my stomach will have 滯悶 feel ... worst after lunch! i ate less than before.. but try my best to never let myself feel hungry .. :)

  • siubak,
    <br>i don't know for other districts, but for shatin, we need to go to 健康院 first.
    <br>After you registered in 健康院, the nurse will give you your record. then, bring the reocrd to the hospital to 排期.

  • hei,
    <br>Take care pls!
    <br>Congrats :D
    <br>等妳好消息 :)
    <br>Fion & siubak,
    <br>太多Question marks in mind...!!!

  • 各位,

  • yiyi....我會小心照顧自己的...多謝你關心...!!

  • 我都係岩岩check 到有架, 早2日用d 仔驗極都係得條超淺色既線, 攪到我都唔知點好. 不過今朝用左第2隻牌子check, 終於見到條好清楚既線喇. 雖然係比對照線淺色.
    <br>我上次m既1st day 係24/3, 所以我依家都係得4 weeks 到, 諗住過多1 星期先去診所到confirm.

  • jimmylover,
    <br>thank you so much for your advice ar~ it's so good to have a mommy to be here to give us some advices nei~~
    <br>in the first 3 months, can we drink " "紅棗 杞子" water gar? is it okay??

  • yiyi,
    <br>this is what I read from other thread :
    <br>睇醫生confirm一次, 之後佢會有張証名比你, 到時可以打去想生o果間公立醫院問他們是去健康院先, 定醫院先 (因間間吾同的).

  • Hi 各人好!!!
    <br>我bingo了(用了2個不同牌子棒棒check, 應該不會錯), 個人都有些與奮,有好多事唔識,以後請多多教.
    <br>我打算明天see doctor 取信,下星期去公立醫院登記,再book C+.

  • 說到不能吃咁多食物,最慘我愛吃的差不多中曬,如冰品,燒味(吃得嗎?) coffee, 白菜...等等.
    <br>還想問上次M頭一日是19 Mar,咁會是Dec or Jan出世呢?

  • 各位,
    <br>我既預產期都係12月, 都係第一胎!
    <br>我已book好了去威院check OSCAR, 同book好了去瑪嘉烈做產檢, 所以你地都要快d啦!
    <br>另外大家都要開始食葉酸, 會對bb好d架!
    <br>Take care All ^o^

  • Hi !!各位好....我想請問懷孕係咪一定要做 check oscar ?定有些高危媽媽才要做.....其實我都未開始食葉酸...我只不過食早前去睇醫生時佢開俾我的維他命...佢話佢診所無純葉酸...佢叫我自己出去買.......但我怕買得唔好...所以無買...我五月頭會第一次睇專科....到時先叫 Dr 再開俾我...應該都可以�N?!

  • 懷孕不一定要做oscar 的. 只是做了安心d..早d吃葉酸, 對bb會較好, 很多未有bb的媽媽都吃. 我是其中一個.

  • blue2. haha.. same as me lar.. I love coke... coffee..milk tea.. ice-cream... chips.. all can't eat now lar~~~ but amazingly... I just don't feel like I want to have any of them now after I got BB nei... don't know if that's just so natural?!
    <br>I think your expected due date should be around 26 Dec lar... my last M was 3/11 and my expected due date is 18 Dec lar..
    <br>I just confirmed with the doctor today lar~~ but she said the due date might change after the OG doctor measure the size of your baby and then will know the exact months you are pregnant
    <br>I started having 葉酸 a few month ago, too ar.. I heard it's good to have it once you planned to be pregnanted~ I bought GNC 400mcg ar... only $30sth.. can eat for 3 months~

  • hi, 大家好, 我都係啱啱知道自己有左, 但因為太早, 所以未知預產期, 我last m都係3月19日, 我自己計過預產期應該12月24日左右 但都可能因為排egg遲左而推遲, 兩個星期後會再see doctor, 希望到時度到size同聽到心跳。
    <br>雖然我已經係第二胎, 但一樣好緊張 ,我第一個bb已經2歲幾。
    <br>因為仲未可以同人講有左, 所以可以係哩度同大家分享心情真係好開心。

  • Dear all,
    <br>你是怎樣book OSCAR? 我20号在網上登記了,不過還未收到他們的電話.

  • Fion,

  • 我都有左呀! 剛用棒棒 test左 (last m 18/3), 明天會去醫生到checkcheck.
    <br>我係第一次, 乜都唔識. 我身邊的同事都有經驗, 但我唔敢問人住, 因太早啦,

  • usagi,

  • 今天看醫生, 也取了信, 問了醫生一些問題, 希望幫到大家, 除了叉燒, 其他都不要吃, 最好不要抱小孩.
    <br>Tianma, 我的預產期同你一樣, 你是第二胎, 希望多D分享妳的經驗.
    <br>請問大家對公立及私家醫院生有何意見, 我現在心大心小, 但多數會在東區.

  • Fion,
    <br>我都係上網預約的! 我21號早上book,下午已經有護士打電話比我約時間了! 我估...你還時登記多一次好d!
    <br>其實check oscar 唔係一定要check,只不過check了安心d o傘! 而且在威院check唔係太貴, $950元only.

  • blue2, 我個預產期係我自己計既,所以好可能唔準。
    <br>大家多多分享, 我相隔2-3年再有,好多野都唔記得, 好似咩食得咩唔食得都唔係好記得,因為生左記性真係會差d架。
    <br>我第一胎跟大嫂係廣華生, 因為佢話好好, 又專業, 但哩胎又想係私家生, 仲十五十六未決定到。連自己生定開刀都未決定, 第一胎自己生 但勁痛, 用左九個鐘, 所以哩一胎有d驚, 但又唔捨得bb經下面出來既感覺, 好矛盾。

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