
  • <br>我用左 THERMOS ( made in japan ) 2 年了... 好用 ~~~~

  • 其實我係買大送細.... 細果個送個 " 胆 "~
    <br>BO湯通常用細既.... 因為唔多人飲.... 同飲 leftover soup not healthy...
    <br>如果 BO " lor送湯 " or 炆牛腩果d... 就用大果個~
    <br>But 聽講如果 BO d 有 tomatoes or sour 既野.. 唔係太好...
    <br>我唔知真唔真............. but 我照BO =D

  • s@,
    <br>sorry,因為真係唔識.... :P

  • i've use Thermos 4.5l for many years - perfect for 2 people. but i've wanted to get a bigger one as i like to boil soup w/ lots of 料 & sometimes, the 4.5l doesn't have too much room. check out the dept. stores (Wing On, Sogo, etc) as they often have promos and get free gift.
    <br>fyi : my mom had bought one from 日本城 before for $99 !!! it's 4.5l and works just as good as thermos.

  • p.s. the one from 日本城 has no brand name.

  • 我有2個. 一是Thermos,已用了十幾年.
    <br>Both of them are still work.
    <br>compare of their effect,Thermos is better.
    <br>I think, you've better to choose the bigger value one.

  • 咁得意!?平又可以平成咁但功能一樣!?

  • i use lagostina, very useful & safe, around 2000.- once it is boiled, no need to guard and i can do other things w/o worries.

  • i use lagostina, very useful & safe, around 2000.- once it is boiled, no need to guard and i can do other things w/o worries.
    <br>by purple_purple

  • thermal cooker 唔同 pressure cooker 喎。前者用係煮完D食物跟住用類似保溫既方法,繼續以食物本身溫度哩煮,所以係台灣就有悶燒鍋之稱。
    <br>Lagostina 係pressure cooker 即高速煲,通常可以減少至少一半煮食時間中,要買就買 7 L,因為實際容量係得三分二咋。
    <br>有冇人用過 shuttle chef ? 我見到 6 L既有三個內膽可以換,可以同時間放兩個,可以一�R一湯,好似好方便咁。

  • 就算係兩個人, 如果係煲湯, 你諗下d湯料都瓦左個煲, 同埋你都會煲多d, 所以我suggest你買大個d

  • 咁thermal cooker定pressure cooker o岩用黎煲湯呢?我只係知pressure cooker用o黎燜牛腩會好d咋…

  • .

  • thermos 4.5 liter
    <br>can make 2-4 peoples soup

  • Highly recommend "Tefal" pressure cooker

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