
  • 一個女仔跟團用腳架相機玩自拍怪唔怪﹖會唔會比人笑﹖

  • 我覺得你 唔使理人點睇 !

  • 笑罵由人

  • 都幾怪

  • 不用理會他, 最緊要自己開心

  • 我覺得無問題~ 駛咩理其他人~

  • 叫領隊或者導遊影都得啦

  • 咪玩啦..搵人影咪得囉..整我腳架黎又要搬黎搬去,不如搵人幫你影啦

  • just enjoy and have fun for yourself

  • 插一下咀,對不起

  • 唔怪
    <br>好多人影相係冇 sense
    <br>自己 set 腳架控制構圖
    <br>難得, 難得

  • 而且, 晚上影燈景可以落後快門閃燈 + 長時間曝光 (set timer)
    <br>冇腳架點做 ? 到時你幫團友影到靚夜景相
    <br>佢地會多謝你, 唔會理你怪唔怪 (^^)

  • 去旅行帶腳架是非常重要的!!
    <br>為左幫自己影 d 靚靚相~ 辛苦少少都值得啦~~

  • <br>Some people have no sense about simple photography. They will take your picture and you are so tiny in the photo. Otherwise, they will capture you from head down to your legs but your shoes are missing. I dont see how difficult it is to include the pair of shoes! Otherwise, they will take a tiny you and the floor space is more than 1" from your feet on the photo. Silly billy!!!
    <br>Many years ago when I was still using an autofocus camera and I had asked someone to take the picture for me. It was the head to tail of a horse with me on the horse but the hourse has no legs.
    <br>Some people are so clumsy. They press the button by pushing the camera downwards and end up with a load of crap pictures. The whole trip wasted!
    <br>If you bring a tripod with you, in a crowded spot, you wont even have the chance to stand at your desired spot in order to make all the camera adjustments. In china, people take pictures with other people in the background. There is no chance to have the photo taken by yourself only.
    <br>It all sounds soooo demanding right, but is it unreasonable??

  • <br>continuation ..................
    <br>I must add that despite the unpleasant experiences, I continue to travel alone by joining the tour groups. I still find travelling by myself is the best rather than with companions. When the situation permits, I will still ask other tour members to take pictures for me. I'll take more and give allowance for out-focussed photos so I could choose and select after the trip.
    <br>Somehow, these days, I prefer to take pictures of objects and sceneries that look much much better without my face. If I want close up shots, the scenery and objects are not impt at all right? so why take a flight and spend so much time to take my big head photo?

  • go ahead!

  • 好多時請人幫你影相, 影到你成個人遮住曬 D 靚景。所以我而家自己影景算數, 費事影埋自己喺�堶情C

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