
  • 做時都會痛架,要查麻醉藥膏,跟住會用好多種精華素mix埋一齊,用微針道入面上。即係將d 骨膠原呀,純維C呀.....一齊道入面入面,令到D肉再生番出來增平d洞﹐做完會好白﹐不過又可能會生瘡,好辛苦做曬成個療程就會滑左。我三星期做一次,都做左幾個月先做完。。。。。

  • 我最近係銅鑼灣join 5次MTS$12000仲送2次RF射頻,個美容師話MTS+RF射頻最好,因我有凹洞,佢話如係色素就mts+彩光,已經做咗3次+1次RF射頻,好咗五成,效果好好喎!

  • I bought 1 MTS roller for $500. You can do it at home, DIY. I don't suggest you do it at beauty center, since the hygiene standard is not assured. I have tried to use it at home, it is very effective, easy and safe, and the roller can be used for more than 10 times, so very cheap each time, no need to go out and buy expensive treatment. Of course, you need to buy some equipments, like 生理鹽水, alochol, 面膜, 麻醉藥膏(如EMLA、Lidocane), growth factor, betadine... They are available at pharmacy, or I can help you buy them.
    <br>I got very serious acne marks before, but after a few treatment, now I am much better. There is significant improvement after each treatment. I started with 0.5mm, 1.0mm, then 1.5mm. I am using 1.5mm now, which is very effective for acne scar and pre-mature aging problem. I do it in the evening, and rest for a day at home.
    <br>The whole procedure is very simple. You can have a look at my blog.

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