
  • 我結左婚半年,我老公個朋友對我說喜歡了我..他喜歡了我十年...現在,我也不知道自己算是什麼...

  • hi she,
    <br>do u have the same feeling for him? If no , you should tell him back off.....but if u are also liking him, then its a different story

  • i think..it's already became a different story..

  • now that depends on whom u like more....that guy or ur hubby?

  • U can either have a affair(sl) or leave ur hubby and be with that guy?
    <br>But as i have said now it all depends on whom u like more?

  • i know this is a big mistake but i do like him...&...the worse part is, he's married, i know his wife..

  • u know how i am pain now?

  • Did u tell him about ur feelings? Coz i believe if u do tell, then there will be a solution of what can be done

  • i would advise u to tell that guy ur feeling as this is one way to release the pain. I knw what u r going through as i myself have gone to as well

  • r u have same situation as me? actually he knows already but...we have not any solution now...

  • mine is a past already......shouldnt talk about it now but i do hope i can come some help for u. Maybe try talking to him and ask him what he wants from u? he is serious or not? or he doing just for fun? U need to be careful.....in case u made a wrong decision it can ruin lifes

  • i know..i am messy now..
    <br>i need to go la..can we keep talk tomorrow?

  • sure we can....just dont worry ...everything will be fine

  • 其實大家都結左婚,就無需要再考慮啦

  • hi

  • 123 replied @ 2007-10-16 7:26 pm
    <br>===> 絕對同意! 其實依家點解咁多婚姻問題, 唔多唔少都係因為大家太輕視婚姻, 太過容易受誘惑! 既然結得婚, 就應該覺得自己另一半係最好, 咁做咩仲要揀?! 如果覺得對方唔係最好, 又仲咩要同佢結婚?!
    <br>其實板主 post 得上依度, 個心都始終有 d 野, 做咩要用"三角關係"黎形容?! 人地喜歡你, 你可以拒絕, 只想講句: 一隻手掌係拍唔響, 如果你係堅持同你老公一齊, 你就絕對有能力拒絕其他人!

  • 現在,我也不知道自己算是什麼...
    <br>you're a bitch.

  • You married your husband for for some reasons. Think again.

  • he didn't really like you,
    <br>if he do, he should told you before you married,
    <br>he should have divoirced,
    <br>not wait till you married and tell you,
    <br>he is very selfish,
    <br>don't risk your marriage with this guy
    <br>he should deserve your mind
    <br>think twice before you make any decision,
    <br>think about your husband
    <br>it's not fair to him if you're thinking about other guys
    <br>think in his position, what will you feel if you find out your husband in love with another woman?
    <br>cherish what you have, dont' think about what you shouldn't have and not right,
    <br>forget everything and live happiliy with your hasband

  • This is just a thread for a no brainer. The answer is just plain simple and stupid and I don't know why there is a need for SHE to struggle. Do you mind to take up the blame as a third party in someone's story? No matter how much do you like the another guy. Can you pay the price?

  • Hi She

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