
  • 我知我需要relax自己,但總係唔識點去relax...

  • 又係同一個zoe? 做咩樹?

  • What happens to you?

  • 曳曳

  • Um..."company couple" sounds complicated sometimes....as you need handle a issues like relationships with other colleagues. Both of you in same dept / section?

  • ohoh..zoe..你意思係..你同一個同事上左床? 咁引發咩問題呀?

  • Man34
    <br>我地唔同部門,仲要佢係full time,我係part time

  • 同公司拍拖..好煩架..

  • icic.
    <br>What is the problem? You suspect he is taking your advantage? Or , you suspect he is getting along with othe girl in the office?

  • 其實個問係唔係我同佢之間,而係我個經理無野做搵我黎訓話,但其實d野係關係到人地個部門,人地部門個經理都唔介意,我個經理就係到諸多事實

  • Zoe,
    <br> As you know, for some manager, such relationship is very sensitive for them and they really want to stop or minimize it. My previous company even make it black and white in staff handbook and not allow internal love affair.....haha

  • 我個經理係咪針對緊我地既關係,我仲要揣摩下
    <br>俾人訓話已經好唔高興喇,仲要捱完一輪發現佢走先過我喇,咁先係最�桯�...佢話唔見左我,以為我走左喎 >.<

  • Zoe,
    <br> Seems your manager is too sensitive on it. By the way, it's good for you to keep the affair in low profile.
    <br> For your bf, maybe he was too nervous and want to meet you out of the office.....no need to worry too much ^^

  • 根本佢走之前係唔知發生咩事,到我走左之後打俾佢,佢先知我俾人鬧

  • Zoe,
    <br> Don't worry, as you just start with him and still need some time to adjust. Remember, love is forgive and both of you need to be work hard to maintain a long lasting relationship, agree? ^^

  • 份咩工來加?

  • Man34

  • 你可能係多心。〉〉〉〉你個經理可能只係就事論事,並非與你兩個行埋有關。
    <br>建議坦誠溝通下,反正你不過係part time ,有咩關係。
    <br>或者根本不必煩惱,既來之則安之,反正你不過係part time 。

  • Zoe,
    <br> yes, sometimes when you feel unhappy and easy to loss temper and it's better to cool down on your own for period of time. Otherwise, you will conflict with you bf and he might not know how to confort you at that moment - the case will be ended up even worse.
    <br> Mutual understanding is essential to love, friendship and family. I think both of you can spend more time to communicate and understand each other, then building up a better love relationship very soon!
    <br> ^^ Good luck!

  • 照你講即係你做左d踩鋼線既野,只係人地dep唔介意俾你過到骨姐

  • punice

  • Zoe,
    <br> Anyway, please make it low profile and less trouble will come.

  • thx all~~~
    <br>今晚返去見到佢要開開心心既~ v^.^v

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