年過30而單身冇拖拍既男女, 係米通常女仔會寂寞d?歡迎表達自己經歷或自己觀察所得

  • 年過30, 身邊朋友通常結哂婚, 陪唔到你咁多.


    男仔年過30單身冇拖拍, 通常有好多其它野做, 例如打機, 玩電腦, 賭波, 賭馬, 睇波, 進修 (但唔會成世都係咁進修), 做義工, snooker, 踢波, bar 飲酒, 出夜街, d既可能上大陸�K骨, 過澳門等.


    仔年過30單身冇拖拍會做d物呢?以上除左進修, 做義工, bar, 此乎其它野都好少女仔會做, 但進修得幾年都會悶, 冇理由 / 心情無了期咁不斷進修去��3, 4degree, 人大左放工後會累, 冇物精神體力做咁多義工.


    咁年過30單身冇拖拍既女仔係米通常會寂寞d?定係女仔有好多其它野做 / 嗜好?

  • no la, there are lots of things to do, like reading, watching movies, hang out with friends, shopping, surfing the web

    just because the hobbies of men & women are different, there are many activities to kill time la

    (though i'm married already, but these are the things i will do at my leisure time)

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