請各位俾D寶貴意見 ... 剛與女朋友分手 ....

  • 同女朋友剛分咗手大約一星期 , 睇到佢响 Blog 度閙我 , 但其實係佢先提出分手 , 我應該留言解釋定係尤佢憎我 ?

  • 因咩事分手

  • 因為佢嫌我無時間陪佢 , 其實中段時間曾經分開過 , 但佢呃我有BB , 我地又再走番埋一齊 , 可惜我對佢既感覺已經變咗

  • 清者自清, 我覺得唔需要再為自己解釋, 你愈解釋只會令佢愈有位再插你, 咁落去根本無意思, 你自己都會激氣... 而且始終有人情味一d... 如果佢會自我反省既話, 佢見你唔出聲, 自然會感覺到自己既野蠻....

  • 咁多on9仔

  • 但其實係佢先提出分手 (--------- it doesn't matter who bought it up , the main point is

    you said:


    by Sam - 08/31/07 02:18

    ....yes, she called for the breakup but it doesn't mean she doesn't love you.


    if your 感覺已經變咗 then why bother to check her blog?? don't read it and let her say express whatever she wants in there.

    you guys are over anyway, unless u're planning to go back to her.

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