
  • <p><strong class="text14pt"><span id="shetitle"><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>安全使用香薰精油</strong> </strong></strong></strong></strong></span><br /></strong><img height="240" src="http://www.she.com/channels/article/07/07/p07072621b_01.jpg" width="180" align="right" alt="" /><strong><br /></strong><span class="style2">隨著home spa 愈來愈流行,不少女士都會自行購買香薰精油作不同用途。由於精油的濃度極高,若不小心使用,有可能令肌膚受損。因此,使用前必須經過稀釋。</span></p>
    <p><span class="style2">如何稀釋?脂質的精油不能溶於水份,如要於浸浴、面膜或護膚品基底中加入精油,可先用植物底油、油溶劑、天然礦物鹽、全脂鮮奶或酒精等將之稀釋至3% 左右,皮膚敏感人士最好將濃度減低至大約1%,以減低精油對皮膚的刺激。</span><br /><br /><em>Text: Coral</em></p>

  • 我只係用嚟點,唔識用嚟其他用途。

  • 我只係用溶係水個d~~~~

  • hi,
    <br>i try one brand from France... its blended massage n essentila oil are quite good... can share with u... my msn : [email protected]

  • Oshadhi is the most famous brand in the world
    <br>The price is a little bit expensive but the quality is really good

  • 有. 有用薰衣草, 玫瑰, 依蘭依蘭, 鼠尾草, 茴香, 西柚, 檸檬

  • 我用 aroma vera 的佛手柑 , 不太濃 , 最喜歡睡時用 , 睡得較甜呢 .
    <br>百幾蚊一支 , 我一個星期用 4 次 , 5 月尾開了一支新來用 , 到而家只係用左1/3

  • 那麼,你們是用來按摩,還是直接點在香薰爐上?
    <br>- Carmen (Editor)

  • I am using essential oil for massage and using on my bb for skin problems.
    <br>Very good
    <br>If the air conditioner has smell.
    <br>You can use lemon or lime for disfusion.
    <br>The environment become fresh and more cool.

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