---------我是第三者, 她是我的上司, 今天她回家陪老公和女兒.......我真的很痛苦, 我該怎麼辦??!

  • 我是一個剛畢業的小子<br />她是一個真正的女強人.....<br />明知不會有結果,<br />但我卻深深的陷入了這段關係,<br /><br />我真的非常痛苦..................................................

  • Enjoy your 痛苦 young man, and one day you'll leave.

  • 我勸你都係離她而去,

  • 講多少少經過黎聽下...

  • 人妻?唔係嘛...

  • 有時候有D野,並唔係為了將來.......一開始已經知道

  • 後生仔....早走早著啦!!

  • 你的經歷...我也有試過....

  • 她已下班了,佢老公同個女來接她

  • 你地有無發生過關係.....?

  • 有咁既事?

  • 程咬金----> 有....但係我地之間並唔係只有呢樣野

  • 嘩~~咁激?

  • 咁都撻得著!?! 究竟佢有d咩可以吸引到你?

  • 咪傻落去,早走早著啦

  • 吊人妻既感覺係咪好high?

  • something similiar but I'm at the opposing role, I'm a so-called career woman, at a management role. I have a hubby and daughter, recently attracted by a young guy. I knew him via business, this is fate and in fact, I just had some chats and drinks with him. Not yet developed in-depth relationship. But, I know if he wave to me, I'll definitely go. Yes, even I go, there is no happy ending and definitely, it'll be for memory only.
    <br>But I can't stop myself from thinking of him and I'm hiddenly waiting for his call / SMS. He reminds me the feeling of first love. It's sweet and fresh.

  • 如果我再早一d出現o係呢個世上
    <br>by 痛苦的我 - 08/25/07 15:47
    <br>So you can with her on every family day and share her with guy on weekdays.

  • TIna black, how are you? and him?

  • Sam,
    <br>I'm fine. BY the way, are you asking about our ages?
    <br>I'm 33 and he's 25. Is it a big joke? Yes, it's a big joke to myself. Maybe he makes me think of my ex-boyfriend who has similiar background with him, and similiar outlook.
    <br>I really don't know what to do, I just can't stop myself from thinking of him. Anyway, I know I'm still hiddenly waiting for his calls / SMS. Maybe he doesn't has the "feel" on me and just treat me as a big sister? Nevertheless, I can't deny that I really enjoy the time being with him. Even standing besides him, make me feel "heart beat",...it's really terrible.

  • TinaBlack:
    <br>Hi TinaBlack:
    <br>just "learnt" about your situation. I am a male, but I can appreciate how u feel in such a circumstance. There may be more than one reason why people get married, but there is usually only 1 reason why amarried woman/guy desires to have an affair with someone outside her/his marital relationship, and esp in your case where u have also have a child. Usually, women in such cases don't "think about" having another love life besides that with her hubby. But if she does, then the reason for it is quite different from that of a married man wanting extra marital affair with a gal besides his wife.
    <br>As I am a guy much older than u (10 yrs at least), I appreciate than , in modern times, city life especially, love is more complex than before. Modern women have different needs, and guess what, I
    <br>support your views and "wishes" in your present endeavour. I think its perfectly ok for a woman like u to "have an affair" with a guy who is younger than you, "provided that you can keep it within yourself and your secret partner". You must weigh the risks vs the "benefits"
    <br>of pursuing your desires. As long as your hubby doesn't know, things will be fine. Of course, it demands more self-discipline and discreteness. AFter all, 人非草木,焉能無情!
    <br>Furthermore, your "target" is not a colleague but is from outside, you are more trouble free and can have many excuses and pretences to meet him ...as a cover story.
    <br>But the one thing you should also seriously consider is, what do u think about your relationship with your hubby? why did u marry him? what for? and is it worth it? How long can u keep it a secret from your hubby? Is it painful to conduct two relationships simultaneously? Should u end either one of them?
    <br>Anyway, as a grown up man, I support your views. Hope the best of luck to you. If u want to chat more about it, u can leave your msn address to me at [email protected]. I'll gladly reply.

  • to 痛苦的我
    <br>My hunch is, your "special relationship" with your woman boss (which reminds me of the movie by Sharon Stone and Michael Douglas) will end up nowhere...and some day, one or both of you will be forced to leave the office. (its a tragic move as both of u are at the same workplace). But, since u 2 already started, its no going back. I have a bad feeling this will always end in disarray. Take care young boy, and wish u the best of luck, cause u're gonna need it.

  • 嘩..真係好激呀..唉,得唔到既野永遠都係會令你痛苦....

  • hi, 我係同你咁上下際遇嘅女仔,(少少唔同啦...佢一直一腳踏兩船之後佢同左另一個結婚)...呢條路我行左4年了..仲未放棄..難行到想死, 但感情嘅事又唔到你揀..佢夠話差少少我一定係佢老婆啦...呢d說話只會令自己更痛苦更唔甘心..順其自然啦...祝你好運

  • btw,redstar君說得很對,我倆即使沒分開,我也迫於無奈離開公司半年了

  • Hi morr1729:
    <br>are u ok now? get back on your feet?

  • Hi, redstar,
    <br>thanks for your feedbacks and sharing on your points of views. I can't say it's encouraging, but at least it makes me feel more comfortable. Yes, you're definitely right, the relationship between my hubby and me is very flat now, I can say it's boring. In fact, I prefer to stay in the office to work till very late instead of going home to have dinner with him. For family day on sunday, I only enjoy playing and talking with my daughter rather than talking to him. I'll call our common friends to join our 3-people family lunch or tea. The local HK sayings, "NO more feel la"
    <br>Yes, the 25-years old guy is just a trigger for me, to let me know how weak is the relationship between my hubby and me. NO one is expecting a happy ending or in fact, he just treats me as one of her female friends. However, I can see there might be other guys coming up after this 25-year old guy since I don't really love my hubby.
    <br>I'm so frustrated.

  • Well TinaBlack:
    <br>to tell u the truth, the "facts" u just posted was the mirror of my situation, i can almost step in your shoes, except that i am a male. Me, well, also not a happy story. In fact, for these couple of weeks, had several fights w/her , and the words" we can't go on like this, why don't we just seperate"...uttered out. So, u can get some idea of why i "appreciate" your circumstances.

  • the only thing that keeps me going is the belief:
    <br>黎明之前必有黑暗!so , have to "ride out the storm" so to speak.
    <br>Well, as they say, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

  • Hi TinaBlack:
    <br>just sent u my msn add to your she.com mailbox.

  • 冇呀...人生苦短,順其自然...最難捱最難過嘅時刻都捱過左..而且覺得自己犠牲左好多好多(好似間公司係我同佢幾年努力嘅成果...都被迫離開)..唔甘心放手者...

  • 其實痛苦嘅嘢睇開d咪冇囉,如果仲係痛苦咪....再睇開d囉.....自己個另一半係咁有咩辦法...

  • 人還年輕,好經驗,壞經驗,好壞都是經驗。

  • hi,最應該退的時候過了...現在已不去想了...

  • 苦,也是一個經歷

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