Want to meet a mature Gentleman for dating

  • We're two mature ladies, want to meet some gentleman here go out for dating.
    Enjoy food、movies、sharing life and goodtimes together.
    Hope to find the gentleman who are:
    single、mature (35+)、tall (5' 9or over)、 decent、sincere
    If you're interest, Pls. leave down your info. & contact here.
    Hope to have dinner date with  you at tonight ^^

    Our info. :
    Ms.Z - divorce, 38, 164cm, ample
    Ms.A - single, 34, 171cm, athletic  

  • How about me. 5'11" (43,30,35) Tonight have a drink at TST about 1100 if OK call me 60766882 with my friend a great PARTY

  • sound interesting,

    but i m 34 only, can i ?

  • Hello,

    Shall we talk ?

    i m 34yr, 179cm, 160lbs

    msn: [email protected]

  • hi, i am 31yrs, don't u mind? if u don't mind, reply to [email protected].............i will leave u my numbers..

  • would u like to join speed dating...and talk in face to face ar...

    Just Match , have u heard that?

    msn: [email protected]

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    msn: [email protected]

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  • Sounds good.. Fulfill ur requirements, Can we contact in wechat Trevelyan_grey

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