想問問地勤/空姐, 你地係唔係去任何一個國家/城市都係一折機票?

  • we have different type of discount tkt, eg, 90% off, 75% off, 50% off and zonal employee discount (ZED)

  • ground staff,

  • we are entitled to get 20+ sector of discount ticket, applying ZED or ID is subject to different carriers

  • thank you, ground staff.
    <br>Actually, i would like to change my job before two months. because when i gradurated from IED, I have been teaching in primary school...feel a little bored.....so ask u this question law...anyway, thanks!

  • ground staff,
    <br>May i know how long have you been working there?

  • I am still green to the industry, I have been working for this field for 3 yr. You are considering CS or back office post?

  • just 3 yrs........i think u are still so young.
    <br>Sometimes, i think my job duty is too routine. i teach the same subjects every year...i correct their homework after work..... really bored....really want to change the field and job environment. But office work may not suitable for me. i will prefer CS more.

  • CS post is really really tough with low pay. You have to face round-the-clock duties, demanding passengers and superiors, and sometimes little support is available.

  • haha......the little support----> , means the cheaper ticket ???
    <br>It's also a big problem. I never do the job on shift. I find it hard to get used to it law...... how about u?

  • little support=insufficient manpower+some irresponsible supervisor
    <br>round-the-clock duty is not easy absolutely, try to think think you have duty on 0800-1800 today then 1200-2100 tomorrow and then 1630-0130 the day after tomorrow....

  • i think 9hrs per day is reasonable. but where do u live? do u take a long time to the airport?
    <br>During the test/exam period, i work twelve hrs per day.

  • only few 9 hr duty in a week, 10 hr at least, sometimes even 18 hrs....can you afford????

  • u mean 18 hrs per day. i think i can't bear this pressure.

  • CS post in airport is not an easy job...

  • 我都成日聽人講, d大陸客勁麻煩, 成日話要投訴... 你做左3年, 都好勁啦

  • 唔止d大6客...
    <br>SIN都好煩...><好多要求 仲要聽埋佢地DSinlish...真係吹脹

  • 我都聽人講d singlish係好難聽o家, 其實你地都要學好多野, 唔係只係我地睇到(派餐)咁簡單

  • 係呀
    <br>其實最重要既係Emergency Training...
    <br>Service Training 其實只係第二重要
    <br>當然,我都唔想有朝一日會用上係safety school學到番黎既野啦!真係touch wood都要講句!

  • 你講得好o岩, gucci事件對好多漠視他人安全既人來說, 確實係一個警惕, 萬一有事, say10次sorry都無用... 我以前男友個ex係空姐, 佢話d人事比較複雜, 其實係唔係咁.....

  • Actually I am not doing CS post, I am responsible for flight operations, my customers are pilots, but they are 'ma fan' too

  • ah......我以為d 大陸客先惡頂, 原來仲有人比佢地更勁, 因為聽人講d大陸客經常唔比行李超重費, 成日以為complaint就可以解決問題..., 我f.7果年,send左封信去港龍, 份工係文職, 之後因為ied收左我, 都無去in lu...
    <br>而我份工呢, d家長好麻煩, 少少事就投訴, 都唔知點講, 如果你唔mind我留個email個比你, 你send你msn比我再傾啦! 不過, 係度傾都ok...:)
    <br>[email protected]

  • 公司永遠唔撐伙記
    <br>即使最後無事 你個底都已經花左啦

  • 咁都得...其實我地都係, 一去到校長度complaint, 就算唔係我地錯, 都當係我地錯啦...咁你有無諗過由地勤轉做空姐...

  • 有時d客傻 老細又走去跟住一齊傻 company image最緊要
    <br>我知道自己唔適合做CS 所以無諗過呀
    <br>做老師前景應該會好過ground 你真係要諗清楚呀
    <br>ps email sent

  • 其實我份工係幾ok既, 夠穩定... 但係就成日都要去貴旅行, 係人地一個double既價錢...但係我又好鍾意去旅行,都無辦法啦, 所以呢方面你地就好d啦

  • discount tkt is just a kind of give and take....
    <br>我試過只係去台北 都standby左6個鐘....

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