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    <p class="text14pt" align="left"><strong><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#7a8e97"><strong>Chantecaille Just Skin SPF15</strong></font></strong></p>
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    <p class="text10pt"><font color="#66756e">多功能的粉底已非新鮮產品,但Chantecaille 的Just Skin SPF 15 還是吸引著我,只因其近乎tinted moisturizer 的特質實在方便易用。<br /><br />不含油份的Just Skin 具保濕、舒緩與防曬等護膚效用,因此我使用前省略了日霜與防曬霜等步驟,想不到單靠此產品已能為肌膚保持充足水份。</font></p>
    <p class="text10pt"><font color="#66756e">產品具輕微的遮瑕度,輕輕塗抹一層已能改善膚色,讓我看來精神奕奕,其matte finish 質感更不會造成油光滿面的情況,建議可單獨使用;若加上碎粉則能進一步營造通透的效果,並撫平毛孔與細紋。</font></p>
    <p class="text10pt"><font color="#66756e">看完我的sharing,不知其彷如無物的妝效會讓你愛上它或是放棄它呢?<br /><br /><font color="#66756e">相關文章︰<a href="http://www.she.com/beauty/beautyspy/index.cfm?object_id=D88FB1FD-F2AE-4204-A5873CF7028DEAD8&ref=www.home" target="_blank"><font color="#66756e">不再單一的粉底</font> </a></font><br /><br /><span class="style2"><font color="#66756e">text: Coral</font></span><br /><br /></font><font color="#66756e"><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></font></p>
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    <div align="center"><img height="240" src="http://www.she.com/channels/article/07/07/p07071921m_01.jpg" width="180" alt="" /><br /><font class="text10pt" color="#66756e">Chantecaille Just Skin SPF15<br />(HK$620/ 50ml)</font></div>

  • I tried this and Laura Mercier's tinited moisturizer, this one's texture is better, but LM's have better coverage~

  • 我最鍾意Real Skin,勁好!貴都值得!

  • but i heard that real skin has no coverage at all, and easy to mealt, is it true?

  • 都唔係喎...我覺得coverage都足夠,但我仲有用concearler o既!

  • 真係好貴呀!好用都未必會買.

  • 幾貴?

  • it's really expensive for me.....
    <br>the resonable price..um....$450 is my maximum price la....
    <br>If there's 30ml and the price to be set a bit lower, I will try lor...

  • YES! it's quite expensive but worth.

  • 自已都覺得Chantecaille的粉底唔錯,coverage OK亦貼薄。就粉底來說算是中高價,但每日化妝的話都可用2至3個月,其實都劃算!
    <br>- Carmen (Editor)

  • 好似幾好用咁喎

  • 50ml, 如果唔o岩用就會好蝕喇...
    <br>有有30ml 用下會好d

  • Dear Quee, 曾經身邊有朋友都有你這個問題,特別對於一些較貴的化妝/護膚品,都會擔心若買了,又不適合的話,就很浪費金錢!
    <br>- Carmen (Editor)

  • I used real skin and future skin, both are super. Future skin can have better coverage if U use it layers by layers. Real skin, um, coverage is not as good as future skin, if ur skin is good, this one is perfect, I used 2 already.
    <br>Really want to try this new one.

  • Real Skin

  • 請問係用什麼成份? 我的BLACK EYE CIRCLE好深同埋好勁, 可以遮到嗎? 又有好深的荷爾蒙斑(如一毫子大), 可以遮得到嗎? 用這支不需再用碎粉是嗎? 及我的T字位會出油, 可以LAST到幾耐? 搽上去會不會太白, 好不自然? thanks!

  • 今天去了JOYCE BEAUTY試上塊面, 真係好自然到好似無搽過咁, 但係又乜嘢都遮唔到囉! 無興趣囉!

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