電腦問題:我想format部腦,我而家係用緊xp,以前我用me既時候係用開機片去dos format部機,但而家xp我冇開機片,放隻xp碟又只可以install新既xp o係另外既driver,我想係format c driver既xp,再將新既xp install返去c driver,但我試過好多次都format唔到,請問各位有咩方法可以format到呢?唔該!!!!

  • After booting from the XP installation CD, you have to choose to install on other partition, and then delete the C drive.

  • newsgroup:
    <br>我有諗過可以咁,但就算我真係install多個xp o係另外一個driver,但我都係唔識format原本果個xp...定係你既意思係,要install多個xp o係另一個driver先format到原本個xp呢?唔該哂!!!!

  • 煩 - 03/18/07 15:09
    <br>I always delete and format the C drive and re-install a new Windows XP on the C drive again.
    <br>After it searches for the existing Windows installation, (probably press Esc) you choose to install on a new paritition , and then you should be able to delete the C drive and format the whole harddisk again.

  • newsgroup:

  • 如果Windows XP都無driver, 個sound card係新過XP啦, 應該有driver 比你. 你要問下人啦.

  • newgroup:
    <br>我係砌機架,但係我ex砌完送俾我,所以我唔知個sound card係咩牌子咩型號,我亦唔記得佢有冇俾張cd我install,請問我可以點做呢?唔該!!!!

  • newsgroup:

  • 煩 - 03/18/07 19:40
    <br>Good. Back from dinner, hehe

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