
  • 睇到版友既問題(提醒人未拉好拉鍊),我都有個問題想問(有關提醒異性朋友走光)<br /><br />如果男仔見到個異性朋友(大家係識既).............<br />例如<br />1.個女仔著左件「半露背」既衫,原本可以剛剛遮到個bra,但結果個bra扣同帶露左出黎<br />2.個女仔著左條低腰褲,蹲低身時,露左一大條股gap(假設佢唔係刻意)<br />3.個女仔烏低身做野時,衫嶺位走光(假設佢係唔為意)<br />等等……<br /><br />男士作為佢既朋友,為佢好,都唔想佢走光俾其他人睇到<br /><br />想問女仔,咁男性朋友見到呢個情況,應該點做好?<br />A.你會希望佢提醒你(因為唔想其他人睇到)?<br />B.你唔想佢話你知(因為尷尬)?<br />而女士們又會唔會覺得俾個男士刻意昅佢呢?<br />或者會覺得蝕底左?<br />

  • sorry, typo

  • My vote goes to (a).

  • My vote goes to (a).

  • (A)
    <br>佢提點我我覺得ok ar~

  • 我覺得當你著某類衣服時應該知道風險喺邊度,自己會特別留意,例如著低腰褲時會盡量唔踎,要踎都要用手gum住,坐都要揀有pan嘅椅先坐,仲要記得貼住個pan嚟坐.

  • yes, 有d人自己都唔mind, 你做咩要提佢呢.
    <br>如果話係bra扣, 你真係fd到好好, 你可同佢講"我幫你整整件衫", 你幫佢抽一抽件衫, 然後同你講, "你得閒要抽一抽, 件衫變曬形". 咁佢會知道的了.
    <br>褲的話, 我上兩日d親戚, 事發後3-4個小時才告訴我, 我果時會諗, 你過來提一提我囉. 不過都過去左, 唔好意思都feel唔到囉.

  • <br>
    <br>I think you there is no answer to your question.
    <br>We are very modern and update but in general, deep in our blood, we are still very traditional and conservative.
    <br>It's best to leave it as it is because THE PURPOSE of wearing revealing clothes is to show those parts that shouldnt be revealed.
    <br>Is it not?
    <br>If I do not wish to show my pet-pet, I will not wear those dropping pants. If I wear such pants, then, I dont care how revealing it is. It is to the discomfort of the observer or passer by EXCEPT me.
    <br>If I unbuttoned the first two buttons of my shirt, I dont think I need anyone to tell me about my button. I want to show - that's it. If I dont want to show, I would have worn my turtle-neck top.
    <br>Do you understand?

  • <br>
    <br>I fail to understand why it bothers HK men so much about my low cut or my revealing pet-pet.
    <br>Have you ever asked those gweilos what will they do if they saw those gwai-muis wearing low cut tops, bare backs, or spaghetti straps, shorts revealing the 'cheeks' of their backside?
    <br>Do you think they will waste time thinking about all these like most of the men in HK?
    <br>What makes HK men bother about this kind of things so much??
    <br>Is anything wrong with the stuff between their ears? or is that piece of meat between the groins working too hard??

  • 其實你點知佢係咪刻意或者唔介意?

  • B

  • if friend then (a)

  • <br>
    <br>走光 is a big, big deal in HK.
    <br>Just like breast feeding in public places!
    <br>We cannot tolerate nonsense. We will make a big topic out of it just like the national anthem on tv!!!
    <br>It's like a stone (not sand) in the eye!

  • 11 replied 3 days ago :
    <br>yes, 有d人自己都唔mind, 你做咩要提佢呢.

  • I prefer (b)

  • 好似大多數人都揀A
    <br>你地唔會覺得尷尬架咩? (俾個異性朋友睇到d唔應該俾佢睇到既地方喎)

  • 走光見到既野,都唔會多得過著泳衣見到既野啦

  • 可能佢想show off

  • 我係女仔. 見到有個唔熟o既女同事露點.

  • cc
    <br>如果係我我一定會講比佢聼...gum 大件事...

  • watch_out:
    <br>我同佢唔熟, 真係唔敢, 怕魚
    <br>不過我問返朋友, 佢話如果識梗係話比佢知喇.

  • cc
    <br>我覺得唔其實就算唔識都應該講架...係會有d 唐突,但係如果唔話比佢知佢就會一直gum 落去,好慘ga

  • cc

  • push

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