why would guys just disappearred without a word?

  • What kind of behaviour is that?

  • not answer phones, email, sms.... it's just unbelievable.

    1. coz he has 趙'ed you. after 激情, it's time for him to leave
      <br>2) coz you don't let him 趙 you after a bit 激情, he's not going to spend further time/effort on you just for 趙 you, he got better things to do with the time.

  • oh so it's all about 'chiuing'

  • tell us more about your story so that I can confirm that's really the case.
    <br>1) how long have you two been together? (first meeting to last meeting)
    <br>2) got sex? how many times? if not, had he suggested? and what's your attitude?

    1. 2 months
      <br>2. no. no. attitide open.

  • dun know
    <br>識左2個月都冇同你上床?.....一係佢有問題, 一係就係你拒絕過或者佢覺得你唔會同佢上床.

  • 上床 is what all guys want?

  • 咁個過程激唔激情 (感情上,唔係行動上)?定係淡然個隻?

  • quite 激情.
    <br>maybe he met someone else. ???

  • 上床 is what all guys want?

  • dun know
    <br>唔一定係為性而同你一齊, 佐2個人係一齊2個月都未上過床就少有囉...

  • please read the post 我恨透了男人

  • please read the post 我恨透了男人
    <br>by evil2
    <br>其實呢條 thread 好有問題,佢只係因為自己預到既不幸遭遇所以就講曬所有男人..

  • so anything i can do?
    <br>shall i just let him go?

  • He does not care about u, u are of no more value to him. Better let him go as soon as possible and find a better guy.

  • well... actually i dont mind to let him go, cos i dont think im in love with him yet, just getting to know each other. Just wondering why would a decent guy (appears to be decent, and decent from my judgement so far) would behave like an axxhole.

  • Of course, nothing strange

  • agree with evil2: He does not care about u, u are of no more value to him
    <br>dun know, don't you still understand that it's his "decent feel" that made you feel loving/liking him?
    <br>you thought you were smart enough to pick this guy "ar, he's a decent guy, i know, i won't pick other axxhole-liked guy, i know how to choose, i'm smart this time"
    <br>if he loves you, he'd stay with you. unfortunately, he doesn't love you, not even need you. so, you can do nothing but go away, or let him go.

  • He does not love u or even want to bed u. Forget him , let him be out of sight and out of mind.
    <br>Agree with Coda too, u think u r too smart. U r 'Um Gum Sum'.

  • so you're saying that a guy would be decent to someone he loves and otherwise if he doesnt love the person? That's just .. how to say it... pretentious, not real decent.

  • dun know, in your world, things are either black or white?

  • hey, just curious, are you two girls?
    <br>i wonder if there will be guys to share their mind.
    <br>i'll let him go, and i wont feel any loss cos he doesnt behave up to my standard.

  • the real decent guys are usually boring and dull. I don't think there are many women who really like a truely DECENT guy. ;-)
    <br>we all need a balance, being witty (usually comes with a little bit evil) and decent. do you agree?

  • I'm a man.

  • Whether he is decent or not is irrelevant, u r not his cup of tea in any sense. Please wake up.

  • well... actually i do feel a bit loss cos i think we could at least be friends.
    <br>Yeah, my world is pretty much black and white, i try to keep things simple.

  • Evil2, thanks, im well aware of that fact.
    <br>coda, surprise! Well, i dont think real decent guys are boring and dull, at least not my friends.

  • "agree with evil2: He does not care about u, u are of no more value to him "
    <br>interesting point. What value could a girl bring to a guy? sex? what else?

  • coda, are you saying that a guy would appear to be 'decent' to court the relationship? That means a girl can never know... only time can tell, right?

  • dun know, your friends won't show you the evil or dark side. coz their identities are your friends. sigh.
    <br>if they go meet some other gal who's got no connection to their own lives , the guys might show the evil side..
    <br>有好多人覺得網上既人點點點,其實咪又係 real life 個班人。佢地係 real life 你估夠膽咁放任咁去做 d 呃人感情既野?唔驚傳下傳下比識得自己既人知?名都醜曬喇。所以 real life 既朋友個個都盡量表現自己係大方,好人,唔計較,誠實,etc.

  • If u still want to be friends with him, u can give him a call to see how he responses.
    <br>Values? It's varies from person to person and it could be many things.

  • in short, if a guy doesn't have to worry about any consequences, he's more easily to show his dark side..
    <br>but in real life, or even on the net, we usually have to 顧下後果. 呢 d 諗多一步後果往往令 d 人唔敢亂來,都係做返個 "好人"
    <br>所以,到世界末日個一日,妳會見到好多妳諗都諗唔到既場面.. 當然,可能我地呢世都唔會見到世界末日。touch wood :-)

  • dun know,最緊要係,唔好被之前不快既經歷影響到妳日後對人既態度,開放自己,比 d 信心自己,比信心對方,但要令對方清楚知道自己係認真既,咁樣其實好多時被人呃既機會駛 d 添。

  • coda, thanks for your detailed explanation. I bet that's true. I for myself dont behave differently on net or in real person, i must be really dull and boring then... lol.
    <br>evil2, he's not picking up my calls. Maybe i shall give him some time.
    <br>please elaborate on 'values'. thanks.

  • U may not want to see ur friends' dark sides, hehe...

  • coda, thanks. It may not affect me much for im not madly in love with him, and im too stuborn and sticking to my own values/principles. Besides, i still think he's a good person, someone i wanna be friends with.

  • values are needs

  • dun know, i understand. I'm not saying he's not someone who's not worth to be a friend with too.
    <br>每個人都有佢地既好同唔好之處,無人係絕對既 "好人" 或 "壞人",只會係唔同人前展露唔同一面時先可以講..

  • Evil2, what kind of needs? other than sex?
    <br>因為呢個人基本上對我無乜影響 - oh im talking about him long enough, i guess he is someone important to me at this moment. Maybe i shall give myself some time too before im friends with him.

  • dun know,而家個問題唔係妳想點,而係佢想唔想要妳,無論係做朋友或者點。
    <br>if he doesn't need you, he doesn't even want to keep in touch with you. 最多 maybe only 名義上既 "friend"

  • dun know,唔好勉強自己,更加唔好勉強人地。如果對方係有 d d 珍惜妳既,妳會好自然地感受得到。咁妳而家感受到 d 乜野呀?成日話比時間人地.. 其實妳又有無諗過.. 佢需唔需要妳比既時間呢?

  • coda, very true. Probably i wanna be friends with him cos he's offering what i want from a friend. And he's cutting me off cos he doesnt get what he 'needs' from me.
    <br>I have better picture now. thanks you guys.

  • may i know how old u r?

  • Evil2, im not telling you, afraid that you'll say im mentally retarded at my age. lol..

  • Coda,
    <br>�鶷{實生活中, 自己有些事情係唔敢做的(e.g. 識女仔, 因為怕比人拒絕 ^^"). 但在網上世界裡, 自己會變得大膽, 因為見到好多人都做緊同樣事情.
    <br>Internet就像一把兩面刃, 如果用得悉而, 會令人瞭解到自己弱點並學習到如何改進. 反之, 它會令人脫離現實 ...

  • dun know,
    <br>what do u expect from a frd?

  • A friend is someone to spend time with, someone to talk to, either with same topics or common interests and feel comfortable with each other.

  • He is just not that into u, okay?

  • Evil2, ok ok got it. I assure you i got that message.

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