Grammar Problems?

  • I will send you the documents once it (is/was) available.<br /><br />You have to pay the membership fee until the contract (is/was) (completed/expired).  

  • I will send you the documents once it (is) available
    <br>You have to pay the membership fee WHEN the contract (is) (expired).

  • Thanks so much!

  • or simply.....
    <br>topic : Grammar Problems?
    <br> I will send you the documents once it (is/was) available.
    <br>You have to pay the membership fee until the contract (is/was) (completed/expired).
    <br>thread id: 1905765 posted by yy
    <br>on 2007-07-04 12:07:55
    <br>I will send you the documents once available

  • first line is correct
    <br>second line should be
    <br>You have to pay the membership fee when the contract EXPIRES <-動詞
    <br>"when it is expired"... sounds awkward in english

  • 對, 如果要好d就係
    <br>You have to pay the membership fee before the contract has expired

  • Support 用 expires!
    <br>其實 after 梗係 has expired,
    <br>但係 when 都用, 似乎係因為廣東話只有 "expire [左]", 個[左] 字飛唔走, "has expired" 飛唔走 =.=

  • 這個是外國的網頁send給我, 提我要renew membership中用到的. 所以我會咁建議.佢係用...before the contract has expired...

  • before the contract has expired.............岩, 可以.
    <br>其實 when, before, after 都可以, 只係背景意義語氣唔同.
    <br>when...expires..... 唔係估你點點點, 只係客觀講出幾時再畀$
    <br>before..has expired...... 拿, 快手快手, go go (pay me) (正面)
    <br>after..has expired....... 拿, 如果到時咁, 你要點點點 (反面假設)

  • when...expires 是state fact
    <br>before ....has expired 是telling you that you must do so, 如果唔係就會無會藉咁.
    <br>after...has expired 即係有個寬限期.

  • after...has expired 即係有個寬限期.
    <br>by xx - 07/04/07 13:49
    <br>有個寬限期.. How Come?
    <br>你估姐, 可以有可以冇.
    <br>可以冇寬限期 ----------- 12.31 到期日, 繼續 enjoy,
    <br>1月1日至1月3日, 你唔來玩一件事, 總之你冇權玩 !!
    <br>(因為你 "have to" pay 而冇 fullfill)
    <br>1月4日, 到場畀$, 即玩.
    <br>係追交, 今年到期日仍然係 12.31

  • lol, still arguing for what leh...

  • xx,
    <br>你咁分析都帶出一樣既野, 唔講語氣, 好簡單..... "原教旨主義" stick strictly to the words!
    <br>when : state fact, no other detail
    <br>before : 你事前有權畀$而續會
    <br>(小心斷會, 交 surcharge 乜都得)
    <br>after : 你有權事後畀$而續會
    <br>(耐成點冇標準, 一兩日常理一定得)

  • 幾多版長命過版主存在係
    <br>你 LOL for what leh, 我明既 ^^

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