
  • 我同男友拍拖都有五年, 年紀又唔係細(35歲), 感情都算穩定, 但從來未提過結婚呢回事, 究竟係咩原因呢? <br />係咪因供緊樓而唔想有太大負擔或壓力, 定係佢根本無諗住結婚? <br /><br />如果佢真係唔諗住結婚, 係咪真係要分手? 但我地兩個o既感情又唔係真係咁差。<br />請各位比d意見參考下, 男友點解會有呢種行動 (只係拍拖, 唔提結婚...男o既係專一), 又如果妳係我, 妳會點做? 我想有一個家庭, 甚至小朋友,要唔要攤牌......又用咩形式同佢傾?<br /><br />在此先多謝各位p既意見/睇法。

  • I think your bf have the following reasons to not get marry with you:
    <br>1) He is afraid marriage status.
    <br>2) Maybe his parents was separated, making him afraid to marry.
    <br>Honestly, you can try to discuss this topic with him... of course in a good mood time.
    <br>For example, bring him to those friends that have childs and try to make him know you wanna to have baby and you wanna to marry him so much.
    <br>I this discussing is the better way for you at this moment.

  • Hi music,
    <br>thanks your reply.
    <br>It is not the case for point 2 that you mentioned above.
    <br>I have discussed with him tonight. He pointed out that I could not fulfil his basic requirments (he asked me to be on diet before), and he said I didn't treat him with "heart"...etc.
    <br>Finally our discussion broken. What can I do?
    <br>Anyway, thanks for your reply.

  • To be honest, I think he is not planning to build up a family.
    <br>So he raised a ton of excuses.
    <br>Why he said you can not fulfil his requirements... how about himself?
    <br>If he treat you with heart, he will not say this kind of things. So like a kid minded guy. TELL HIM TO THINK MORE MATURE LA~~~
    <br>I think you can not rely on this guy 100%, just believe him 20% is enough. Meanwhile, try to gave opportunity for other guys.

  • 他完全冇諗過同你一齊

  • 其實發現有問題就要講出黎架啦,越積越深仲弊...

  • 好多謝各位的回覆。
    <br>我第一句直接問他「其實你有無諗過幾時結婚?」,跟著他就說:「妳未能做到答應我的 (我答應他要減肥)...其實我的要求也不過份呀...」,之後,他就說我無"heart", "無付出""愛他不夠"...等等,他說「要我們有默契及認識足夠後才會和我結婚,妳唔好邐住結婚之後先慢慢認識..」。
    <br>你地有無意見比我,我下一步應該點做呢? 謝謝。

  • You are not his "ideal" wife because his heart already live w/ a model dream girl.
    <br>so he wants you to have be slim, more beautiful, be a good cook, can earn more, give him more freedom, be nice with him.....

  • To music:你都覺得佢根本唔想結婚,組織家庭? 我都有少少咁諗,點會一個35歲o既男人會咁...如果係單身鑽石王老五就話姐....
    <br>To man:"他完全冇諗過同你一齊" --> 咁點解佢又同我拍拖, 我地拍左5年幾啦。
    <br>To 車釐子人:多謝你o既意見,我就係忍唔住啦, 都5年有多,所以昨晚已正式問佢結婚的事。其實呢樣野擺左係我心都有一年有多。

  • To fish:
    <br>If it is the case, what suggestions you have to me? Leaving him? or "modifying" myself? Will he get another deny/excuse then?

  • I hope you can fight for your own future. Never need to care about your bf.
    <br>As a dirty minded, I will suggest you to find a SL. If this SL can make you feel to be his bride, try to be with him and get marry.
    <br>As a friend, I will suggest you to meet another guy, if this guy can give you secure feel and have plans for your future. Just quit the old one and be with this one.
    <br>If both are not selected, I think you will be wasting your life on this guy.
    <br>Good Luck~~~

  • Thanks Music

  • hill.hill,
    <br>我覺得佢嫌棄你不愛你, 而不是他所說的你不夠愛他.
    <br>他和你一起那麼久, 都知道你身形比較胖, 如果他真的愛你, 他不會計較.
    <br>我直覺還覺得他有其他女伴, 在找個更理想的對像

  • Hillhill

  • hillhill

  • No need to say thanks ~~~ But I hope you can leave from this thread asap. Because if you can leave here, that means you got a solution for your problem ma~~~ ^_^

  • 咁...你有幾肥?

  • Agreed with 66:

  • To: 66 & JJ
    <br>我 28, 無同居。所以我更加唔明點解會咁。
    <br>To: um
    <br>我 140 lb (170cm tall)
    <br>To: music
    <br>You are right! I can have a solution if I could end this thread. Hope to share with you later. Thanks.

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