你會唔會同一個唔係你最中意既人一齊(會結婚o個隻), 定係情願無拖拍無人要?

  • 生活圈子細,朋友都有拍拖, 無咩人岩..

  • 冇拖拍唔=冇人要喎!
    <br>如果係唔鍾意o既, 就唔會一齊啦, 有d 鍾意o既都仲可以接受! 唔係最鍾意咁即係鍾意, 有d 鍾意定係唔鍾意呀?

  • Don't settle for less

  • blues,
    <br>你講得好對..但係, 我好驚係咁揀,到頭來想揀都無,而且很久都沒有人追求,我就黎27歲了,唔知仲要等幾耐;我覺得自己好衰,因為他對我很好,又很照顧我,是個好男朋友,但就是我不太喜歡他的外表(他有點胖和肚腩,我不太鐘意..),我知道不應該為這個原因...我很怕在街上跟他一起撞見朋友,因為我介意別人笑...

  • Apart from his appearance, what else do you feel uncomfortable with him?
    <br>At my age (similar as yours), appearance is not on the top list in finding a guy.

  • I had a friend also same as you, she has someone chasing after her but she doesn't like his apperance. But I tell her if you are looking for a husband then all it matters is he love u and can take care of u, we all get old and what then?
    <br>If you insist on a handsome guy, so when you get old, will he go and find someone younger and more beautiful?
    <br>Anyway my friend took my advice and married him, now she is happy and have a daughter.

  • hm..apart from his appearance, other things seems alright, I know I shouldn't be too picky on one's appearance..as I'm not pretty as well, it's just that he is totally different from what I expected.. what do you think?

  • I believe in "good things go to the one who wait".
    <br>Good luck :D

  • 真係鍾意一個人係完全唔會介意佢既外表佢係點既... 你既小小鍾意即係條件性既鍾意
    <br>如果真係咁介意既話, 叫佢keep fit

  • ai.....

  • ok replied:
    <br>如果係唔鍾意o既, 就唔會一齊啦, 有d 鍾意o既都仲可以接受! 唔係最鍾意咁即係鍾意, 有d 鍾意定係唔鍾意呀?
    <br>joey replied:
    <br>真係鍾意一個人係完全唔會介意佢既外表佢係點既... 你既小小鍾意即係條件性既鍾意
    <br><~小小鍾意即係條件性既鍾意,真係鍾意一個人係完全唔會介意佢既外表,如果係唔鍾意o既, 就唔會一齊啦,有d 鍾意o既都仲可以接受!

  • 每個人都有缺點既,如果你賺佢肥,咁你都有你自己既缺點,睇下你可唔可以包容囉!

  • hi all, I have the same problem as well. I think I just like his qualifications, but I don't like his appearance (he is not ugly, normal guy look). And we are still in the stage of chasing. But at my age, I think I need to settle down to get married. And I think he is a good husband...

  • 我以前同你有少許相似
    <br>但佢真的對我好好, 好鍚我
    <br>至今一起已6年, 半年後結婚
    <br>希望你唔好咁膚淺, 單單為外表而拒絕一個機會, 但當然, 除咗外表之外, 你都忍受唔到佢其他野eg性格, 生活方式之類

  • 容許我加一把口、我今年30幾歳、太太其実係一個様子非常平凡一個人、我地結婚10年了、係呢十年来、有好多其他機会、全部都係20-30歳女仔。個様比太太好好多添。但毎次想来想去、都覚得太太有種比人好地方、吾会花好多$去化�蛚R衫、好識慳家之類。人同人相処、要慢慢去睇、有人外表好、人品差。外表差、人品好、更有D外表吾好、人又差。當然係外表又好、人又好、又経済好最好。始終對人係一世、都係慢慢揀好。

  • 你依家幾靚都好,人係會老的,歲月吹人,點靚都冇用la

  • nope

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