大家點睇d o系地鐵入面囉住部NDS黎打既港男?

  • 我好睇唔起佢地囉<br />而家香港d男人真係個個都係咁架?<br />對住部機認認真真,成個on9仔咁

  • o系地鐵入面囉住部NDS黎打既港男 vs 成日上she無人date既港女

  • 我老公撘車或者等人都係攞住部psp nds, 有咩問題呢, 佢平日係點你知咩, 咁肯定一定充實過你

  • 港男撘車成日傾電話講粗口, 講溝女, 去蒲吧又點呢?

  • HK is really a weird place. People are relatively childish when compared to people in other countries.
    <br>I have a thing with guys playing PSP in the public especially those in suits who are on their way to work in the morning time. (teenagers are fine ... PSP is meant to be something fun for teenagers).
    <br>Imagine your boss sees you on the bus or MTR and you are concentrating with your PSP game. What do you think your boss would think about your maturity? How do you think that would affect your career?
    <br>Grow up people ! Not saying that you can't play PSP but please don't do that in the public la...do it at home!

  • 又想開戰~?

  • <br>Rowena, I'm not surprise these people who hold a psp has an immediate superior who is also into psp. Same smell will clique ma! In asia, it's very common for men in their late 30's and early 40's behaving like kids. Many are proud and consider themselves kidult. They grew up with not much luxury and they are catching up for lost time. They cant be like this when they are a grandpapa.
    <br>If you can understand why ladies of this age group behave like babies, you'll understand why men are like this.

  • hrm.....i was raised somewhere else so obviously i have no idea about the "maturity culture" in this town. but that's what i saw - so different from the North American and European countries.
    <br>Lots of people in the States and Uk are poor too and weren't much educated but they're still naturally mature once hitting certain ages.

  • 有興趣參與以下活動嘛?
    <br>活動: 唱K
    <br>日期: 05/05
    <br>時間: 7pm
    <br>地點: 旺角new way city
    <br>詳情請 add [email protected]

  • Rowena, I guess the kind of Immauturity also exists in other countries but in a different way.
    <br>HK people, as well as Japanese are more into this kind of TV stuff.. I guess that's because we have limited outdoor space for sports & stuff.
    <br>Some grown-up Americans, who like to watch WWF wrestling, I consider them childish too. Everyone knows this wrestling is fake stuff.
    <br>Americans who nail themselves on the couch every weekend to watch football, I consider them immature too.
    <br>Despite all of the above, I personally, also detest adult men playing tv games in public, haha! But it's their life, their choice and it's not harmful to others. So, really none of my business. But I will not date these men lor... LOL

  • <br> Friday, April 20, 2007
    <br>What do you think of today's teens?
    <br> Copyright ©2007. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.
    <br>Why are many adults still obsessed with teenage preoccupations such as Hello Kitty, a reader asks.
    <br> Photo: May Tse
    <br>Many of Hong Kong's youngsters continue with adolescent-stage behaviour and appearance well into their 20s and even beyond.
    <br>It is a common sight to see women in their 20s with their handbags and mobile phones dangling with an assortment of children's toys.
    <br>And many an office boy in his 20s can be seen engrossed in a childish cartoon book or besotted with juvenile computer games.
    <br>How many office desks in Hong Kong are cluttered with Hello Kitty and other childlike items?
    <br>So, where do we draw the line between teenage behaviour and that of adults?
    <br>Rob Leung, Wan Chai
    <br> Saturday, April 21, 2007
    <br>What do you think of today's teens?
    <br> In reply to Rob Leung's letter (yesterday) on this question, I lived in Japan for two years and saw women well into their forties who lived up to the kawaii (cute) stereotype. Perhaps this is how women think they should behave to attract a mate?
    <br>And naturally what is popular in Japan soon attracts a cult following in Hong Kong and other Asian countries.
    <br>Of course, I am just generalising; this type of behaviour isn't limited to just the Japanese and certainly not just women either.
    <br>Jon Yau, Tai Po

  • <br>Lots of people in the States and UK are poor too and weren't much educated but they're still naturally mature once hitting certain ages.
    <br>The difference is HK people could afford more material comfort. If not, they will still spend on such luxury first instead of anything else.
    <br>We all "keep up with the Joneses" ..... regardless of 1950's, 60's ...... 2010

  • 我朋友中一移民去美國, 佢現在係大陸香港兩邊走, 月薪三十幾萬, 佢平日好鍾意打機, 亦愛打psp, 懂得氹女仔, 我唔相信佢呢種條件, 某部份自大又要求高女人又嫌棄

  • 大家點睇女人咁笨益哂設計師, 一個成皮幾兩皮又唔係真皮LV

  • <br>我朋友中一移民去美國
    <br>Most HK people migrated to western countries PHYSICALLY only. They turn the whole place upside down and no diff from HK. Most of them still speak chinglish because there was never a need for them to speak english. They didnt mix with the foreigners. They speak cantonese all the time while living overseas.
    <br>MENTALLY / SPIRITUALLY / EMOTIONALLY, they did not blend in at all. They are still park-fun-pak heung gong yan (or chung-kok-yan).

  • 9唔答8

  • <br>我朋友廣東話得唔在講, 你話佢百分百香港人, 又好似差點距離, 佢識女友全部鬼妹, 前妻都係一個ABC, 佢英文唔得佢點拿倒高薪厚職同鬼佬打交道

  • 有d人知d唔知d

  • 現今啲人好醒 , 唔會好似以前咁盲目睇你表面 , 會著重實質你有冇能力 , 能否做倒成果 , 你冇能力 , 就算你行為上滿口詩經.名牌.財經.政治 , 藝術都係o徒氣.

  • <br>
    <br>ummm .... your acceptance level is very moderate lor! You've never heard foreign bosses condemning: "xxx (or yyy) standard of english is appalling" I have.
    <br>高薪厚職 ---> many of them are overpaid.
    <br>Anyway, I like it that you thought so highly of your friend so much. I wish I have a friend like you. Your friend will be unlucky to have me as a friend.

  • First, mature and one's earning ability is not related. I found most of the people in HK equate the two.
    <br>Second, playing NDS is just one kind of entertainment. If anyone thinks it is immature to do that, I don't see any logic to not regard seeing movie, singing k, reading novel as immature too.

  • 見人見志啦. 我老公搵錢好辛苦, 得閒想咩都唔諗打下機; 係幾減壓的.

  • 唔好淨係話咩港男, 我見好多港女都係咁啦.
    <br>況且好多港女鍾意坐車時講長途電話, 係咁講人是非或者扮細路女把聲同條仔調情, 咪一樣難頂!!

  • 個個坐車, 成個老姑婆及和尚咁款, 岩哂你口味!

  • 見到佢地一路行一路打機戥佢地覺得危險, 坐車打機好傷對眼。
    <br>不過呢 d 野無分性別下嘛? 女仔都會拎住部 psp 係咁打, 男人一樣會中名牌毒。

  • 搭車你眼望我眼﹐唔打機唔通同人搭車時對親家咩﹖一個男人眼光光﹐樣好既D港女以為你對佢有意思﹐樣衰既D港女以為你係色狼。你D廢人﹐人地打機咪打機囉﹐關你鬼事﹖同你有親﹖你以為你係邊個﹐使唔使問過你先﹖痴線。

  • truth replied:

  • 男朋友平時做野好辛苦,一日13-14小時返工,又經常要出trip,壓力大到訓唔到覺,佢話有時出去做野夜晚好悶,打下機,我覺得幾好喎

  • 搭車你眼望我眼﹐唔打機唔通同人搭車時對親家咩﹖一個男人眼光光﹐樣好既D港女以為你對佢有意思﹐樣衰既D港女以為你係色狼。你D廢人﹐人地打機咪打機囉﹐關你鬼事﹖同你有親﹖你以為你係邊個﹐使唔使問過你先﹖痴線。
    <br>by truth - 04/25/07 02:39

  • 我好睇唔起佢地囉

  • 我好睇唔起佢地囉

  • 我估版主係一個女仔.
    <br> 你話人打機就係幼稚on9仔, 咁你地D女仔由十幾歲至廿幾三十歲成身都係hello kitty貼紙, hello kitty電話繩, 屋企就hello kitty公仔...
    <br> 咁你地自己又點?
    <br> 好明顯人地話港女自我中心真係冇講錯!!!

  • 有乜點睇啫? 有d人仲話要睇唔起人地. 人地係地鐡打機又冇得罪人, 使乜理人點睇? 諗下點睇人打機仲騎呢, 跟本就唔關佢地事又冇影響你, 有乜好諗?
    <br>好多人其實都好無聊, 人地係地鐡睇報紙又話整親隔離, 化妝打機又比人話睇唔起, 跟本人地做乜都都唔關你事啦, 你理得人咁多? 唔通個個坐地鐡都唔准郁唔准做第d野, 淨係准專心搭車, 好似上堂咁坐係度咩!

  • 佢想人地望佢呀﹐明唔明﹖

  • 大家唔駛為幼稚,偏激的版主而開火, 挖港男港女的瘡疤, 佢自己唔玩就唔鐘意人地玩, 唔係幼稚係咩?

  • 咁搞笑既, 咁就睇唔起人? 咁大聲講電話, 一邊睇八掛雜誌一邊講是講非, 周街攬攬鍚鍚果d, 你咪即場衝過去大巴大巴星死佢地? 我真係唔知有咩問題囉, 人地做自己野, 又冇影響到你, 唔通要個個都坐係到發曬呆咁先叫正常咩? 你都幾特別架喎, 睇唔起人? 咁你自己搭車時又做咩架? 我真係想知你有幾唔on9.

  • 其實搭車果陣打機同睇雜誌咪一樣,總之唔騷擾到人咪得囉。好似Baron所講,大聲講電話果d咪仲難頂!

  • Most HK people migrated to western countries PHYSICALLY only. They turn the whole place upside down and no diff from HK. Most of them still speak chinglish because there was never a need for them to speak english. They didnt mix with the foreigners. They speak cantonese all the time while living overseas.
    <br>MENTALLY / SPIRITUALLY / EMOTIONALLY, they did not blend in at all. They are still park-fun-pak heung gong yan (or chung-kok-yan).
    <br> by do u know
    <br>What about those foreigners who have been living in HK for over 10 years but still couldn't speak one chinese word, e.g. 早晨 ? So they are OK for not blending into the chinese society here?

  • what are you talking about, we are discussing people in HK playing NDS in public transit
    <br>if you wanna discuss how hongkie sxxks, start a new thread

  • 真係多鬼餘, 好女仔都係搭車時打機, 甘佢地又港女?

  • 其實有網友講得岩,男人在車上迷頭迷腦打機,唔多唔少,係會比人睇低。

  • 今次唔認同你, 我朋友撘車打psp, 佢比我呢啲唔打psp用腦好多, 我呢啲可以他他條慢慢做, 而佢以前讀大學part time degree一級榮譽, master 都可以拿優異, 由佢以前做散仔, 都可以升到管理級, 佢份工閒閒地都要每日返十個鐘, 近期星期六日都要返埋, 佢話我知返工撘車通常聽收音機留意時事, 放工等人唔係訓覺, 就係睇書.漫畫, pda, 打psp, 近排比老細迫得緊, 真係打多左psp, 放工返屋企, 一樣可以留意股市, 學習其他東西
    <br>仲有佢屋企發生好多事, 都係佢一手一腳處理, 佢唔用腦點擺平工作及家事

  • durc
    <br>你講既野, 有d道理, 但係只係apply係果d平時冇咩嗜好, 只係鍾意打機既人身上. 因為我地係地鐡睇一個人, 只係見佢一陣, 又唔識佢, 點知人地冇用其他時間諗野做planning, 睇書睇報紙? 你都睇唔到個full picture, 點可以咁快就conclude佢冇大志?

  • 兩位講得無錯,單憑晌車上見佢果一陣,點可能斷定佢真實個性?

  • 我以前同佢共事, 老細都知佢有睇漫畫打機, 日久見人心, 做唔做倒野, 老細有眼睇, 當然, 上新工, 未有成績表現, 新仔緊係要扮哂乖仔, 到你有咁上下江湖地位, 你露過真性情, 人地唔怪你, 鬼叫你做倒野咩

  • 比老板知你返工時間上she.com , 老細又點睇呢?
    <br>代表你無能 ? 太得閒無聊 ? 冇上進心 ? 偷懶都搵個股票網睇下1

  • durc, 我同意你.
    <br>呢到d人個個打機都有理由. 當街打機唔代表無用, 攬住hello kitty返工唔代表幼稚, 褲袋放一本龍虎門唔代表無文化.
    <br>岩既~ 不過始終第一個感覺好重要, 正如人靠衣裝, 好似專業人士著suit一樣, 無話唔比你著牛仔褲返工, 無話你著牛仔褲就會變得唔專業, 但係無專業人士會著牛仔褲返工囉.
    <br>印像同感覺o係商業社會係好重要. 你既行為舉止絕對影響到別人對你既印像. 如果我係客, 我唔會走去了解一個只係工作上有往來既人既真正性格. 但感覺令我覺得佢唔上進.

  • 即係著西裝專業人士都有好壞之分.
    <br>你同個客食飯傾公事. 係佢面前打機
    <br>你要將龍虎門同打機helllo kitty
    <br>你去機鋪, sarino , hallmark 等同入左一樓一鳳一樣
    <br>你係唔上進 . 第一眼你可以表面及吹水呃倒人 . 接觸多個三四次. boss 及客人開始心裡有數.

  • 打機/ 玩玩具/ 睇漫畫絕對相類似過你所形容既招妓.
    <br>如果利用工餘時候搭車拎黎睇一d增值既書, 無可否認, 比人感覺會好過拎住部機黎.
    <br>既然大家都認為要相處過, 接觸過先能夠真正了解一個人, 咁何不將自己比人既印像做好d? 無論相處過, 或者少接觸既客人都有個好印像?
    <br>專業人士的確可以著牛仔褲返工, 然後叫客人你慢慢認識你啦, 你係真材實料!

  • 大家記得李國章局長, 邊開會邊打PSP嗎 ? 邊個話老一輩唔打, 工作時間佢有權話你, 放工後, 同你一齊研究!

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