
  • hi, 我叫嘉芙,今年28歲,由細到大都好喜歡細路哥,但就好怕生bb既痛....

    今年我要經歷人生重大既考驗了,要做人媽媽了,預產期係7月,而家27 week, book了在QE生 (E利莎怕e院),上星期做檢查時,醫生話我個b既size比起個周數大碼,怕我有糖尿病,叫我做血糖test....好擔心唔pass要食餐單同打針...


  • hi my due date is 3rd July.... I am going to Queen Mary.... now is 28w... will go for 3D ultrasound in the next few days.... the doctor and nurses said my baby's size is normal, and I gained 20 lbs already, have to watch out in the next 2 months, hope I won't gain too much.... heheheh

  • Dear babyoiyan,

    Good to hear that, I also gain almost 30 lbs after pregnancy but fortunately I'm quite tall so tht it is not very obviously big in the belly....

    Do you know it's a babyboy or babygirl?

  • Hi elim,

    We will have a baby girl.... how about you?? The tummy is getting really big now... my target is around 25-30lbs.... hope I can make it.... hahhahaha

  • 我同你相反, 我26周都是在QE生, 但上個星期去做檢查, 醫生話我重得唔夠, 怕影響BB發育,叫我食多D, 但我真是無胃口, 都唔知點算好!

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