香港是一個專呃旅客既購物地獄, 請大家告訴大家港外的朋友�p要來香港購物!

  • 我經常往返國內工作, 一有機會我就同d國內同事或朋友宣揚香港係一個專呃遊客既污糟城市, 請大家告訴大家 "�p要來香港購物!"

  • 你唔好唱衰香港

  • 這是事實, 何謂唱衰?

  • 呢幾年香港己經無樣惦
    <br>呢舖仲唔清袋?lor lai jean ~

  • 話 香港騙人,大陸何嘗唔係?

  • 大陸人成日搵事忙o架啦~~~~~唔係佢地我地都唔洗咁慘~搵2餐o者!唔係自己貪又點會出事oY

  • 我去過星加坡果d舖,買o左個佢話係純銀加少少碎石o既吊咀(9xx)送俾阿媽,我阿媽一戴假o野會痕,結果?中曬啦!我可以點?又過去星加坡嘈?

  • 所有中國人都係見錢開眼既貪錢鬼, so cheap~

  • 我成日都上大陸玩, 跟d團咪又係成日帶我地去買野, 金銀珠寶礸石玉器乜都有。
    <br>有d好明顯係好假, 話幾萬減到幾千, 唔通你又信咩, 要自己用個腦諗吓架嘛

  • Yes, please don't come to Hong Kong anymore.
    <br>We don't want the FreeWalkers anyway.
    <br>They just benefit certain shops, not contributing a lot to the whole economy. Total tourism industry just contributes 6-8% of the total GDP.
    <br>We relied too much on Mainland FreeWalkers and their contribution was totally overrated. And the city's resources, style, attractions totally lean to their taste... which is obviously a worse taste than the original Hong Kong style.
    <br>We should get back to the good old HK style and attract more high yield travellers like European, Middle Easterns, Japanese, American. Forgot about the Chinese. They just spent much on jewellery, watches and brand name products. With their mentality, they are not benefiting good restaurants, chic shops, good hotels.

  • 哇哈哈,中國人呃中國人

  • 香港只係有一少部份嘅害群之馬,呃錢但無傷害人,一旦穿咗煲,係會受到法律制裁,但大陸人呃錢之餘,仲可能會做埋啲危害他人生命/健康嘅事,例如:比錢先救人,假藥,假食品,過期食品,死豬肉制造食品,加入致癌物等...

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