英文太差,唔該幫我用英翻譯以下中文 (1)07年3月份的发票正本是否收到?   (2)我司於07年4月2日已经将贵司的《3月份发票正本、Debit Note和Statement》 寄给贵司了,现在不知是否已经收到?烦请回復!

  • (1)07年3月份的发票正本是否收到? 

    - Have you received the original invoice of Mar. 2007 ?

    (2)我司於07年4月2日已经将贵司的《3月份发票正本、Debit Note和Statement》寄给贵司了,现在不知是否已经收到?烦请回復!

    - We have already sent you the following documents on Apr. 2, 2007 : -

    Original Invoice of Mar.

    Debit Note


    Have you received it yet ? Pls advise !

    希望可以幫到你啦 !

    不過, 呢D係簡單到連基本小學生都識嘅英文喎, 你都唔識 ? 如果你仲想做呢份工, 我諗你真係要去補習吓啦 !

  • 我會架啦!多謝曬你呀!

  • 翻譯

    你都識講係documents啦,點會係have you received it呀?

  • Editor,

    This "it" doesn't mean to those documents, but the mail or parcel or the message.

    Business English is not like that formal, especially when you are communicating by e-mail or fax. In fact, some english words can be described as different meaning, depends on when or where you use the word, this is very different than Chinese.

  • Editor,

    Just double checked the dictionary, and there is an explanation for the word "it" :-

    You use "it" to refer in general way to a situation that you have just described.

    Example : He was through with "sports", not because he had to be but because he wanted "it" that way.

    In this sentence, SPORTS is a plural noun, but then the following sentence is using "it" to describ the situation of "was through", that's why we can use "it".

    Any further questions ?

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