How far will you go in a SP relationship with a married man?

  • What will you expect from your SP?  If the longer you konw your SP the more you feel he is not a suitable one, yet you have fallen in love, what will you do?<br /><br />The more I know my SP, the more I feel he is very different from when I first knew him.  Character wise, I would say because I sort of know him better so finding the true him is actually not the one I knew from his description.<br /><br />I am struggling to end the relationship.  In fact, the truth is I no longer sure if I do indeed love him.  Very confusing not to know what to do.<br /><br />Any suggestions?

  • [email protected] he has gf and u have bf ma?

  • <br>sorry
    <br>he has wife
    <br>but why u would like him if u know he has wife
    <br>do u think u are not mature ar
    <br>too bad

  • SP is as the name suggest, its not love, its not friendship its just a fling. The only struggle you'll have to end the relationship is to give up the sex. but if you have feelings for him, then its not classed as SP

  • SP = secret partner. can't have love?

  • What love, Love is with their real partner and you as a toy are looking for love? What kind of logic behind it. It's only SEX SEX SEX, that's the different between a toy and a mate.

  • Jee, these days the Toys are getting annoying

  • Please respect LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    <br>You don't know the meaning of True Love ...
    <br>what a poor ...
    <br>please don't do it ....... for respecting yourself only .

  • I am not a toy. Even if he is married, can still have true love. Just that he may not be my true love after all.

  • What's true love? You are expecting someone who had promised his wife his true love and later on having another true love with another woman? Is that what you mean? Then I wonder how many true loves one man can offer in a life. A dollar a true love, come and take a look! Hahaha. True Love hahaha. SP/SL speaking of true love hahaha. What a gimmick in this forum.

  • 就算你有幾愛呢個人, 係呢d situation (人地已經有個家庭) , 你地既關係係永遠都唔會被應同的.
    <br>唔好再做d破壞人地家庭既事... 就算佢地之間有幾多問題....

  • Thanks JoelinB.
    <br>Am trying to do my best.

  • 我知道有時愛既感覺係好難控制,不過....有時...有d野係對你對佢都好的.

  • I know, leaving him is actually what I should do cos there's definitely no future between us as he will never leave his family due to the children commitment. I always come 2nd.

  • I'm a married man & have SP, I ask her to stop relationship many time, I say let's try stop each other..... but she refused, she say she will stop when she feel it's time to go. So, I belive there's love there but not like husband & wife love lor

  • 你老婆真係可憐﹐比你扼左佢一生既幸福。佢父母都可憐﹐生個女出來比你折磨。

  • JJ 唔知你有無生幾個女出來比我地玩呢﹖

  • Well i think that this can hurt you in the end so you need to think hard. I am an open minded person but i have seen people hurt in secret relationships. A friend of mine had a fling with a married man and kept getting back together and breaking up with him. He will never leave his wife. It is very sad as she is a nice girl and wasted many youthful years on him- she is still with him and he promised to leave the wife but who knows. There are many other important things in life. For me, I wont be able to take the secrecy and the loneliness. I hope things get better for you soon

  • 我唔覺得破壞人地家庭既人你可以稱之為NICE囉。唔通仲要頒個獎比佢話佢傷害別人簡直係天使既所為咩。

  • 我識有個朋友佢今年 4x, 有 N 個 SP before, 最高紀錄其中一個係 14 歲....我真係...唉...唔知點講....
    <br>佢自己都有兩個女, 都係 1x 歲, 我心諗: 小心報應.....

  • hihi,我有182cm高,性格好開朗,好多野講,同我一起多數妳都唔會覺悶,妳唔開心,我會想辦法令妳開心,仲係一個好識製造浪漫既情人,妳想搵人傾計,我會好樂意做妳既聆聽者,現想小姐妳俾機會我認識妳,如有興趣可以add我msn
    <br>"[email protected]"

  • alan019
    <br>u can kiss my A>S>S & Fuxk 7 u la...try to act like a mother fuxker nice guy....holly mother fuxking guy ...diew la sing !!! Go to fuxking hell now !!!!!!!!

  • Clo...I feel more poor is u !!!! Because u don't know what the hell is I'm talking about !!!! But ...nevermind, I'm not talking to u ( damn fool ) u r such a low life & go suffle your a.s.s somewhere else please !!!

  • Sorry SP...I just try to tell u my feeling, dun know those stupid shxt head pop-up for their BS. Again F U >>> alan019 !!! Clo .>>> dun fuxking judge people b4 u know them.

  • 搶完野玩唔好扮慘~

  • I ask her to stop relationship many time, I say let's try stop each other..... but she refused, she say she will stop when she feel it's time to go. So, I belive there's love there but not like husband & wife love lor
    <br>by JJ - 04/18/07 03:51
    <br>maybe you should check with your wife and kid and seek their precious opinion on whether you should have a new SP.

  • I dun know but there seems to be a common thinking that being a SP = 破壞人地家庭. This is a very incorrect thinking.
    <br>I never maintain that what I am doing is correct but if you think 破壞人地家庭 is due to a relationship with a married person, you are an extremely naive person.

  • we have all heard "if it ain't broken, dun fix it", but what if the marriage is broken, rotten and smelly?
    <br>fix it, certify it, and true it's gonna cost you, but Just do It.

  • Some people choose to fix a marriage but some choose to ignore it and find someone whom he/she can share things with. This relationship is even harder than having a marriage.
    <br>Only a SP will understand.

  • but some choose to ignore it and find someone whom he/she can share things with -> 即係逃避責任

  • wife
    <br>what a 逃避責任. true, so those men who depend on SP are morons anyway.

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