有冇人出去做過guinot facial (機)or Sothys Facial .. 要幾$$$??? where to do ar? thx

  • 睇吓係邊區做

    over $350

  • 聽she d sister 講係尖沙咀有個 emxxx beauty , 做guinot 機facial $280, 不過又有d sister 講佢唔係用guinot 料

  • hi may,

    icic.. where is yr faical salon ar ?

    i want to find one at mongkok or shatin ..

    is it good at yours ??


  • in physical about $750 but good service and enviroment

  • eva,

    yes ar.. i also heard that Elernity Beauty, right? may be wrong spelling.. hee~

    bcoz someone said it may be fake one.. so, i won't try it la...

    any other suggestion ?? and reasonable price and good services and not too hard sell law..

  • guinot facial 我係上環做 hk$380一次, 做完好滑, 倫確靘曬 (keep 到幾日架炸) :p 我影i.d. card 之前果晚去做.....影出黎真係slim 曬, 冇左包包面....ke ke

  • Physical ar.. 750 per time.. but if i join the package .. how much ar ?

    actually, i am physical gym's member

  • janice,

    上環 is a bit far from me.. hee.. any kowloon side ar ?

    380 is reasonable price la..

    for my problem, i want to hydrate my face and firm it too..

    i used to try sothys oxygen line facial . .but now want to change to guinot or other faical salon ..

  • $750 好似貴d, 佢地用guniot 定 Sothys 產品

  • .

  • i want to know too..

    pls share .

  • Janice,

    where about in Sheung Wan? does it include the eye area? do the girls there ''hard sell"?

  • ga111: this is the package price aleady

    yy: they have both guniot and sothys facial

  • I have tried the $280 Guinot facial in Etxxxxx for 1 year, but I don't think they are fake...? so strange since I have joined other salon for Guinot before, including Physical (but too expensive) and one in Central (also very very expensive). Heard from the girl in Etxxx that they guess the rumor is from another competiting salon..anyway, I don't care, as long as my face is good.

    Personally I like Guinot very much, since very moisturing. but heard about sothys recently, and would like to try, but any suggestion?

  • btw, gal11, I used to be the cal gym member, but my membership is going to expire, I think it is too expensive, and wonder to join other? mind to tell how much you paid for Physical gym, thanks a lot ar.

  • hi strange,

    oh.. really ? then i want to try eternityxx.. la.. hee

    may be try the first time sin la.. but 280 didn't include eye wor.. it need add 70 more..

  • wah, gal11, you know so much already. :) personally, I think it's ok, since I have 2 friends already doing guinot there (of course introduced by me since it's really not expensive.. I did it at $830 in Central...poor)

    Of course I also queried their low price at the beginning, but they told me the salon is at a low rent since the place is owned by their relative and they bought the salon products at half price from Guinot by bulk purchase, I then think it is reasonable..anyway, u try it yourself and judge la. :)

    btw, would u mind share with me your membership price in Physcial? since mine in Cal will be expired next week!!! urgent!! thanks!!! :))))

  • btw, is it hard sell in Physical? since in Cal, they always urged me to join their trainer session! too hard sell and disturb!!!

  • hi strange,

    wow.. 8xx for one facial it is too expensive for me lu..

    thx, i will try try enternity soon...

    Physcial ?? i am just their gym member ja.. i haven't tried they facial b4.. so.. do u mix up sth.. hee~~

    Except Guinot, have u tried sothys facial ??

    actually, i have sothys at labelle where locate at tst too... it is expensive too.. around 4xx per one after u join the package ar...

  • I'm interested in Sothys facial as well. Any good facial salon and reasonable price?

    Does Eternity has any website I can check out about their facial services?

    My friend's doing Guinot facial but at H2O facial salon. Very strange. I tried once. Pretty good for hydration.

  • btw, is it hard sell in Physical? since in Cal, they always urged me to join their trainer session! too hard sell and disturb!!!

    by strange - 03/14/06 12:00

    physical never hard sell! dun worry!

  • 不要去eternity..., 完全唔掂, 我都係比佢地o係she.com d留言呃左去

  • .. ,

    e.. why eternity is not good ar.. ?? hmm.. then.. where i choose ne..

    yes.. sothys is good too but expensive ar...

    i tried its THI3 facial .. ok ga...

  • Hi gal11,

    Where's THI3? How much are their facials?

  • 最初做都ok...愈做愈愈衰, 按摩又是但求其, 一d都唔可以用舒服來形容, 做facial應該係享受, 但我完全唔想再浪費時間去佢度做。我仲有幾次我都放棄左無去做lu..

    我唔會介紹你去邊做好啦, 因我真係普通消費者, 唔想比人以為我係seller,亦唔想人地以為我為左我e+做o個間facial house中傷eternity, 我只係唔想係"side"$$

  • oh..it seems different ppl has different feeling..anyway, as a customer, I think eternity is good to me and my friends. Anway la, I don't care what others said, maybe different ppl has different feeling. :)

    gal11, am I mixed up? u said you are a gym members in physcial? I just wonder to join their gym and would like to know the price ar! ^^

    Sothys facial? I am interested too, I have heard labelle before, but haven't tried, as also heard some bad words here..hmm....I like the previous messageborad more, now I really don't know who is telling truth and who is telling lies..anyway, I'll try it myself

    but how do u think sothys facial? I choose guinot at the beginning since I like machine facial more...

  • 我屋企樓下有一間做Sothys facial 買course價佢話一次only $180 , 我諗係基本treatment囉, 因為我去過第二間到問, 第二間要$280, 其他treatment (lifting, 深層moisture etc..)要差唔多$600, 咁算唔算貴呢?

  • 我屋企樓下有一間做Sothys facial 買course價佢話一次only $180 , 我諗係基本treatment囉, 因為我去過第二間到問, 第二間要$280, 其他treatment (lifting, 深層moisture etc..)要差唔多$600, 咁算唔算貴呢?

  • Janice,

    where about in Sheung Wan? does it include the eye area? do the girls there ''hard sell"?

    by gloomykiki - 03/13/06 20:26

    近蘇行街....um....有間ok附近有間賣果汁既士多果條行.......你可以打去問....2581 3636 ming's beauty.....都唔算 hard sell

  • I try the Guinot's facial in Tseung Kwao O, $650/times ahhhhh! But my comments is feeling no good & no effects.

  • strange,

    yes, i am physical gym member ar, and i join the plan 2300 for 1 year .. can go to shatin law..

    THI3 is the hydrating line of sothys ar, i think it is good, but may be the facial is expesive la.. and i go to have it may be once a month .. so, can't keep the bright result law.. now, i just want to buy some sothys or guinot skincare and use it at home... and less go to have faical lu..

    because i think the money a bottle of serum or cream is equal to what i spent at one time facial ... so, i prefer buying homecare instead to have expenisve facial...

    and i will choose machine facial law.. bcoz i can't have it at home ma..

  • .

  • strange

    the guinot facial at eternity is it done by the machine?

  • where to do sothys facial in quarry bay? thanks for sharing.

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