
  • She都不知幾多勁男,個個都話自己至少6寸,至小30分鐘,為女仔口交又點叻,又幾叻前奏剩係摸都搞到人高潮,又有人話苦練過可以令人潮吹,個個都高等教育良好職業,為人又細心健談,個個話自己又大方成熟經濟又穩定.............冇玩she既女仔緊唔知香港好多勁男喇!不過.............吹牙吹,吹.............

  • man likes to boast around, you dont know

  • 香港大多數有心無力嘅男人都係書聚首一堂,你唔得咗講佢哋個個都好闊卓,幾萬上落包呢個包果個TG玩㗎.......越南盾。

  • 岩架啦,配合番呢度女既質素嘛!

  • 唔好講其他,淨係英文或者一般表達能力,書男都已經輸突啦。眼見好多女就係度吹水姐,真係文又唔得,武又唔得,書男係度都唔知係度博咩?

  • zoe
    <br>if u are good at english, why dont u write in english?

  • 搏趙完鬆囉~ 哈~~

  • eric replied at 2015-07-23 10:08 am
    <br>if u are good at english, why dont u write in english?

  • LoveCunnilingus replied at 2015-07-23 10:13 am
    <br>搏趙完鬆囉~ 哈~~

  • Zoe replied at 2015-07-23 10:21 am
    <br>eric replied at 2015-07-23 10:08 am
    <br>if u are good at english, why dont u write in english?
    <br>哈哈,咁你又點知個d醒目好多嘅書男唔係我用既其他alias 呢?

  • zoe, 轉數慢就唔好了交嗌啦, 醒少少, 唔使俾人小呀

  • zoe 係咪中過好多次地雷,有感而發?

  • Zoe replied at 2015-07-23 10:21 am
    <br>eric replied at 2015-07-23 10:08 am
    <br>if u are good at english, why dont u write in english?

  • eric replied at 2015-07-23 10:35 am
    <br>Zoe replied at 2015-07-23 10:21 am
    <br>eric replied at 2015-07-23 10:08 am
    <br>if u are good at english, why dont u write in english?
    <br>哈哈,咁你又點知個d醒目好多嘅書男唔係我用既其他alias 呢?

  • 你哋唔駛用激將法喇,仲細咩?我要用咩語言回,其實都係睇對方係咩料嘅,畫公仔唔駛吓吓畫到出腸呀。

  • zoe唔好同班she廢嘈,狂莽自大認屎認屁習慣丟架佢地强項,佢地做慣大作家............我地唔夠佢地叻架

  • Tammy 我今日見到你開嘅題,覺得好好笑,反正我今天又冇咩野做悶到嘔。同佢地狗噏吓先可以打發時間 Hahahahaha

  • she廢係keyboard度係好勇猛,做到好多角色,有富豪文人好人超人猛人!離開keyboard就得反一個角色做........抬不起頭的廢人

  • Zoe replied at 2015-07-23 11:32 am
    <br>eric replied at 2015-07-23 10:35 am
    <br>Zoe replied at 2015-07-23 10:21 am
    <br>eric replied at 2015-07-23 10:08 am
    <br>if u are good at english, why dont u write in english?
    <br>哈哈,咁你又點知個d醒目好多嘅書男唔係我用既其他alias 呢?
    <br>same applies to yr question "你又知我冇用其他alias寫英文?"

  • Zoe replied at 2015-07-23 11:48 am
    <br>Tammy 我今日見到你開嘅題,覺得好好笑,反正我今天又冇咩野做悶到嘔。同佢地狗噏吓先可以打發時間 Hahahahaha

  • 仲要廢到用幾個alias扮幾個人寸人...d人真係以為自己用唔同alias周圍傾就無人知...

  • Zoe replied at 2015-07-23 11:32 am
    <br>eric replied at 2015-07-23 10:35 am
    <br>Zoe replied at 2015-07-23 10:21 am
    <br>eric replied at 2015-07-23 10:08 am
    <br>if u are good at english, why dont u write in english?
    <br>哈哈,咁你又點知個d醒目好多嘅書男唔係我用既其他alias 呢?

  • Tammy replied at 2015-07-23 11:42 am
    <br>睇完你條thread, 不禁諗起個d一味鬧自己公司點唔好,點冇得救,但又冇本事轉工迫住留係度做既人, 哈哈~~

  • eric replied at 2015-07-23 11:54 am
    <br>Tammy replied at 2015-07-23 11:42 am
    <br>睇完你條thread, 不禁諗起個d一味鬧自己公司點唔好,點冇得救,但又冇本事轉工迫住留係度做既人, 哈哈~~

  • tammy
    <br>on what ground 你可以話人係she 廢呢?如果上黎就係既話,你同zoe 都上黎喎!
    <br>make a statement w/o ground to support, feel so pathetic for u.

  • eric 阿 eric
    <br>不過可以講你知,係呢條線入面,醒目一定無你eric份ok? 你問到咁對唔住都要講句喇,醒目同阿eric你有好大段距離。

  • 請大家冷靜.....冷靜

  • 冇視象咋,我其實係好冷靜咁係到同阿eric狗噏㗎

  • http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english-chinese-traditional/pathetic_1
    <br>跟據cambridge dictionary, pathetic means sad. are u telling me feeling sad is wrong?

  • Zoe replied at 2015-07-23 12:17 pm
    <br>eric 阿 eric
    <br>不過可以講你知,係呢條線入面,醒目一定無你eric份ok? 你問到咁對唔住都要講句喇,醒目同阿eric你有好大段距離。
    <br>例如人問起邊個唔識用英文答人地英文問題,我就可以好簡單咁答...tammy 開既"我反對人地話香港冇好男人"呢條thread 裹面既zoe 囉, 哈哈~~

  • eric 阿 eric
    <br>本來諗住入嚟殺吓時間,點知遇著你呢件難纏仲要IQ負數嘅書男,今次唔bail out都唔得。至於你嘅英文問題,因為免費時段已過,你要繼續上網搵吓其他解釋,仲要睇吓自己消化吸收到嘅多,我就幫你唔到喇。

  • <br>
    <br> 爛佬鬥潑婦
    <br> ~~~ 劇終 ~~~

  • 啲書男英文咁差仲以為自己好醒,又成日寸人 correct 人。

  • 兵敗如山倒,有人節節敗退,哈~~

  • Rose replied at 2015-07-23 12:57 pm
    <br>啲書男英文咁差仲以為自己好醒,又成日寸人 correct 人。
    <br>so, in yr opinion, the phrase "feel pathetic" is wrong or not?

  • Rose replied at 2015-07-23 12:57 pm
    <br>啲書男英文咁差仲以為自己好醒,又成日寸人 correct 人。
    <br>你又搞錯,係有人冇料想correct 人,點知佢自己功力未夠,未夠班又要學串人,返去學好英文先再講吧!

  • eric replied at 2015-07-23 1:01 pm
    <br>Rose replied at 2015-07-23 12:57 pm
    <br>啲書男英文咁差仲以為自己好醒,又成日寸人 correct 人。
    <br>so, in yr opinion, the phrase "feel pathetic" is wrong or not?
    <br>That's hk style English, need me to go further?
    <br>I have chatted with other she guys and their English is....I'm sorry.....

  • Rose replied at 2015-07-23 12:57 pm
    <br>啲書男英文咁差仲以為自己好醒,又成日寸人 correct 人。

  • i hv no comments for other she guys level of english.
    <br>i heard such in bbc tv programmes b4, if u still believe it's hk style, i hv nothing to say.

  • Zoe replied at 2015-07-23 1:08 pm
    <br>Rose replied at 2015-07-23 12:57 pm
    <br>啲書男英文咁差仲以為自己好醒,又成日寸人 correct 人。

  • Rose replied at 2015-07-23 1:06 pm
    <br>eric replied at 2015-07-23 1:01 pm
    <br>so, in yr opinion, the phrase "feel pathetic" is wrong or not?
    <br>That's hk style English, need me to go further?
    <br>I have chatted with other she guys and their English is....I'm sorry.....
    <br>Rose, that's a good one! I laugh so hard that my stomach hurts like hell. 咁佢都仲要問,好快啲搵蜷啦,真係笑死冇命賠。
    <br>唔好比佢停呀~ Hahaha

  • eric replied at 2015-07-23 1:08 pm
    <br>i hv no comments for other she guys level of english.
    <br>i heard such in bbc tv programmes b4, if u still believe it's hk style, i hv nothing to say.
    <br>Have you lived abroad? Did you understand their idioms and semantics, slangs and sarcasus?
    <br>You must have got the wrong idea, you only feel pathetic to yourself regarding certain events but you're using it in an incrroect way.
    <br>This is the exact problem I have with other she guys, the so call "chinglish", I don't even want to use this word but at the end of the day, if its wrong is wrong.

  • rose
    <br>so, in yr opinion, "feel sad" is wrong too?
    <br>many said "long time no see" is chingish, but nvr learn it's already included in the dictionary, hahaha

  • Rose replied at 2015-07-23 1:27 pm
    <br>eric replied at 2015-07-23 1:08 pm
    <br>i hv no comments for other she guys level of english.
    <br>i heard such in bbc tv programmes b4, if u still believe it's hk style, i hv nothing to say.
    <br>Have you lived abroad? Did you understand their idioms and semantics, slangs and sarcasus?
    <br>You must have got the wrong idea, you only feel pathetic to yourself regarding certain events but you're using it in an incrroect way.
    <br>This is the exact problem I have with other she guys, the so call "chinglish", I don't even want to use this word but at the end of the day, if its wrong is wrong.
    <br>feel pathetic to yourself regarding certain events...mind to quote a relevant reference to support ?
    <br>w/o relevant reference, i m afraid yr point cant be accepted.

  • 嚟傾下消磨時間,點解要嘈?
    <br>Now, I really feel pathetic that I replied to this thread.

    <br>啲書男英文咁差仲以為自己好醒,又成日寸人 correct 人。
    <br>OMFG Rose, I wish I was as patient and kind as you! Might as well rest your case. You won't get anywhere by throwing pearls before swine. So there :-)

  • eric replied at 2015-07-23 1:30 pm
    <br>so, in yr opinion, "feel sad" is wrong too?
    <br>many said "long time no see" is chingish, but nvr learn it's already included in the dictionary, hahaha
    <br>Sad and pathetic are different words.
    <br>Chinglish and idioms are different things too, before you can understand what they are, our chat end here.
    <br>What you think this is? Free English lessons? LOL

  • Rose replied at 2015-07-23 1:35 pm
    <br>Now, I really feel pathetic that I replied to this thread.
    <br>你如果寫過dessertation 都知要有reference support, 你又攞唔出,我就攞左cambridge dictionary 做reference,你呢?
    <br>如果可以feel pathetic for yourself, why not to be used for others? so illogical, hahaha~~

  • Rose replied at 2015-07-23 1:44 pm
    <br>eric replied at 2015-07-23 1:30 pm
    <br>so, in yr opinion, "feel sad" is wrong too?
    <br>many said "long time no see" is chingish, but nvr learn it's already included in the dictionary, hahaha
    <br>Sad and pathetic are different words.
    <br>Chinglish and idioms are different things too, before you can understand what they are, our chat end here.
    <br>What you think this is? Free English lessons? LOL
    <br>of course they are diff words, but according to cambridge dictionary pathetic means sad (1st definition).
    <br>so if i can stay u r stupid, but cant say u r foolish, because they are diff words, LOL~~~

  • Rose replied at 2015-07-23 1:44 pm
    <br>What you think this is? Free English lessons? LOL
    <br>Exactly right?!! Hahahahaha
    <br>He is such a joke, a typical she guy who "thinks out of his butt", ok this is chinglish so I hope he at least understands this, but we will never know. Hahahahaha

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